It's got an 'S so even though I'm a guy I'll have no problem telling someone I'm a QUEEN'S!!!
I can picture it now.........
Me: [ [ wearing concert T that has "QUEEN'S" on it ] ]
Girl: Who are Queens?
Me: We're all Queen's!
Girl: You're a Queen too? lol
Me: No, I'm Queen's.
Girl: Queens? So you're more than one Queen? lol
Me: No. Queen's with an apostrophe S
Girl: Oh! You're not a "Queen", you just belong to "Queen" because you're a fan right?
Me: Yes! Yes!
Girl: Me too! I loved Bohemian Rhapsody!
Me: hunh?... No, not the band Queen ...I like them too though.
Girl: Hunh???
[ [ [ situation confusing and akward, nervousness setting in. ] ] ]
Me: Girls.. umm... tiara....u kno.. korea... like.. err... singers... and.. umm.. fashon.. uhh... i like... 'cuz... umm.... cutie-pretty.. err... some.. tiara..... want... uhg... NEVERMIND...
Girl: OooK.. ?
Me: Just to be clear I'm not a homosexual.
Girl: Sure... Of course you're not.
Girl to Friend: *That guy tried to tell me he's a total QUEEN!* :lol: *Or his boyfriend is one? I dunno but it was fuuuunnnny.* lolol
My imagination gets away from me sometimes.