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Status Updates posted by kangeunri

  1. ak itu bgg sm dy mbk..

    d dpn q dy it buaek bgt..

    tp klo d blkgq dy it ngece2 ak..

    iya se ak jg salah..

    g shrsx ak pura2 nmbak dy :P

    pdhl jlas2 it cm bcanda..

    aq gtw klo tnyt dy ngnggepx srius X(

    ak jg uda mnta maaf dn mrasa mnyesal..

  2. of course oppa..

    my friend has a friend from korea..

    she asked me about the meaning because i take korean course but idk..

    i havent learned about it..

    why oppa??

  3. are you jealous oppa???

    lol.. juskid :P

  4. haha.. dont worry oppa..

    i belong to you :P

    (joking joking)

  5. haha.. ill let jiy eonnie for you oppa..

    so i can take lee joon oppa..


  6. oppa oppa.. what does dtf mean??

  7. saeng~ i love your new profile pic ^^


  8. i miss u too..

    *hug back* :P

  9. haha.. baby marc?? it suits u well oppa..


    what does dtf mean oppa???

    theres some1 ask me whether i was dtf..

    should i say no??

  10. saeng.. ur inbox is full..

    i cant pm u..

  11. what should i do in global ladies???

    theres nothing to do :(

  12. oppa i dont know how to use the shoutbox!!!

    i cant shout.. theres no place to write down..

  13. oh ok ill try to post as much as possible..


    i want to know more about RaNia..

  14. oppa oppa.. haha.. you made me laugh.. kkkk..

    i read your about me page..

    you said that youre handsome..kkkk..

    how handsome are u oppa??

  15. i cant figure it out oppa..


    you are too abstract...

  16. oh oppa.. im just kidding.. haha..

    every guys is handsome..

    including you..


    i will feel so lonely :(

  18. who?? siwoo??

    i will be the only lady then..

    dont leave me behind eonnie..

    i beg you..

  19. i will tell marc oppa then.. TT TT

    so he can kidnap you eonnie.. lol

  20. okay okay..

    you can go eonnie..

    a week is better than forever..

    i can understand you.. but im still sad :(

  21. dongsaeng youre pretty..

  22. okay okay..

    bye eonnie..

    i will miss you ~

  23. im a beautiful liar then lol

    im not!!!!!!

    hw could i lie to you oppa??

    i even gave you my pic!!

  24. *hug back and never let you go even if i die*


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