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Status Updates posted by kangeunri

  1. oppa is there anything you want to ask??

    im sure you have something to ask me..

    ill answer it honestly..

    if its something private lets talk in global ladies..

  2. hii..

    urghh im dizzy dizzy dizzy..

    i cant think clearly..

  3. im okay just keep making grammatical error today..


  4. uh oh sorry i didnt read your 2nd comment..

    i actually want to read your new story..

    so i absolutely agree and support you with all my might..

    haha its okay saeng.. i save yours too then..

    so its fair.. im afraid your comp will face a trouble after saving my pic.. lol

  5. im very very stupid doesnt play!!!!

  6. i decided to choose university of sydney ...

    ill talk to my parents later..

    thanks unnie..

    may i know your real name unnie??

  7. really really???

    wow thats great..

    do you have any idea about their comeback??

    i cant wait it..

  8. dalina.. what a pretty name unnie..

    mine is ambar :)

  9. haha the miracle of my pic..

    glad to hear that.. haha..

    i have no bf saeng~

    he confessed to me and then he betrayed me..

    wth.. hate him to death..

    what about you?? do you have a bf??

    i bet you have one.. because you are so pretty..

  10. i did that too thousand times

    but its ok ..

    others have to understand us since we are not a native lol

    because i had rejected him,,

    hes going mad and dating another girl..


    what kind of man that he is??

    im glad for not being her gf :D

    thanks saeng..

    i felt better after talked to you :)

  11. sorry i thought you want to ask me something :P

  12. haha..

    i will have my final exam at 10..

    im waiting for you from early morning oppa..

  13. its 7.23

    we have 12 hours apart oppa..

  14. thanks..

    what i worried the most is my english skill >.<

    my TOEFL hasnt reached 500 yet !!!

    haha.. what major will you take unnie??

    let me guess.. nursing??

  15. no no dear thats the fact :P


    but im wishing all the best for him lol

    do you have a pet saeng??

  16. awesome hehe..

    what about you??

    you are cambodian??

    thats cool :)

  17. MARKY~

    theres no need to call you oppa..


  18. hi oppa..

    haha.. i know malay because of upin ipin..

    have you heard about that oppa??

    its kinda popular here lol

  19. uh oh leeteuk and heechul??

    oh noooooo..

    i love them too..

    its sad knowing that i cant see them performing in such a long time :'(

    they just released bonamana japanese ver right??

    what is it called?? binji??

  20. because we are th same age friend..

    ill turn out 16 next october..

    or you want me to call you oppa??

  21. he eh.. haha..

    iseng nyoba kyk gtu ternyata ada fungsinya juga..

  22. i love dogs too~

    unfortunately i cant have one because my parents hate it :'(

    but i have 6 cats..

    they all are nasty excluding brandon of course..

    thats why i love him..


    i could pass the exam very well~

    its all because you prayed for me :)

    thanks :)

    its not the END..

    i have 6 days more..

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