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    SilverPlume reacted to maknae23 in [12.04.06] What's the role of the 2 new members of T-ara?   
    So basically, it's like this.
    Three of them, Soyeon and the 2 new members are going to stand in the middle and sing during a performance. They won't be dancing. While the other 6 will dance at the back of them. Hwayoung or Hyomin or EunJung will be joining the three of them in front when it comes to rapping. They won't need the boy dancers and the backup dancers because the stage can't accommodate too many of them. This will help CCM to save money on backup dancers !! AHHH, now I get his stupid point.
  2. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Mllktea in [12.04.06] What's the role of the 2 new members of T-ara?   
    So from this article, i guess the 2 new girls will be older than jiyeon and hwayoung but younger than qri and boram...perhaps. Since ccm says they have outstanding singing abilities, i think many would have high expectations of them to be as good as Soyeon or Hyomin. But CCM you better do something about those line distributions...thats the major problem why ppl say T-ara has weak vocals. Strengthening it with the newer member's amazing vocals but still giving others little to no lines ain't solving anything -.-
    Ok cool cool real cool, wait till the actual debut then i'll comment. But Dispatch? srsly? lol
  3. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to tintin in [12.04.05] 7-member T-ara to reveal surprise tomorrow, "Becoming a 9-member group"   
    =[ they are flawless as 7. i don't like change. i don't know if i can support them like this, sobs. ccm should just focus on their new girl group and leave t-ara as is
  4. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to kkyc222 in [12.04.05] 7-member T-ara to reveal surprise tomorrow, "Becoming a 9-member group"   
    i'm speechless...why add 2 more members when t-ara was doing fine with 7....
  5. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to sleepystudent in [12.04.05] 7-member T-ara to reveal surprise tomorrow, "Becoming a 9-member group"   
    On 2 member addition..
    But i guess it's better than having a replacement..
    so D-3 changed into D-2.. @_@
  6. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to candy_floss in [PICS] T-ara with Moon Brothers (03/28)   
    [PICS] T-ara with Moon Brothers (03/28)

    I'm jealous with Mavin TT____TT.

    btw, i'll upload to gallery later lol~

    CREDIT: TCN + candy_floss + tiaradiadem.com

  7. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to candy_floss in [EVENT] Q-ri at K-Collection in Seoul (03/11) & Samsung Event (03/22) by 861212   
    [EVENT] Q-ri at K-Collection in Seoul (03/11) & Samsung Event (03/22) by 861212

    K-Collection in Seoul (03/11)

    For the rest of the images:

    Samsung Event (03/22)

    For the rest of the images:

    CREDIT: 861212.com + candy_floss + tiaradiadem.com

    Nice shots ever xD~

  8. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Mllktea in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    You see the whole problem is CCM is coming up with new trolls every now and then. He announced T-ara would have their first concert in July, now there is this member change thing, do you actually think the concert would still work with different members than the current 7? No KKS, unless you're planning to cancel off everything. The photobook? if you release the photobook AFTER the member changes, how stupid would it look to the fans to have ex-members in the book? no logic right?
    Everything would be affected due to the member change, be it the member's relationship with the company, promotional activities or even a decrease in the fanbase. Are you sure you are ready for all these KKS? Or are you ready to just watch your most popular group crumble to dust, and then you will too.
  9. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Petal in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Since yesterday I cannot even think about anything else. I'm trying not to overreact, as we don't really know anything yet...but it's hard.
    On a happier note, I loved to see how much love T-ara recieved today through twitter, youtube etc. (btw, that video is lovely. i watched it with tears in my eyes . The fans were really supportive. I hope they will stay like this no matter what happens from now on.
    I was sad when Jiwon and Jiae left, but since it happened before their official debut, and it's been anyway a long time since it happened, i'm not going to complain. BUT changing members again, especially after these 7 girls have been through so much together...now, that's NOT okay. i'm not even going to talk about how mad I am at KKS for calling them lazy.
    Now all we can do is wait... and see what happens next. Once again, I realized how much I love T-Ara. Every. single. member.
  10. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to PieNCheez in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    seroiusly.. what the heck. Why does he need to add OR EVEN REPLACE members?! This group of 7 girls managed to get 1st place trophies. I just don't understand his logic. And seroiusly.. NO SINGING SKILLS? are you freaken kidding?! Every darn singer could not have become a singer if they never had the singing skills in the first place. When new singers step into this world, the questoin is not whether they have singing skills or not. The question is which singers sing better than others, which means that all singers can sing. Its just the matter of skill
  11. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to sacrod in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    It is only mid March in 2012. T-ara members have/had been busy with..
    - lovey dovey promotions
    - went to paris for music bank
    - roly poly the musical
    - flying to and fro from japan
    - not to forget their usual dance rehearsals, acting commitments and whatnot.
    yup they are the laziest group ever. [/sarcasm]
    i'm surprised he is trumpeting his "30 years of experience", for someone with that much experience, one would think he would know how to manage his "assets" better and stop making stupid mistakes. his man management and time management skills are sorely lacking. have you ever stop to think that their stress level might be caused by your erratic decision making and constant tinkering??
    not to take anything from snsd but part of their success is due to them being in a huge company and the fact that all members remain unchanged since debut hence they have a stable fanbase.
    hopefully he is just trolling with us. :/
  12. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to beast- in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Seriously? I really, don't understand this at all? Honestly, I think all the T-ara members should transfer to a different entertainment company, in which they can be happy. Sure, they may have become a little bit lazy, but it isn't their fault is it? KKS has been packing their schedule there is no time to rest anymore. Is it abnormal to become lazy due to the lack of sleep? And prideful? Don't you think calling our girl's conceited is a bit much? Does Kim Kwang Soo even think what people think of him? He's not just this big prouder with the big bucks, he's being viewed as a "Slave owner" with the way he treats T-ara... I honestly don't have much respect for him anymore.
    I honestly, don't know what to do anymore. Why aim for 8-9 members? Does KKS really think that is unique? I feel as if they are just trying to make T-ara into an SNSD. I think T-ara was fine a 6 members... sure, Hwayoung was fine to add. But it's becoming too much now.
    Finally, I'm just hoping KKS doesn't remove anymore or replace anyone from the 7ara we know. If it does happen, I don't know if I can fully support them as much as I do right now. I hope KKS reads fans opinions and give it more thought before they do anything that could affect T-ara greatly.
  13. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Dals in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    If there's anyone being "lazy" and "prideful" it's him.
    Boram got sick because of all the stress. Qri has been perfecting her Japanese so they can promote better there, and not to mention her singing skill, which has improved a lot since the I Go Crazy Because of You days!! I'd be a mess if they left.
    It's time to love, not time to change everything and create hateful tension everywhere, just saying.
  14. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to jyuanzhe in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Kim KwangSoo is such an ass hole
    "I have 30 years of experience"
    He is just saying that he can do whatever he wants to maximize his possible profits because he has been in the industry for so long
    Such an asshole
    It took an uber long time for people to get used to Hwayoung
    And now he wants to add people
    then it would become SNSD
    And if he wants to replace people I think it will be boram cos boram seems to be the weakest and has the least performance on stage
    But I like boram!
    Boram has been here since their debut!
    Rubbish, this is!
    We should send them a petition!
  15. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to wilsonlee in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Wow, this is the stupidest idea ever. Shifting around members after all these years? Does KKS not think about the problems this will cause?
    T-ara has been together for many years, adding or removing a member would cause internal conflicts within the group. Breaking them apart is just cruel. He might as well just rename the group
    Fanclub? There won't be any fans to make a fanclub is he goes through with this. We like T-ara as is, and for who they are right now. Why fix whats not broken?
  16. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Aoiblue in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    "could" and "not yet decided.".
    Hold onto those words everyone.
  17. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Jie in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Then that will no longer be t-ara. Might as well give it a new name to that group.
  18. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Toan in [12.03.14] T-ara to announce possible major change in member line-up on April 7th   
    Personally, this sounds like another typical trolling from KKS. The only thing that could worry me is removing an existing member, but no business man in their right mind is dumb enough to do such action knowing that it will definitely reduce the support of that group.
    I haven't been a T-ara fan for long, but I already got the impression that KKS loves public attention (hence the constant troll every album release)
  19. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to CitizenCL in [12.03.14] T-ara to announce possible major change in member line-up on April 7th   
    Like I said in the first article (idk, what happened to it),
    If another member is added, then I think CCM Kim Kwang Su is trying to build T-ara into SNSD. If he can add 6 to 7 to possibly 8, then what's gonna stop him to getting to 9 where SNSD, the top girl group is at. I have theories that he's fast-tracking to build T-ara into SNSD.
    If another member is not added, then it could be that sub-units are being considered like After School and how they did the Red/Blue/ and Orange Caramel. It was interesting to see them try new genres, but After School hasn't really gotten back together after splitting up like that. Now, they're just not as relevant and when people don't see you, you fade fast. If Kim Kwang Su is going into this route he has to be really careful to keep them together, unlike what he's done with Co-Ed. They went into 5dolls, then SPEED, but we don't see signs of Co-Ed coming back together.
    Last possibility is that we could see solo debuts. This would be really awesome like how Big Bang did it. They had individual ones, then GD & TOP came out and we hear a fresh new sound that we couldn't hear in Big Bang. I could really see a Soyeon x Eunjung collab or some kind of suave R&B sounds.
    Seriously though, Kim Kwang Su, whatever you're planning, PLEASE don't mess up T-ara as a whole.
  20. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to nathaniel in [12.03.12] T-ara declares to donate all their "Roly-Poly" royalties to victims from the Fukushima nuclear accident   
    [12.03.12] T-ara declares to donate all their "Roly-Poly" royalties to victims from the Fukushima nuclear accident

    Girl group T-ara has offered their help to the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan by donating all their royalties from their Japanese "Roly-Poly" single.
    T-ara, who are currently promoting in Japan said, "We debuted in Japan last September and we're happy for receiving a lot of love from 'Roly-Poly'. We want to give back by donating all of our 'Roly-Poly' album royalties back in the full amount to Japan."
    The members said, "Although our donations may only be a little help, our wish is that it'll help some of the victims." T-ara's agency will pass the money on their behalf to the fund for the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.
    T-ara is known for repaying back their love to their fans, where they most recently went to the subway and volunteered in an elder people's shelter. This time, T-ara are also helping out overseas.
    Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20120312n07111
    Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
  21. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to asitaulava23 in [12.02.29] Quick News - Height chart of idol girl groups, T-ara #15   
    Lol... Boram made a big impact in the averages of t-ara heights..
  22. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Malvius in [12.03.01] Quick News - Roly Poly, Cry Cry, We Were In Love and Lovey Dovey charts achievments   
    Gaon has just released its latest Weekly charts featuring both Big Bang's Blue and Miss A's Touch. With those latest data, a considerable drop in Digital Aggregate (DA) can be observed. 8 months ago, for the same amount of downloads, songs will usually achieve a DA worth 20 millions more.
    Nevertheless, the amount of downloads have a remained steady. From collecting them, it is easy to compare and estimate a song success, even when released at the different times.
    T-ara's Roly Poly achieved great success last year. Thanks to its impressive longevity, the song managed to rank 1st on the Gaon Yearly charts (which sums up every kind of digital charts from every Korean charts), scoring in the meantime, the highest amount of download to date, before IU's You & I recently broke this record. For those who had questioned T-ara's ability to maintain its streak, a collective data on T-ara latest released songs, Cry Cry, We Were in Love (with Davichi) and Lovey Dovey proves that Roly Poly will not be the only song from T-ara to make history on Korean music charts.
    As we are looking into T-ara's latest hits, a few things have to be taken in account :
    - All 4 songs are still charting
    - Cry Cry has charted for 16 weeks so far, We Were In Love for 10 and Lovey Dovey for 8, therefore, a sub-total is established on the 5th, 8th, 10th and 16th week.
    - As the highest number of downloads is achieved the first days then gradually decreases, the number of days a song charted on its first week is affecting the numbers for all following weeks.
    - Roly Poly was released during a high peak period were downloads were very important
    - Both We Were In Love and Lovey Dovey were released during a low peak period.
    - Roly Poly has been promoted on music shows for 10 weeks
    - Cry Cry has been promoted on music shows for 8 weeks
    - Lovey Dovey has been promoted on music shows for 6 weeks
    - We Were In Love has only had 5 performances made on Inkigayo solely
    Download :
    Roly Poly (4 days on 1st week) : 551,791 - 667,783 - 419,914 - 375,620 - 301,436 (5th week) - 180,275 - 206,501 - 184,397 (8th week) - 118,720 - 118,014 (10th Week) - 133,618 - 123,167 - 93,041 - 86,732 - 79,372 - 65,897 (16th Week)
    Total after 5 weeks : 2.316.544
    Total after 8 weeks: 2.887.717
    Total after 10 weeks: 3.124.451
    Total after 16 weeks: 3.706.278
    Cry Cry (31 hours on 1st week) : 164,426 - 742,844 - 435,768 - 379,219 - 311,045 (5th week) - 241,543 - 202,357 - 185,373 (8th week) - 176,031 - 146,030 (10th week) - 117,098 - 99,102 - 83,753 - 73,013 - 65,116 - 58,273
    Total after 5 weeks : 2.033.302
    Total after 8 weeks: 2.662.575
    Total after 10 weeks: 2.984.636
    Total after 16 weeks: 3.480.991
    We Were In Love (3 days on 1st week) : 245,798 - 481,342 - 364,601 - 290,019 - 222,093 (5th week) - 176,504 - 153,994 - 131,181 (8th week) - 108,700 - 89,219 (10th week)
    Total after 5 weeks : 1.603.853
    Total after 8 weeks: 2.065.532
    Total after 10 weeks: 2.263.451
    Lovey Dovey (5 days on 1st week) : 600,509 - 538,788 - 393,493 - 320,782 - 273,065 (5th week) - 248,220 - 212,811 - 183,792 (8th week)
    Total after 5 weeks : 2.126.637
    Total after 8 weeks: 2.771.460
    Based on the available date, all Roly Poly, Cry Cry and Lovey Dovey will rank amonsgt the most download songs to date in the Korean digital music industry. All those songs can be qualified as major hits and make of T-ara one Korea's biggest digital monster.
    Here are a few comparative download numbers to help evaluate T-ara's tremendous achievements on the digital charts :
    Top 10 Most Downloaded Songs of 2011 :
    1. Roly Poly - T-ara : 4,077,885
    2. I Cheated - GG : 3,625,939
    3. Goodbye Baby - Miss A : 3,474,821
    4. I am the best - 2NE1 : 3,467,674
    5. So Cool - Sistar : 3,334,222
    6. Don't Say goodbye - Davichi : 3,285,936
    7. Hello - Huh Gak : 3,101,481
    8. Turn the Tv Off - Leessang : 3,081,880
    9. Infinity Challenge's Stary Snails : 3,081,488
    10. The Boys - SNSD : 3,032,658
    Late release of 2011 still charting :
    You and I - IU : 2011 : 2,934,107 ; January 2012 : 990,662 ; Total :3.924.769
    Be My Baby - Wonder Girls : 2011 : 2,982,802 ; January 2012 : 515,121 ; Total : 3.497.923
    The Boys - SNSD : 2011 : 3,032,658 ; January 2012 : 296,810 ; Total : 3.329.468
    Top 10 Most Downloaded Songs of 2010 :
    1. Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die - 2AM 3,352,827
    2. Oh! - SNSD 3,316,889
    3. Good Girl Bad Girl - miss A 3,119,784
    4. I can not (Feat. 美) - 4Men 3,093,483
    5. I Go Crazy Because of You - T-ara 3,042,224
    6. Amazon (With 2AM to go crazy) - IU 3,008,795
    7. Lupin - Kara 2,977,898
    8. I’m A Loner - CN Blue 2,959,800
    9. 2 Different Tears - Wonder Girl 2,790,298
    10. Sick enough to die (Feat. Mellow) - MC Mong 2,698,185
    11. Stop the Time - Davichi 2,676,554
    12. Love taught me to drink (Feat. 8eight) - Lee Seung Gi 2,598,332
    Source : http://www.gaonchart...nload/list.gaon
  23. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to sleepystudent in [12.02.26] T-ara declares to stop acting in 2012   
    Ya,... during this whole time, I've been waiting for their Lovey Dovey promotions to end so they could get their 10 days vacation; I haven't forgotten about it but load and behold! Now they're doing Roly Poly promotions in Japan.. where the **** did that vacation go? and really, 10 days =/= 3 years of hard non-stop work + all those physical and mental stress these girls went through.
    And about Eunjung's knee injury. Shouldn't people wonder what is she doing up and about with a nasty injury like that? Wouldn't be logical for her to just sit tight for at least a month with no appearances? Like I'm all for that 'professionalism' that people call it, but frankly, I'll like to call it a company's irresponsibility. There could be long term side-effects for her if it doesn't heal right, especially with her running around everywhere doing promotions, filming and appearances. I would think that the people/staffs of the places that she would've/should've appeared at would understand if she couldn't make it. If not, then they're just a bunch of ***wipes =~=
    When i watched that one program that showed T-ara's killer schedule compare to the bigger more popular idols like SJ and SNSD, it made SJ and SNSD look like they were on vacation! I think the worst part of all that was SJ and SNSD has almost twice the members of T-ara and their (SJ/SNSD) schedules look practically empty! Of course, if they were promoting something, it might've been different but with 9-10 members, even if some were on leave/not present atm, there should at least be something on everyday for these groups, even if it is just one or two members that are doing it, right? bleh, not bashing SJ or SNSD, just pointing out something seriously wrong with how CCM is managing T-ara
    A full album is coming out sometime in July and... a comeback, like in a full album? then yes i agree too! Full album, full of T-ara goodness!!
  24. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to Scatter_88mil in [12.02.26] T-ara declares to stop acting in 2012   
    I did a little bit of searching in the internet and it seems that CCM's management skills don't really seem really impressive at all. If anyone can recall, Nam Gyuri of SeeYa even at one mentioned that the head of CCM is a devil back in 2009 and was not treated well by the company. This also goes to say, CCM's roster list of idols and singers alike is rather small while everyone else is in sub-labels.
    At one point, other famous artists like SG Wannabe and Lee Hyori were also part of Mnet but all left after working for just a few years, pefering to work with other agencies or even set up their own. While detailed information doesn't seem to be available in sufficiency, it sure as hell seems that CCM isn't very impressive in terms of management and treating its people properly.
    Hell, this could be an even worse agency than SM, possibly.
    I too was looking forward on T-ara getting a break after the Lovey-Dovey promotions had ended as well but seriously - now they're in Japan to promote Roly Poly up until some point in March, followed by working on their second full album. I understand that it'd be great to release it on their anniversary (and looking forward to what their new stuff will be like) but really...for some reason, it doesn't seem like T-ara were the ones who made such a decision on their own willing (after all, they don't even have control on what type of music they want to try out for).
    Alas, I may have to dare say that most fans are seemingly more concerned with seeing T-ara on television and being active 24/7 than the girls' steadily deteriorating mental and physical health. I wouldn't be surprised if T-ara were actually thinking of the same thing as of now - a true fan's priority should be concerning about his/her celebrity's wellbeing, not on how many times they appear in the TV screen, computer, magazine or live performance. A truly sad world we're living in :/
  25. Like
    SilverPlume reacted to sleepystudent in [12.02.26] T-ara declares to stop acting in 2012   
    Hehe, for 2012, we'll get to see all the members performing
    Hope this means that the active actresses in T-ara can get more rest in 2012 and not be shuffled around from their acting schedules and performances
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