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Everything posted by dora2

  1. is counting the days again.. sighed!

  2. aisey..tertinggal plak..collection duit raya.. owh, yg oms tu.. tgok online jer la...

    eh, pasl apa?

  3. hey, sorry.. ive been busy, these past few days..

    anyway.. as someone older, u know, ill say no rite.. but, as a friend, i shall say.. go for it.! and make sure dont get caught ok.. hehehe...

  4. hey... ive been busy...

    anyway, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin..

    nice knowing u =)

    owh, tau xper.. xlarat nk tgok..sbb ramai sgt... owh, byk la collection ni?

  5. ha, da pulang dr ofis ni.. hehehe..

    hm, dia bgtau mcm tu jer...

    bole la,dia pon quite friendly jugk..

    hm, chuseok show bila? tp, kan.. yg idol championship ni.. boring ckit la.. even, mse oms start buat idol champs ni.. da x tgok dah.. hoho

  6. wow! u must be flying over the cloud nine eh?

    congrats! =)

  7. oh, lupe plak.. yg tu, x pasti..

    x pernh plak tnya dia.. hehehe....

  8. hahaha.. xde apa... hehe..

    hm, tau xper.. ketara kot.. cayalah dia!kental seyh.. ligament tore bukan alang2 tu...

    x lalu plak nak tdo.. hahaha.. slalu, lpas sahur je, lompat ke katil terus.. hehe...

    hm, the exact thing, x sure.. tp, dia memang undergo some heart operation la..

  9. its ok.. thanx a lot btw.. =)

    tau xper, kesian kot.. mse inkigayo smlm pon, dia memang obviously struggle thn sakit...

    hm, thn ni xdpt la anyam ketupt.. kena pg keja sat lg.. hoho..

  10. oit, sahur eh?

    ni, da siap nak masak untuk raya eh? hehehe..

  11. kinda, hehehe.. but, as i said, i dont mind..

    hm, that was sweet! seriously..

    so, if u dont mind.. how was that someone reaction then? hehe...

  12. well, they say, im choosy,

    in 2009, my friends celebrated my birthday at one of the famous cake house here..but the one that i cherished the most, was when i was half-soaking in a heavy rain while buying myself a dinner with a close friend of mine... =)

  13. hm, well.. idk, i dont classify that as a celebration though.. even, i bought like plenty of food on that day.. hehe..

    but, its ok.. i dont mind..

    as long as my best friend do call me up, and i still received some wishes and prayers, thats enough, i guess.. =)

  14. thanx sweetie.. have a great day then.. =)

  15. hm, idk.. nothing special..

    wait, something special.. haha..

    my best friend called me, that was one of the highlighted event of the day..

    other than that.. nothing..

    its just another plain thursday.. hehe..

  16. hey, thanx! =)really.. !

    yah! u shouldnt do that, u know.. hoho...

  17. hello dear author!

    thanx a lot.. ! =)

  18. hey, thanx a lot! =)

    i hope u have a great day too...

  19. owh, roughly about a month from now..

    i hope, things will be good for u, ok..

    and dont skip meals and medicine, ofc..

    ok, fine... LOL...

  20. yeah... they are...

    so, how's life now? is it good over there?

    and yeah, i was wondering, how did u know that im slightly older than u?

  21. who the lead dancers? sorry, guess, i had miss something here.. hehehe

  22. x pasti la... tp, ye la kot, da alang2..

    td balik terawih, da terlelap..eh, bukan da tdo.. hehehe...

    biasa la tu... study comes first ok..

  23. hm, tau xper... boring kan..

    ok3..weekend kot nnt..skrg, bz ckit...

    pkol 11 je da ngantok.. hehehehe...

  24. celcom.. okla jgk.. so far, since da upgraded service dia sekrg ni..

    btol, baik guna prepaid je.. bole control ckit..

    hm, owh.. ad gak jln2 kat situ, tp, xde register la.. jd guest je..

    wah, genre mystery? mcm bez je...

    love story bnyak2 pon pening jgk.. hehe

  25. xper, org ramai kat cni... alhamdulilah, xde la membazir.. hehe..bolela....

    owh,tula.. bb pon da overlimit 4g.. tp, sbb sebok sgt nak tgok mcm2.. add la jugk volume dia sbtu lps..x lrt gne hp, kdt charged, lg laju dr air.. hehehe...

    pernah, kalo rajin, lepak jugk kat situ.. mengapakah?

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