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Status Updates posted by Sweettreasurer

  1. hi have a nice day!^^..

  2. hi have a nice day^^..are you really meet t-ara?..

  3. i enjoy to our Talky talky!lol haha..

  4. gonna go now Kirsy!bye bye!^^..

  5. lol bcuz in short hair she looks cute!..in long hair she looks like old!lol

  6. i think short hair is fit to her bcuz long her i think doesn't lol!..

  7. do you know Ha Ji Won?..

  8. haha same too bcuz in there some pic there both acting like AEGYO!lol

  9. i didn't watched Coffee House!..but i like eunjung too and Jiyeon And Boram bcuz there are so cute and so BEAUTIFUL!!!..lol

  10. btw how you know or find Eunjung?..

  11. You are 21 years old while I am 12 years old!lol everyone shock at my age bcuz i was to young!

  12. that's a great job!..btw how old are you Kirsy?..

  13. nice to meet you too^^..btw thanks for adding me ass a friend here!..wish we gonna be a bestfriend!..


  15. go and sign up in Twitter today Kirsy!^^..bcuz Twitter is fun lol!..you have a job?what kind you have a job Kirsy?..

  16. maybe i shall call you Kirsy if it's ok to you?..

  17. hehe Nice to meet you Kirsten^^..lol btw do you have twitter or facebook account?..

  18. hi have a nice day^^..

  19. your name is cute lol!:P yeah my real name is Maritess but everyone calls me Tess..

  20. i'm fine too!^^..same too i'm so excited!!XD lol..btw what's your name?..

  21. hi have a nice day!^^..

  22. long time no talk unnie!!!

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