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Status Updates posted by Sweettreasurer

  1. haha lol!..you are really sexy!!XD

  2. haha maybe boxer short is fit too you!!XDlol

  3. you mean you snap only that at screenshot?..i think that's hard to do!..i think your so unbelievable that's too many shot!..

  4. haha the boxer be burned bcuz of your sexxinest!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  5. haha you love to do that thing!..

  6. Hongie long time no talk!lol..do you know the real site of beast?..bcuz i didn't know lol i'm so shy!

  7. thanks for visiting my profile!..have a nice day^^..

  8. hi have a nice day^^..

  9. haha it's ok hongie!^^..

  10. Take a Rest for a while unnie!..we are the same lol!..MATH SUBJECT MAKING ME CRAZY!..IT'S TOO HARD UNNIE~!!!

  11. btw your profile pic is cute! :D lol

  12. hi have a nice day!^^..

  13. hehe!..how are you?..

  14. oh! my comment did go through! I didn't see it so I thought I failed at posting on your profile LOL

    i'm doing good... just working !_! it's like 8am TT___TT what about you?

    lol sometimes i was like that!..very fine here is kinda 11:35 pm!lol..

  15. i'm grade 6 so we are in PEMDAS!..do you know bout that?..

  16. hi have a nice day^^..

  17. hi have a nice day!^^..

  18. hi have a nice day^^..

  19. hi,have a nice day!^^..i love your profile pic!..it's so cute haha lol! :P

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