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Status Updates posted by cookietoaster

  1. Hello again. Didn't know you're online.

  2. I'm going to go off now. It's nearly 10PM where I live. Talk to you another time LOL

  3. thanks for adding me back ^^

  4. Good friends? Okay ^^ Sorry. I haven't replied you till now. I've even forgotten what we last talked about? Wasn't it because I visited your page? =D I haven't been on in a few days that's why. Seeya around? :P

  5. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my page. ^^

  6. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my page. ^^

  7. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my page. ^^

  8. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my page. ^^

  9. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my page. ^^

  10. See you around in the Shoutbox. That's where I usually lurk around here ^^

  11. nice meeting you too? ^^

  12. My profile is empty LOL. I don't think that's going to change any time soon :P See ya around ^^

  13. Hey there, thanks for visiting my page. LOL. Its so empty right? ^^ And I think it's going to stay that way :P

  14. Hey dude. Visited your page & commented? Happy now? LOL. ^^

  15. Yeah. Thanks ^^

    Luckily, my suburb didn't get affected. My house is fine, & so am I.

  16. Yeah. Np. See you around the Shoutbox? =P

  17. I'm going to add you as a friend dude. just for the sake of it. LOL =P

  18. Oh. Wow. You're a guy LOL. I thought you were a girl Hahaahaha. Brings us back to the gender-guessing thing in the Shoutbox earlier. =P

  19. Because your username is 'Bread', some other users in the Shoutbox suggested I added you as a friend since - you know - I'm a 'toaster'. LOL. Lame, I know. See you around ^^

  20. Ah. No. Too much effort. :P

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