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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. YAYAYYAYAYA! Happy Birthday in Diadem! I know you don't check it much but..Wubs You agains;D

  2. Hi.. OMG I Just had to say.. I'M SO JEALOUS OF YOU MEETING T-ARA!! Omo! I wish i was you ^_^ Hehe amazing how your so close to them! Hah' Well I hope you get to do more stuff like that with T-ara and share with us;D Thanks!

  3. OMO!!!!~ High 5 Jiyeonie?!!! Your such a lucky Fan!! Omo!! I wish i can meet T-ara one day ^__^ I'm glad you did! Hah' Very cool to be so close to them!;DD Thanks for the pictures and thanks for sharing! FIGHTING!
  4. Omo!!~:) Mavin and the other babies!XD Eunjeong and mavin! So kute! kute!! kute!! I think those two Should stay togeter;]]
  5. Omo!! Boram GIF Is just so kute!! Thanks for sharing! T-ARA FIGHTING!;]
  6. Oh dongsaengahh.. Happy birthday! Another dongsaeng for me! Well hope you have a awesome 12th B-day! and I hope we can be friends! Thanks!^^

  7. First picture "O__O" Hott!! Hehe;D They all look so beautiful and pretty and EUNJUNG! So kute!~ Thanks for sharing this!1 Thanks alot!^^ Fighting Tiara!
  8. Hello! Welcome to TiaraDiadem! Hope you find everything you need to find about T-ara! If not, feel free to come to me! Thanks!^^

  9. OMO!! They so kute!! Fan taken? It's so photoshopped;D T-ara fighting!
  10. Awww!;D lol's ..They all look so kute!! Look at Eunjung!! so kute! tHANKS FOR Sharing these Gif's!!! I LOVE IT!! T-ARA! Fighting!
  11. OMo!!~ They all look so Cute and pretty and sassy!XD I love this! Thanks for sharing LOTS'!;D!~<3
  12. Hwayoung soo..PRETTY!~ Fighting T-ara and Hwayoung;D
  13. Omo!~ They all so kute!XD Look at hyomine;D Thanks for sharing!XD
  14. Omo! I like thisXD Ahh thanks for sharing thisXD ahh they so pretty! I wonder where the other went O__O" FIGHITNG! T-ara!
  15. Oh.. so sadd;( Lol i wish ther was like 100 more episodes of thisXD well.. Fighting invinceble youth!XD Hehe I'm so proud of all the members in the showXD FIGHTING!

  17. LOL.. Yeah..It's okayXD WOOHOO I SEE SASSY SOYEON ON UR SIGGY;] Lol! Kute;D

  18. OMO~ Ikr!! I wonder if they actually have a dance move to that songXD I'd be dieing again..Haha'!~<3

  19. Woot woot! Eunjung looks so kute!! I love all thier pictures!XD T-ara fighting!
  20. WooHoo! Teach T-ara! Teahc them englsih;] Hehe I hope he can help them and i hope they do GREAT! Fighting T-ara~
  21. OMO!!~<# They are just so adorable and Kute!! LOOK AT OUR BORAM! Gotten very kute *Always been cute anyways* Omo! Fighting T-ara!~
  22. Woot woot! The only and AWESOME Only Girl band kpop group attending this!XD I'm excited! Fighting T-ara!~<3
  23. Woohoo! They looks all happy and all..Enjoyable with this songXD I love this song! Oh and first and second GIF,Kute! Third one.."SEXY"..lol!
  24. Woot woot! I see Boram! She never usally goes on Twitter:D I'm glad she is now taking pictures! Oh T-ara hwaiting! "they look all pretty!XD"
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