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Status Updates posted by kangeunri

  1. i dunno oppa..

    i tried to change it with the new one but it wasnt work.. it became smaller..

    mmm... its been along time since i liked kpop..

    when i was in the 5th year of elementary school..

    i liked boa and rain at that time.. wbu oppa??

  2. i have an biology exam tomorrow.. kk..

    fighthing oppa!!

    hope we can pass the exam..

  3. no eonnie.. honestly im very happy to read such as a long comments..

    hottest, shinee world, casi, beautiful, vip, A+, and kiss me are the fandom name eonnie..

    just like diadem for t-ara..

    i loved watching korean variety..

    do you have any suggestion for me to watch eonnie??

  4. yup.. thats when i watched korean dram (full house) for the first time.. then i started liking shinee when i watched bbf.. kkk..

    how tall are you oppa??

  5. wuaa oppa..

    thats cool..

    how can u be very tall oppa??

    i want to grow up more too.. kk..

  6. what is that??

    is that kind of subject??

  7. im about 160cm..

    i want to be like t-ara eonnie..

    they all are tall excludng boram of course..

    but its okay for her since she has the cute face.. lol..

  8. but i found heroes vid in dailymotion..

    it takes a long time when i watched in dailymotion.. haha..

  9. do your school has no rest time oppa??

  10. 90 is not bad score oppa..

    its pretty good..

  11. aduh oppa..

    90 itu udah bgs.. disini itu susah bgt dpt 90..

    oppa hrs bersyukur donk..

    next time you have to try your best oppa..

    so tht there will no regretting and unsatisfiying feeling..

  12. thanks eonnie..


    do you watch running man eonnie??

  13. really??

    i cant live without my laptop and handphone..

    what time your school end oppa??

  14. ahh.. i see..

    do some execise oppa!!


  15. i m confused with the pic eonnie..

    it changed automatically..

  16. i do think so..

    last time i tried to changed with a new one..

    but i wasnt worked..

    and now it changed automatically..

    what are you doing eonnie??

  17. okay eonnie.. im looking forward to read it..

    tell me if you have finished it..

    good luck :)

  18. so far is good..


    what should i call you??

  19. ok .. ill call you oppa ..

    where you from oppa?? honduras??

  20. thanks for the info eonnie..

  21. oh oppa .. i think live in honduras is kinda nice too.. why do you want to live in korea oppa?? because of t-ara??

  22. ygbgybjbtd..

    trying to be spammer eonnie??

  23. ahh i see.. lol..

    you have two ongoing story eonnie??

    im reading all of your fic now..

    it takes a long time for me since im not good at understanding english..

  24. haha.. do you have another idol group that you like excluding t-ara oppa??

  25. i like shinee, mblaq, 2pm, ukiss, and the newcomer b1a4.. hehe..

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