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cherry tomato

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Everything posted by cherry tomato

  1. RT @Timetoloveee: [FANACC]At Fanmeet,Fans called "eunjung oppa", she reply "Oppa andwae ,Unnie ~~~~" After that fans called her unnie,She i…

  2. RT @lennie_l: This is too much!!! SexyMinnie~! her abs~ what a nice shot Cr. T-ARAChina http://t.co/PXvKAA5GVv

  3. RT @angusT6_4eva: [C.D Fansign] Jiyeon revealing her true identity? xD http://t.co/vXUKyambbA

  4. RT @TheCCMWorld: #Shannon will debut the 15 May ! And surprises are coming January 29 and February 12 \o/ http://t.co/j7GH5I2JNK

  5. RT @n_athaniel: Shannon will release an album on May 15 with a variety of genre of songs! More info will be revealed on 1/29 and 2/12 http:…

  6. RT @iTweetFacts: The "Pinky Promise" originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut their pinky finger off.

  7. RT @chriZtybabeh: OMFG @7010821021 2014.1.18 T-ara's Chengdu FanSign event キュリ•ヒョミン http://t.co/o94K2VL1dB

  8. RT @Timetoloveee: T-ARA rehearsing for tml's concert \^^/ http://t.co/0OEJu7vTwO

  9. RT @krungy21: #Happy2NE1stMinzy happy birthday to u~ happy birthday to u~ happy birthday maknae mingkki~~~ happy birthday to u~!!! ♥

  10. RT @tiaragram: [sSOSTAGRAM] 아이 추워 나 안아파요 ♡ http://t.co/U4BHjmlcMQ

  11. RT @TypicalMsian: Malaysian timing..

    A: Guys, let’s meet at 6pm

    B: Okay


    A: Eh where are you guys la

    B: On the way, 5 minutes

    B fin…

  12. RT @b89530: 예스터데이 리허설대기중.. http://t.co/bZlioPvj0X

  13. When T-ara wearing a tiara..kyeopta eunjungie... http://t.co/w8YUsWbkZ7

  14. RT @tenshi_Eunjung: "@kimylly: @pjy1234 @taraeunjung1212 [FAN-ART] Eunjung please help Jiyeonie http://t.co/eDU7CZoAu4" - kyaah!!! Daebak k…

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