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Posts posted by HiroM4A

  1. Lies are just everywhere, I dont know where to believe except what I see, I feel.

    From all the thing I know about T-ARA, I choose to believe in them. In case I can see the real proofs that they really did, I'll reconsider believe in them or not but one thing for sure. They can "not always right", but I can "always love them".

    Am I Blind? It's okay then. It's still more reasonable than believe in bunch of things that I dont even know where it come from.

    That's all.


    Ps, What are words if they're only for good times then they dont?

  2. On 2330 and u guys holding a Katana, really? I thought it'll be the laser guns or u dont even need the gun, just shoot... u know, like spider man :))

    And what's with the car? I thought it must be an UFO or sth lol...

    Or u guys are some still alive after the end of the world. And then create a new world, T-ARA's world or so. Just random sth of the old cultures which u like, collect them and make a new world, a new weird world like u guys. Because, the sword, the custom, and the hair, yes, I find it's really weird together lolz...

    Omg, my mind gone with the wind, did I just try to figure out the content?

    Anyway, these girls never fail me before, or I'm just simple interesting in any thing they released so far. Whatever, really really really anticipate for their comeback.

    Ps, I can smile like crazy for all day coz of these pics lol... It's funny.

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