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Status Updates posted by t-ara-makes-me-crazy

  1. LOOOOL....diabetes...~

    im eating chocolate now...& i had cake for breakfast....so kors & fils are the same....hahah dont u think?

  2. yeah..im ur unni lol ^^ ur my dongsaeng ~!

    i luv model / doll nana too~

  3. turon...? wow, its so sugary....lol ^^ i wanna try dat too !!!

    .....sori,i noe too much sweet tooth topics....haha..

  4. dried mangoes...? ive heard of that alot here in seoul, yup i heard its jjang!^^

    but nobody shares wt me~~~ ill go there for sure...oh,ders 1 thingi cant stop eating, enseymada? ryt? i really luv it

  5. im gud too ^^

    ...morbid..?!!! lol XD naah mi mom luvs that country ~~~

    hope to meet you soon~!

  6. hiii ~~~ ^^

    watsup? im bak on diadem,sori i havent talked 2 u for so long....

  7. ahhh....u like nana? me too ~

  8. annyeong....nice sig ...i luv nana ~^^

  9. its ok....shes not afraid of it too ^^

  10. hostage crisis...? oh yea, ive heard about sumthing lyk that in the news...i jst remembr seeing a bus...

  11. lol..i get it....when dey hav their comeback...hehe

    ill wait for her too ^^

  12. annyeong....u lyk kara's seungyeon too?

  13. she cant speak much filipino.....lol.....i wish t-ara visited Phils too....so they can promote too

  14. coool.....im from incheon south korea

  15. lol....i luv ur sigs~~~~!!!! hyomin heehee....

    my sig's too much too!

  16. hiii....^^ u lyk after school too? r u in diva detention?

  17. yup ^^

    she loves it der.....

    ~i wanna c all my filipino friends who ive only met tru the internet lol ^^

  18. yup....sori ^^

    ill try 2 be online more~

  19. lol.....ur welcum ^^

    wow....haha, minyeon forever !!!!

    ....wait, woah....u from Italy???!

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