seriously! the netizens should apologise! are they too bored or sth?
poor eunjung! why would she swear on national tv in the first place when she is havin fun?
wow! thats great news! glad they are getting recognised!!!
continue to work hard t-ara! im sure you girls will do even better!!! but do rmb to have enough rest too(((:
t-ara hwaiting!!
haha, it's so stupid to do comparisons:/ and im kinda glad that hyomin did the chair part, she's quite suited for the sexy style. cant imagine jiyeon doin hyomin's part?
thanks for translatin(:
HAHAH! when i saw the video i couldnt stop laughin! they were so cute in those outfits!
imagine if they were to perform with those outfits. it would be hilarious.
love t-ara!!!<33
awww~ it's such a sacrifice on her mother. but eunjeong is so sweet and fillial to her mother. she appreciates her mother's efforts.
welll, eunjeong hwaiting!! go T-ARA!