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Everything posted by Raider

  1. they look like they really had fun in the photo shoots.. kekeke really love their photos.. thanks for sharing this <333
  2. ohh!! hope that she dose get better very soon.. FIGHTING!!
  3. thank you for sharing this!! a dark and sexy seductive concept.. the other side of T-ara!!
  4. wew!! all are so so pretty and JJANG!! Eunjung looks really cute.. especially with her cute t-ara hair pin..
  5. LOVE EUNJUNG in the 2nd photo!! kekeke.. tounge.. XDD seductive? or cute? kekeke.. they all look so hot in the picture.. FIGHTING!! THANK YOU 4 sharin..
  6. surely they will garner more fans and love!! kekeke.. being chosen as models for a game, is a good way for exposure.. game looks similar to maple story and grand chase.. kekekek
  7. kekeke.. well i think everybody goes through that kind of stuff when they were still a child.. Even i was scolded like that, LOLS!! thats the kind of memories that are really hard to erase.. kekeke BORAN!! how cute!! XDD
  8. Uhhh!! I've seen that perfume already, i was planning to buy that as a gift.. LOLS!! now their modeling for that brand.. JJANG!! kekeke.. got the same ipod with Eunjung.. JJANG!!
  9. they really have a tight schedule.. @@ hope they got enough rest.. i want to buy the repackage album too..
  10. lols!! i think old habits do die really slow.. IY really did things to Hyomins..kekeke JJANG!!
  11. wew.. yah, long hair does look good on her.. as well as short hair.. kekeke what an innocent look!! thats why netizens can only leave good comments.. kekeke
  12. totally awesome!! cute cute!! Eunjung looks really pretty in those pictures.. <333 thanks for sharing.. great pics..
  13. thanks for sharing.. kekeke.. Eunjung looks so pretty.. seriously.. <333 love their outfits!! it has some kind of aura when they wear them.. kekeke
  14. Eunjung looks hot and CUTE!! kekeke but whats with the yellow wigs? hmmm.. another gimik.. lol out of this world outfits.. LOLZ!! surely the outfits will not hurt their perf..
  15. their just so lovely!! so so cute and pretty.. kekeke like their traditional hanbok look.. T-ARA JJANG!!
  16. LOL!! hahaha.. hyomin made a funny remark, but she is totally honest.. their still human, they need to fart once in a while..
  17. it was a common mistake.. i think they were really nervous too.. after all, their just humans too.. we all make mistakes.. and yeah, they did apologize.. no need to fire up.. XDD just another bump in the road..
  18. So Jealous right now.. LOLX!! saw the video a while ago.. the kissing scene was cute.. netizens never fail to amuse me.. they always look for new things, kekeke.. hope this dosent fire up something big.. LOLX!! T-ARA FIGHTING!! JJANG!!
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