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Status Updates posted by Sweettreasurer

  1. your welcome!^^..i'm alright unnie! bcuz i eat my favorite chocolate!lol XD..how about you?

  2. They say, "E" sinister letter in alphabet ...You do not find in the "Cash" always in the "Credit"While life on "Death"and "Hell." But did you know, the "E" is not in the "War"always in the "Peace". Beginning of "Existence"and end of "Trouble."Imagine if there is no letter "E", no LIFE, WATER, FIRE, EARTH, HEART, LOVE, HEAVEN!

  3. maybe i shall call you oppa lol!..btw i'm Maritess maybe you can call me Tess!^^..follow me in twitter oppa!..

  4. OMO!I'm now Starting to like B2st!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sweettreasurer


      me too me too!!!!!!!!

    3. vine_hyominnie48



    4. Sweettreasurer


      i'm getting getting getting getting getting crazy!

  5. i'm from philippines~ you?..btw what's your name?..

  6. ur welcome!..i just wanna help you lol!nice to meet you too!^^..

  7. OMO!i miss you sistah!

  8. lol you viewed me but you didn't say nothing T.T btw have a nice day ^^..

  9. btw you can look photos here to upload in diadem gallery http://www.tarafan.com/main.html ^___^

  10. your welcome!^^..btw you can look photos here to upload in diadem gallery http://www.t-arafan.com/main.html ^__^

  11. lol!..let's mixed with cone that's gonna be a SUPALICOUS!!!XD lol

  12. welcome to diadem!..^^lol i'm so late to say this to you!!lol :P have a nice day^^..

  13. hi have a nice day!^^..

  14. OMO!!your so awesome your a new member but your a gallery uploader!!!lol btw thanks for sharing the pics of t-ara!!

  15. yeah i think ice cream gonna make me hungry this time T.T

  16. don't know!!..lol haha!just eat chocolate ice cream...

  17. so happy to you uppa!..congratulations!!^^..let's celebrate lol :D

  18. Gago is a bad word!!>.<

  19. hindi ko alam na pilipino rin pala ang may-ari ng Diadem Forums!LOL..

  20. OMO!!..you are now a gallery uploader!!!!!!!

  21. ur welcome^^..lol how you forget me?my name is just simple to remember!LOL..

  22. ok btw are you alrdy watch Roly Poly?..boram is the cutest there...^^

  23. yay i alrdy add you!..lol^^btw have a nice day..

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