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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2015 in all areas

  1. [WEIBO] Zoe_1004 Update feat. T-ARA (03/09) Credit: Zoe_1004 + red4summer + TiaraDiadem According to the poster, Boram was supposed to stand beside her but due to height difference, Boram and Jiyeon swapped places. If you compare with the other 2 backstage photos, Boram was always in the middle.
    7 points
  2. [iG] Eunjung's Update (03/09) #여고생#오랜만에롤리폴리#완전신나#얼마만의교복인지#추억돋음#전영록선생님40주년콘서트#콘서트게스트#세종문화회관대극장 cr.: Eunjung's Instagram + Dognybba + tiaradiadem.com
    4 points
  3. [iG] Eunjung Update [03/10) 이랬었다니... #썩소작렬#스모키최대수혜자#나도모르는내가있어#어렸음.. Credit: Eunjung's Instagram + red4summer + TiaraDiadem I was dumb. I was never into T-ARA until recent time. Eunjung looks absolutely gorgeous with short hair. Do I have the chance to see her in long hair (again)?
    3 points
  4. [WEIBO] Zhou Mi Update feat. Jiyeon (03/10) Credit: 周觅MI + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    3 points
  5. [iG] Bumsukchoi Update feat. Qri (03/10) 큐리도 방문 Credit: Bumsukchoi's Instagram + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    3 points
  6. 웨이보만들었어요 JIYEON2____ 밑줄네개.. CR: jiyeon2__ + asah_ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    3 points
  7. The newest idols to appear on MBC's Every1 Showtime is up to your choice! Previously, the show followed groups such as EXO, B2ST, APink and Sistar. Let's make the T-ara the next in line! MBC is allowing us to vote for the next idols to have their own reality show. Follow this simple tutorial on how to vote for T-ara. First of all, register on MBC Plus via here and not to worry, registrations in English! http://member.mbcplus.com/User/RegistForAbroadMember.aspx After you have registered and logged in, visit the following page: http://www.mbcplus.com/every1/audience/request.html At the bottom corner, click the black 글쓰기 button to write your post. For the title, write 티아라 쇼타임 and in the body 티아라 쇼타임 요청합니다. Once ready, click the black 등록 button on he bottom to submit your post. You're done! It's been a while since T-ara had their own show, the last being Princess T-ara which ended in late 2013. So let's spread the word and do our best Queen's!
    2 points
  8. Earlier when Jiyeon arrived for work. Credit: Duoryan + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    2 points
  9. [Alarm pictures&sounds, 2nd Release Event] New T-ARA alarm pictures&sounds are released >< The new semester has started! Listen to T-ara's voices, get a deep sleep and become an early riser~ The lucky winner can get the 2015 T-ARA calendar and T-ARA alarm set! **How to Join: STEP1. Join or login TARA HOLIC app STEP2. Write on TARA HOLIC nickname, tag your friends in comment box ex. holiclove(nickname) @your friends STEP3. Share the event! *If you don't know your TARA HOLIC's nickname? Please refer to the event image~ **Prizes: 1st Prize: 2015 T-ARA calendar, Alarm set for one (All pictures and sounds of T-ARA Alarm & Sleep) 2nd Prize: Unlock Alarm+Sleep Reserve feature for two 3rd Prize: + 600 candies for three Event Period: 2015.03.09~03.15 Winner Announcement: 2015.03.17 The prizes will be given on 19 Mar. *If the winner already has alarm feature? We will provide the proportional candy. #TARAHOLIC free download : www.tara-holic.com -------------- [T-ARA闹钟的图片及铃声,第二次发布活动] 终于增加了新的T-ARA闹钟图片及铃声 >< 跟T-ARA一起晚安,成为一个早起的人~ 获得一等奖的人, 2015年T-ARA台历和T-ARA闹钟套装全都是你的啦! **参与方式: 1. 注册或者登录TARA HOLIC应用 2. 在回复空间里写下TARA HOLIC昵称,@朋友 例如: holiclove(昵称) @朋友 3. 转发活动就完啦! *如果不知道HOLIC昵称的话,参考一下活动海报~ **奖品类型: 一等奖: 2015年T-ARA台历, 闹钟套装, 1名 (闹钟功能及所有的图片和铃声) 二等奖: 闹钟+设定就寝时间功能, 2名 三等奖: 加600个糖果, 3名 活动时间: 2015年3月9日~3月15日 获奖公布时间: 2015年3月17日 3月19日将同时发布奖品。 *如果中奖者已经有闹钟功能的话, 会提供相应的糖果。 TARAHOLIC 免费下载 : www.tara-holic.com -------------- [티아라알람 2차 사진&사운드 오픈 이벤트] 새로운 티아라 알람 사진과 사운드가 추가되었습니다 >< 새학기에는 티아라와 함께 깊은 숙면, 부지런한 아침을 시작해 보아요~ 1등 당첨자에게는 2015 티아라 캘린더와 티아라 알람 세트를 모두 드립니다! **참여방법: STEP1.TARA HOLIC 앱 회원가입 or 로그인 STEP2. 게시물 댓글창에 홀릭 닉네임 적고 친구 태깅 댓글 예시: holiclove(닉네임) @친구 STEP3. 이벤트를 공유하면 끝! *홀릭 닉네임을 모르겠다면? 이벤트 이미지를 참고하세요~ **당첨선물: 1등: 1명, 2015 캘린더, 티아라 알람 세트 (알람,취침예약기능,모든 알람사진,사운드) 2등: 2명, 알람+취침예약 기능만 오픈 3등: 3명, 600 캔디 이벤트 기간: 2015년 3월9일~3월15일 당첨자 발표: 2015년 3월17일 모든 상품은 2015년 3월19일에 지급됩니다. *만약 상품 당첨자가 이미 알람기능을 갖고 있다면 이에 상응하는 캔디를 드립니다. #티아라홀릭 다운로드 : www.tara-holic.com CR: T-ARAHolic + asah-ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  10. Cr. as tagged + JiyeonHolic1100 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  11. [iG] Qri at smalllady0311 Update (03/11) *** Credit: smalllady0311 intagram + ily_shannon + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  12. 결국 찾지 못했어. 어버버..버 Credit: Hyomin's Instagram + T-4R4 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  13. \ 저의 웨이보 이메일 주소는 뭘까요.....? 이메일 까먹음..... 잃어버림.... 망했음...... CR: hyominn + Instagram + asah_ara2472@tiaradiadem
    1 point
  14. Cr. sbsmtvtheshow@twitter + JiyeonHolic1100 + Tiaradiadem
    1 point
  15. #코엑스 범석오빠가 이거 다 사줌. 우리 돼지되라규>.< #시간없음#스피드흡입 #꿀꿀 #다마싯어 #큰일 #배터짐 # @generalideanewyork@han_bling_ @qtfreet CR: qtfreet + asah_ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  16. 한국내에선 이상과 더불어 좋아하는 작가. 사춘기에는 형도아저씨를 자주 찾아갔었는데 이렇게 또 오춘기되서 찾아뵙네여.. #기형도 CR: sweetgirlej + asah_ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  17. Credit: Eunjunghk + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    1 point
  18. Re-updated the whole batch from Heat153.5. Credit: Heat153.5 + red4summer + TiaraDiadem Credit: Songdot + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    1 point
  19. 자유가 뭐 따로 있나요? 크크ㅋㅋㅋ #큐리 #이큐리 #자유시간 이거 추억이네 ㅋㅋ Credit: Qri's Instagram + T-4R4 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  20. Hi 잘자요 CR: jiyeon2_ + asah_ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  21. 있을땐잘안먹고없을땐찾아요#MILO CR: melodysoyani + asah_ara2472 + tiaradiadem
    1 point
  22. [15.01.22] MBK Entertainment CEO Gao Jian Ci, "T-ara will be the future of Hallyu in China." The survival of the fittest applies to all and the entertainment industry is no exception. With the signing of the China-Korea Fair Trade Agreement in November 2014, it signifies the birth of increased competition and changes in the entertainment industries of both countries. The beginning of the FTA from March has heightened expectations in many areas from the expansion of artists' activities to movies, dramas and variety. Being rash is definitely undesirable, but with the stream of 'China Wave', it has brought about more chances and riskiness for Korea's domestic entertainment companies which has been a topic of 2015. Amidst this trend, there is a entreprise which has been speedy at work, it is none other than MBK Entertainment. MBK former 'self' was CCM, led by Kim Kwang Soo. He has led T-ara, Son Ho Jun, F-ve dolls, Speed etc in October 2014 to form MBK, Music Beyond Korea. He emphasises that MBK and CCM are 2 different companies. Prior to MBK, the focus was on stability and completeness. Now in 2015, MBK will be more active in promotions and organising events. Focus is on becoming "a global entertainment company." Q: Let's get straight to it. When did you actually start planning on taking over the reins of CCM? Gao: From April 2014, I already had plans on a model for an entertainment company. So, I started MBK in July last year and formalised it in September. Foremost, out of the many companies, I chose CCM to merge with. It was mainly because Kim Kwang Soo and I share the same visions. MBK was perceived by the public to be "CCM" with a name-change, but this is not the case. Although the original team (artists) remain unchanged, it is essentially a different company from CCM. In the initial stages of forming the company, we prioritise revamping and stability and did not feel the need to specially express this difference. In the future, we will address this misunderstanding. Q: Then what kind of company is MBK? Gao: Our company focus is no longer solely on the Korean market. MBK's name signifies a step above Korean Music. Finding the answer to the globalisation of Hallyu. Hence, I believe taking over CCM was appropriate. Especially with the possibility of (our core group) T-ara's oversea activities, growth is the focus. Compared to boy bands, the recognition of girl groups is on the downfall. After Baby Vox in the beginning stages which received exceptional attention, there aren't any more. On this level, T-ara holds an unique advantage. In the China market, the response has been good. Although currently the income from Japenese activities are higher, with the expansion into the Chinese market, the situation will change. I believe that starting Chinese activities now will have a big impact. Q: Currently what is the level of T-ara's popularity in China like? Please be specific. Gao: Last year-end, T-ara held a concert at Shanghai. From a realistic point of view of the box office, the ticket sales were of the highest. It ended successfully and the Chinese company had even completed a proposal for the next show. Although it is difficult with the current music sources, but the model of using concerts for profits has already been established. Since the signing with the China agency, T-ara members have been in discussions over movie and drama roles. Without a doubt, we will work hard to achieve it. The purpose for the collaboration of T-ara and the popular China duo, Chopstick Brothers, was also for China activities. For them to receive continuous love, they must work on local popular works. Although worried about Korea's comments, this decision was made for their China activities. In comparison to a depressing situation, the response so far has been passable. Especially when we found something that stirs up the interest in China. The sales methods have also evolved. Gangnam Style finding fame through YouTube is a classic example. Q: It seems inevitable that there will be competition with the bigger entertainment companies. Gao: I think this is a chance to liven up the Hallyu scene. Of course, SM, YG and other companies are also preparing for their advancement into China. For this year, our plan is more of an offensive one: to carry out activities and expand the enterprise. These areas, where other entertainment companies would not take into consideration, we will have to try them ourselves. T-ara should also take this to heart, so as to put more emphasis/focus on it. We must do well in these areas. Moreover, this is the start of our China advancement. The Little Apple project has garnered enthusiastic responses. To produce comparative results at once, with promotions as our main focus, is what we are worried of. We are in the position to learn about enterprising advertisements and activities; we will carry them out in no time. Q: MBK's journey will be a busy one. Are there any plans still in the midst of formulation? Gao: MBK has a lot of things prepared. (Laughs) Those of which we have already started with, we hope to continue being busy with. There will be new releases for SPEED and The Seeya. However, we will also have to prepare for the new group to take flight. Of course, Kim Kwang Soo is the main producer for this. If he produces 100, it is the management's and my job to make it 200-300. In order to bloom, even though we put in a little more for the new group's expenses in the early stages, we will have to face the challenges bravely. We are also mindful of and are in the midst of preparing Chinese activities for the newer groups. For example: under circumstances where there has not been extensive promotions, The Seeya's new song has still managed to clinch 6th place on Yin Yue Tai. This kind of response is really surprising. We will continue to cultivate this area. Q: Last question. Please tell us about MBK Entertainment's future goals. Gao: We want to make this company a place where the artists and staff feel like this is their home. We want to find a way whereby in the long run, both the staff and artists can have a symbiotic relationship. Of course, we want to earn money too. As of now, we have just over 40 staff members. This year's revenue should hit 160 hundred million won. If everything goes as planned, this should not be difficult. *** Source: TVReport Translation by Beckhie & Rachel via Tiara Tieba
    1 point
  23. Credit: Trus-K + Songdot + Douryan + Heat153.5 + red4summer + TiaraDiadem
    1 point
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