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Status Updates posted by kangeunri

  1. nice story saeng~

    love it..


    update it quickly..

  2. i know and im not letting you go...


  3. its still 10 hours left..

    am i right???

  4. thats such a short time..

    eonnie im still hugging you and never let u go..

    kkkkkk.. u cant go anywhere..

  5. yeah still..

    so you cant go eonnie..

    im also busy but i try to go online everyday because i have a nice friend like you eonnie..

    im happy for being ur friend.. so dont go!

  6. stop counting down eonnie..

    are you going to count down on my profile???

    well you are busy..

    i cant do anything to change it ..

  7. haha..

    but you are also my good friend eonnie..

    theres also a mean ppl here eonnie..

    so im afraid if i dont have a friend to talk to..

  8. huhu eonnie.. but you can understand me more than anyone.. bye..

    *crying* bye~ *waving*




  10. okay..

    hiks hiks..

    sob sob..


  11. eonnie im tired to persuade you for not leaving..

    hmm.. let me rest abit..


  12. eonnie my internet works so slowly..

    thats really annoying..

  13. they cant ..

    they know nothing about the internet ..

    haha ..

    you will be back right eonnie??

  14. okay.. saturday.. if you were not back,,

    ill join with marc oppa to hunt you down..

    ninjas sibling.. haha..

  15. bye~

    i think hunters sibling sounds better..

  16. awsomener eonnie..

    you are awesome!!!

    haha.. just passing by..

    anyway thanks for visiting my page..

  17. just dropping by~

    universitasnya mbk tika tnyt terkenal..

    haha (unimportant)

  18. haha..

    you are online..

    i miss you eonnie :(

  19. i dont like fanfic in english ..

    i hate it..

    but because its yours i like it..

    and i think its not bad to read more fanfic..

    haha.. you changed my mind :)

  20. thanks for the page visting :)

  21. its okay.. i do make a grammar error..

    ughh.. i must be missing you..

    but i cant stop you..

    huhu.. eonnie leave me and now my dongsaeng leave me also..


    sob sob :'(

  22. oppa.. i found you everywhere.. hehe..

    and i decided to say 'HI'..

  23. oppa... i can use the shotbox now!!!!!!

    we must have at least 10 posts there..

    lets dominate the sbox tomorrow :)

  24. welcome to diadem :)

  25. excusme.. you need to validate your acc first..

    anyway welcome to diadem :)

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