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Everything posted by dora2

  1. hehe..well, idk.. they used to say that im a bad tempered person.. LOL..

    hm, i can say, both of it are good courses to be enrolled to.. seriously.. =)

    i havent decided yet since maybe marine science or ecotoxicology..

  2. yeah, definitely..

    thanx for the advice then.. =)

  3. that must be cute..hehe.. lucky you..

    im the eldest one, so, no one treat me like a baby then.. LOL..

    exactly.. so, what course are u planning to enrol to?

  4. all your siblings..hm, let me guess, are u the youngest one?

    well, honestly.. idk.. i had good and bad times equally, in all these years..

    but i really like those time when i were still studying, it was a hectic period, but i enjoyed myself alot.. so, thats probably the reason, why id be getting back there in next sem.. haha..

  5. yeah, such a coincidence..! thanx btw..

    really, wow, i feel younger than.. hehe..

    im 23 this year..

  6. exactly..

    but being in force would be good too, its challenging..

    anyway, as long as u r happy in whatever you are doing, that means freedom and being carefree.. hehe..

  7. haha.. yeah, the quote really fit with it..

    i wish i could be a police officer, but my eyesight is not that good.. so, its a big no for me..

  8. yeah, i guess we are in the same boat.. but in different cabin.. LOL..

    ill be furthering my study in the next sem, so, i guess, i should be working at the moment too... hehehe.. all the best for u then! =)

  9. i did that too.. almost everyday..

    i can say, its a nice place to hang out too.. =)

    hm, so are u still studying?

  10. yeah,, exactly! me too.. hi-5!

    well, if u come here, who knows, i can be your tourist guide, LOL..

    anyway, what are you doing rite now?

  11. rite! but personally, i found france has difficult pronunciation, still.. its interesting..

    thats cool..! LA and Vegas, are like two major places in US.. an interesting year, i bet? hehe...

    i supposed, its not really a secret then.. im 23 this year.. getting old already, LOL..

  12. my bad, i was typing too long.. hehe..

    dont worry, ur english is pretty good.. =)

  13. thanx! that was very nice of u..

    yeah, most of my friends said, spanish is a sexy language as well.. i enjoy learning it, for real.. perhaps, i started to like it, when i watch Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage..

    owh, i thought u r originally Mexican, anyway that doesnt make u less than a Mexican rite..

    so, u dont have like any relatives in LA anymore?

    owh, dont wo...

  14. yeah, born and raised up here..

    u should pay a visit here sometimes.. other than my place, there are lots of interesting place to be visited too.. =)

    id rather say my place was full with hotels and the beauty of the beach was slowly fading away..

    owh, that was pretty cool too, i guess..

  15. i guess so.. since u r so dedicated for it..

    owh, all the best ok for it...

    its such a noble job.. =)

  16. haah, kira senegeri la ni..

    owh, agak la.. hehehe..

  17. well, if she's happy, ill be happier too.. tralalala....

  18. just fine.. hehe..

    u r mexicana eh?

    i learnt a bit spanish in the last two years,

    but didnt grad with full course since i started my spanish class abit late.. hehe

    i regret a bit, but yeah, nothing that i can do about it.. hehe

  19. owh, i see.. vet would be interesting too..

    when i was a kid, id love to be a medical doc.

    but yeah, perhaps, id destined to be somebody else.. hehehe..

    i guess, the agent suit u the most..

  20. ur most welcome!

    whoa, that would be so interesting!

    my house isnt that far from beach area..

    actually, my place is one of the famous tourist spot in Malaysia..

    but, my dad isnt working as fisherman,

    he did go fishing, occasionally..

  21. btol2.. snsd memang lg sesuai dgn suju..

    ok jugk TPM..! serasi ckit.. byk sbnrnya... hehehe..

    hm, owh.. sy kat pd, xde la jauh.. hehehe..

  22. hm, yeah, its suitable to grow many types of vegetable.. LOL..

    owh, that must be lovely pics, yeah, ur from usa isnt it? in which part?

    i will, someday.. hehehe..

    btw, happy birthday! may all ur dreams true and live happily ever after.. =)

  23. haah... hari tu la..

    xper, its ok... bz eh?

    msian kan, in which part?

  24. hi there, sweetie!!

    how's life?

  25. definitely, being part of me ever since...

    owh, do you have pet?

    me too.. i have sliders..

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