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Status Updates posted by ultimateasianbomb

  1. I already left for awhile lol^^~

  2. i am chewing gum and sunyoungis hiding off somewhrer im kinda scared she'll pop out of nowhere

  3. I am in an extra good mood today :P

  4. i am its just i had a bad day -.-

  5. I am watching ABDC season 6 performances

  6. I bought a new bikini

  7. I broke my right arm and left shoulder and now i think my rihgt shoulder will break sunyoung is concerned

  8. i cant do it by ear for some reason i can only do it when its written out

  9. i cant i saw ji soo she came up to me slapped me in front of jieun

  10. I CANT WAIT EITHER I CANT WAIT FOR SUNGMIN! and my birthday which is on jiyoens birthday

  11. i couldnt read what you said..i accidentally deleted it...i cleaned my inbox thingy

  12. i do talk about her a lot and your correct i luv her a loooootttttttt

  13. I don't know and My day was good...How was yours?

  14. I don't know that'ss what i've been wonndering we also got the matching ears she got minnie i got mickey but she was suprised at the drop on spalsh mountain i was soaking wet we couldnt speak engrish a little then we learned mwhahahaaaaaaa

  15. I don't know...I didn't remember...

  16. I don't kow sometimes i forget there is one

  17. I don't listen to lady gaga because she is kinda scary

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