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Jimmy6 last won the day on August 3 2013

Jimmy6 had the most liked content!

About Jimmy6

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About Me

Hi, I'm Jimmy.

I go to school, I live in Texas

I served a very brief stay (1 year) in the US Army, I completed BCT but never went to AIT.

I have lots of friends in arms, so military/service members hold a very dear place to me.

I tolerate no-bashing or dissing of military unless you of course experienced it yourself.

My little brother is currently serving in the Army as well. Wherever the battle is, best of luck guys!


Still very new to kpop, I got into it after coming back from basic training in Sept of 2009. Everyone says I'm a NOOB.

I love Sunny, I love Hyomin. I love SunMin. Watching t-aradot.com I really like Soyeon too.

I'm also a fan of a lot of the G7 members and love 2AM. I'm also a Sone, Kamilla, etc.

My favorite T-ara song is ''Falling U''.

Jo Kwon is a god! JoKwon-Gain couple is my favorite WGM couple. If I'm not listening to Kpop, I'm prolly listening to 80s/90s music or country music. I have trouble keeping up with the top 40 charts lately. I'm open to meeting new folks and chatting.

I enjoy watching Korean dramas and have a list of must watch dramas provided from some pals. So if you know anything let me know.

Click Here for Girl Idol Noob Chart

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