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[VOTE] Online Polls: Information and Updates


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Official T-ARA vote and poll information:

Voting for T-ARA is important! Queen's are a force to be reckoned with!


T-ARA has been featured in numerous online polls recently and Queen's have been absolutely dominating the competition!

Jiyeon won MNet's M! Countdown international vote every week of her promotions and Hyomin won the same poll twice in her promotions.


Online voting is one of the most visible means at our disposal to show support for T-ARA.

Therefore we should be taking advantage of every opportunity to promote our favorite girls!

This thread will provide information on official polls and votes in addition to documenting T-ARA's and Queen's successes.


In addition, there are these recent accomplishments:



After a grueling and stressful back and forth battle in the quarterfinal round of voting, Queen's beat out ELF's (Super Junior fans) with

more votes than the rest of the 1st round contestants combined!


Then in the semi-final round T-ARA soundly beat FT Island by over 24,000 votes!


Finally, in a battle for the championship against Infinite, what was expected to be a fierce battle for the ultimate prize turned out as 

a complete rout with T-ARA attaining a total of 191,441 votes which was more than Infinite's total vote count for the entire contest!






CR: MNet


  • MNet M! Countdown Vote [140922]




Winner(s) receive a special feature on the Love Beans App!


[140814] Only a few days into voting, Hyomin has established a commanding lead over Big Bang heavyweight Taeyang.

[140817] Hyomin: 62% 12,782.

[140819] Hyomin wins!



CR: Mnet, http://mwave.interest.me/poll/video/result.m?poll_seq=95


In a battle between T-ARA and Kara, T-ARA won easily with over 75% of the vote!


CR: Mnet, http://mwave.interest.me/star/poll/result.m?poll_seq=317


Out of the many talented girls who performed at M! Countdown EP 384 Special "Girls Girls Girls" T-ARA won the vote

with their Number Nine performance and additional performances from Jiyeon (Never Ever) and Hyomin (Nice Body).


CR: Mnet, http://mwave.interest.me/poll/video/result.m?poll_seq=91



Even in a poll that pitted Jiyeon against Hyomin, Queen's organized an effort to keep the score tied in

order to show equal support for both. After a week of maintaining this goal, Queen's only missed the

mark by 1 vote which shows an extraordinary level of organization and commitment to our girls! ♥


CR: Mnet, http://mwave.interest.me/poll/video/result.m?poll_seq=92


Secret's leader Hyosung did well in her solo debut but Jiyeon was the clear favorite among MNet voters.


CR: Mnet, http://mwave.interest.me/poll/video/result.m?poll_seq=85



If you find an official poll or vote that T-ARA is featured in, post the information here so Diadem members can contribute to our girls' success!

We can also use this resource to track progress of ongoing polls and votes. 


The polls here are featured on MNet's global site which features a lot of opportunities to vote for T-ARA.

MNet as well as many other sites will allow you to vote using your Facebook or Twitter accounts, or you can sign up on MNet's site directly. 


You can register here:


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Nice!! I think I really started to get serious in voting during the MWave K-Pop Star World Championship :D

And I was actually surprised. When I started to vote for 'Recent Solo Artist', Minnie was trailing far behind Henry and TaeYang. Now today, I was actually surprised that Minnie is leading :D

Although one thing, when will T-ara get their Gold Trophy? I didn't notice any news from Mnet

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Hope our unity as an international fan base can prove to the South Koreans that T-ARA is not going to fall any time in the near (or distant) future. The only thing that is going to get in our way is our girls' fatigue and of course the management that decides what goes around for them.

I really liked how everyone was so agreeable about making the poll between Jiyeon and Hyomin look silly and RIDICULOUS, because MNet deserves a slap in the face for starting such an untactful poll. I mean, who starts a poll between two girls of the same group (and we all know how close they are with one another)??? Not sure if they're trolling or just want to be outright retarded, but only the latter makes the most sense.

Nevertheless, thank you Capt for making this thread! Now we can keep track based on only one thread, and we gonna need to count on you to make the necessary updates :P

<3 Capt

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There's actually a similar thread, [sPAZZ] Online polls to vote for T-ara but that's for unofficial online polls. If this thread serves the same purpose, I'll have to merge your thread with the older thread. However, if you plan to use the thread for official polls only, I'll leave yours as a separate thread.

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Official sources like MNet are the intent of this thread as they provide higher visibility to K-Pop fans and often have a direct impact on Music show rankings!

Update [140814]

T-ARA wins!


Also, Hyomin has taken a commanding lead in MNet's most recent video poll.



Original post updated with current information. 140814

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to t-ara최고 for the poll!
Love Beans is a Japanese Phone App. If T-ARA wins they will be added to their network as a regular feature which is basically free exposure and that's a good thing.
I voted without registering or signing in and apparently you can you once an hour per IP address.
This one is going to be happening throughout September so check back frequently.
Our girls are doing pretty well right now. ^^

Event Description
Love beans will explore ways to vote by fans worldwide hottest stars, fans can vote for their favorite stars standings, did not apply in the standings can add.
Each issue will open the largest number of votes of three stars , the star is turned on will be added to love beans APP while the exclusive TV and turn on the official website of the topic pages. .
Opening time for seven days after the end of each phase of voting.
Voting rules
The same IP can only vote once per hour for the same star.
Each phase of voting time at 00:00 on the 1st of the month to the last day of the month at 23:59.
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This site is going nuts today!




After what seemed like a slow pace in voting for the first week of this poll, voting has pretty much exploded.

Crazy amounts of votes are coming in fast! Just since I took this screen capture, T-ARA received 30,000 votes!

A-Pink pretty much came in out of nowhere to get 100,000 just today.


The rules are gearing to generate a lot of votes though. You can vote ONCE AN HOUR.

I don't think I've seen a vote set up that way in a while if ever. I set a timer on my phone to silently notify me at the top of the hour. :P

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Oh, is it that time of the year again? Whaaaaaa, so hectic @.@

Let's do our best for the girls, Queen's! Fighting!!


I'm just gonna leave this here ^^

Global: http://mwave.interest.me/mcountdown/vote.m?lang=eng&mcdMenuId=menu2_1

Korea: http://mcountdown.interest.me/vote/join.asp

Japan: http://jp.mnet.com/m_count/vote.m?mcdMenuId=menu2

Vote now, juseyo~ Go! Go!!

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*BUMP* Another day, another time to vote, ppl. Let's do it for T-ara, FIGHTING!!!




For each day you don't vote Qrisus will bully Boram. Help her. Help her, you Boram-stans!!


Global: http://mwave.interes...dMenuId=menu2_1

Korea: http://mcountdown.in...e/vote/join.asp
Japan: http://jp.mnet.com/m...mcdMenuId=menu2


Show Champion: http://www.mbcplus.com/program/champion/vote.html

*English Registration: http://member.mbcplus.com/User/RegistForAbroadMember.aspx

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