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Apple (:

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Everything posted by Apple (:

  1. yay! congrats to our T-ara! they keep crying and crying, the competition with Kara was so close, only 1 point! hope they can claim #1 spot more after this!
  2. wa! they look really hot! it's interesting, can't wait for the full song and MV! yeah, T-ara, Hwaiting! SNSD's Sunny : "I wonder why Hyomin only sticking to me, that girl makes me crazy."
  3. wa! they look so cute in SGB. ah, this eps also has SNSD in it, right? well, i waiting for t-generation moment. also, hyomin's dorky dance, sunny looks interested with it,
  4. wah, so proud, she's really pretty and cute in that picture, keke really innocent Eunjung, yea, she looks mature in that photo at such young age, Leader Eunjung Hwaiting!
  5. ape?

    don't understand!

  6. ha, i've already watch it, Hyomin lied to joon, ha, bad girl<
  7. t-ara looks cute even with that face, especially for Boram, t-ara fighting!
  8. let's hope for her to get the house quickly, also, become a good daughter to her parent, eunjung<
  9. yes,

    sOne forever,

    i'm SHINee fans too,

    My two most favourite group in SM.

    do you like them too?

  10. woah! can't wait! why is it only g4? they should get them all, G7 forever.
  11. wah! really great! just hope that other members have script too, and screenshots more! but, what kind of role will they play? Jiyeon's friends?
  12. hey,

    thanks for being my friend

  13. really anticipating it! i really hope the other of t-ara members will acting soon! (:
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