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Everything posted by aivilo

  1. im glad that leader finally gets to show off another side of her. but im afraid i cant watch, cos its freaking horror -.- they should let the girls act in one movie that is normal, i say, so that pple like me can watch.
  2. dayum, i love your collection. i didnt know you were a huge (?) snsd fan too =/ and jessica<3

  3. i hope jiyeon can join back with them again to perform, i need to see jiyeon on stage again. but at the same time, i dont really want her to stress herself too much.
  4. congrats to the girls! i hope they will continue to receive lots of love for "Like the beginning"
  5. hi there. jessica?

  6. Hi there lisa! sorry for the late welcome, but dayumm welcome to the graphics team! Hope you can contribute much in my absence. since im on hiatus.

  7. gorgeous as ever! i cant wait for their mini album. -dies-
  8. he reminds me of someone, not jiyeon. can't tell who he resembles. but dude, their eyes are alike!
  9. eunjeong is really gorgeous enough in the past, she became prettier now.
  10. i'm glad the song is doing well now! lies is def. a great song.
  11. i can imagine life without a cellphone, cos i dont use it much. but not internet. damn.
  12. huge fan of snsd that is. and yeah a fan of SJ too(: nice to meet you(:

  13. netizens need to stop digging out photos and compare them. dont they get tired doing the freaking same thing to all artist. get a life, seriously.
  14. urgh, netizens should give the girls a break. it's not like they can perfect it once or twice. pfft.
  15. lmao. she looks shorter than 160 XD but that makes her cute<3 and with that hair of hers = win.
  16. If she debut back then with soshi i would still love her. Now that she's in tiara i can't seem to picture her in snsd anymore. But she's all good in tiara now. I hope to see future collaboration btw soshi and tiara(:
  17. damn, jiyeon is hella tall in that pic. sexy pic
  18. i prefer lies to wanna play! since it's something closer to my expectations from the girls. the MV is pretty good up till now, i cant wait for the whole MV to be out(:

    i love you.

  20. though its kinda happy for fans to hear their song, but i guess its hard on CCM since they invest so much on it, and wanted a surprise for fans. and gosh, i hope taeyeon won't be the topic for bash-.-
  21. i'm glad the girls are getting recognize even before debut<3 it will be good exposure for all of them.
  22. i actually love t-ara smoky & sexy look over the bowl cut image -.- 2 of my fav. bands battling it out<3 i love them.
  23. awww. babysitting is fun, no? i love babies<3 not toddlers though.

  24. im no fan of bowl cut -.- it makes the girls look weird. urgh
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