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Status Updates posted by foreverjiyeon21

  1. nah.. its okay. haha.. busy schooling right ? haha.. im watching japanese movie right now.. have u heard virgin snow ? lol

  2. ohh.. haha okok ^^ have u watch soul yet ? i havent.. im not really into ghost/murder story..lol :P

  3. haha... i like that man too.. he is freaking funny. but oh i understand how u feel.. :)..chill ok ^^

  4. lol..i didnt watch oh my school.. boring.. haha ^^ what her ideal type of guy ? ahhaa

  5. haha..."too emo* well she had a kissed before so its okay with me.ahaha :)

  6. haha.. you think ? *her death stare* hahaa i wanna see her in a romantic comedy drama. haha :) *dreaming*

  7. ouh really.. well better than me tho.. i watched it at kbs but sometimes i missed out the episode cause forgot the airing time.hahaa :) ^^ but jiyeon loves to appear in ghost/murder kinda story.haha

  8. lol..yeah.. have u watch jungle fish 2 ? kyaaa ^^

  9. yeah jiyeon spazzer :) hye ^^

  10. me too ^^.. still schooling ?

  11. kyaaa >_<.. haha.. hye how r u ?

  12. haha.. hwaiting!! work ? well sucks.haha..dont really wanna talk about it.hahaha. miss school ^^

  13. haha hye ^^ you are back.. hows school ?

  14. haha.. bye.. but im back.. :))

  15. me too ^^ but im off to work now :PP hwaiting...

  16. aww too bad :(.. what are u doin now ?

  17. haha..thanks.. u not going anywhere today ? like hangout with friends or anything ?

  18. haha.. good..dont get sick like me .. ^^ :P

  19. i think im in love :)) ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. t-aranwaterjewel
    3. dis_crazy_girl
    4. foreverjiyeon21


      hahaa... but i think im not in love anymore.. havent see him like a month now.hahaa ^^ wonder how is he doing.lol..

  20. keep coughing none stop !!! ouh please stopp :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. foreverjiyeon21


      yeah i hope so... this thing really annoys me.hahaa :P

    3. t-aranwaterjewel


      yea i know wat u mean.

    4. foreverjiyeon21


      hahaa..yeapyeap ^^ aigoo :P

  21. lol..Hi Hi! :P haha not so great..having fever again.. :((..uu ? ^^

  22. lol..its okay.. doing great... hbu ?

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