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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. Hello! Welcome to TiaraDiadem! If yu have any problems or questions feel free to ask me;) Thanks !^^

  2. AHHH!! YAH! I took boram for took boram on vactaion for the week! I'm giving her back today after i find my JUNGGIE!;] Haha!~ Yeah FAREWEELL UNNIEZZ!! MUAHAHAXD!~

  3. Aha Yeah~..Thanks again..Hehe;) FIGHTING US ALL!^__^~

  4. No school for me too!~ Lmao'! Yay then more breaks for us all! ;]] Aha..Yeah I'll fly by everyday Unnie ^__^'

  5. Wow O__O' So serioud now;)) T-ara..aha they gotta go on MATURE mode;] YAH! I hope they do very well on those exams! T-ara fighting!~
  6. Hello! Welcome to TiaraDiadem! If you have any problems or question feel free to ask me ^__^' Thanks.

  7. HAHA!~ Eunjeong Unnie looks halirious ..AWWW And the rest Omo'!^__^ Can't wait to watch this! Hehe;) T-ara hwaiting!
  8. Oh I live in the United.KINGDOM!

    nO JUSTPLAY'INN;) i LIVE IN THE USA! Kehehe;) Yah! I LOVE KARA AND MBLAQ AND BEAST TOO! My favorite from Kara is seungyeon^^ Yah Dongsaeng and unnie hwaiting!;)

  9. Ahhh..That's Okay ^__^ Hehe;) GET ON MORE! Hehe;) HWaiting! Us all;D

  10. Oh I see;) I love that picture of Jiyeonie..Hehe IN The MV "I go crazy because of you"- ahh! Fare well! I'll come visit some days^__^'

  11. Aha~ I see;) Well..wow! You reply faster than my other friend..**BCUZ YOUR ONLINE!** Haha..Well HI again then^_^'

  12. Hello! Welcome to TiaraDiadem!

    If you have any probelsm or question feel free to ask me!^^ Thanks.

  13. Lmao' Yeah..Funny Jiyeon! AHA! Well nice to meet you! I'll come visit once in a while^_^

  14. Yah! Keep studying on school so one day..I Can go stalk you down!>:D Aha!~ No just play'in again! Hehe I hope all that drama is gone by the end of this week or i'll have to fly to HK and KILL The drama..YAH! HWAITING!^__^'


  15. Sad;( Makes me sad too;( YAH! HWAITING! I hate dramas..I hate..DRAMAS..

    O__O'! If someone was trying to mess with my dongsaeng..THEY DEAD THE NEXT DAY! No just play'in ;D Hehe;)

  16. Hi!^^ My name is Mallissa but you can call me momo..Just passed by to say..YOUR SIGNATURE I FUNNY+KUTE! Aha it made my day;) Thanks..Bye!~

  17. Happy Birthday!^^ Lmao' I love your siggy and that little quote on the bottom about soyeon~

  18. Welcome to TiaraDiadem! I hope you find what you want to know about T-ara and if you have any problems or questions feel free to ask me!^__^


  19. Yah!~ Long time no Talk dongsaeng! Hehe;) How've you been(?)

  20. Yah! Lmao Yeah thanks..Aha!~ Yeah i need to find my new siggy!>:D HWAITING! Lol' Sorry i ran out of words! Anoy! ^^

  21. That last picture of jiyeon right there! Is so adorable and kute~ Thanks for sharing! ^___^
  22. OMO!~ Hwayoung!! Aha!~ I Love it when she appears!> Hehe I'm glad they all are in the picture now!! Hehe;) They look funny with babies^___^ and! Haha eunjeong and jiyeon holding a baby..VERY KUTE~Aha! The babies are so adorable!! Ahhh!! Can't wait for this! Fighting T-ara!^^
  23. My bad i wasnt done writing;) I wish i was korean! Hehe;) So...My bad if i write to slopy or miss spelled;) I type very fast that i miss spell aha!~ Well i'll try to visit you EVERYDAY!~ SO..ANOY! AND..HWAITING! ^^

  24. Aha!~ It's okay I'm VERY BUSY lately ^_^ YAH!!! OMFG! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! B.cuz..You thought i was Korean ;) I WANT TO BE KOREAN! Lmao No i'm not korean I'm like A-SAIN..Lmao;) Like you too..Haha yeah..OMG i wish i was korean aha~ Thanks for thinking i was korean..Hehe;) *SORRY I'M A HYPER KIDDO* Hehe..Yeah sorry for my typing too^^ I

  25. Ahh! Seungyeon~<3 Lmao;) Yeah kewl to hear that too ^__^ Well SKEWL! AHH! MAKES ME MICHJEO! Aha~ Yeah..Thanks once again;)

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