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Status Updates posted by tikaluph

  1. then..

    we face the same problem, hongie..


  2. do u mean?

    high five?

    yeah~ it kills me so much!

    I dunno how's my life if I dont pass this.

    trust me. it's REALLY WEIRD. everytime I feel I can do good, it failed. but, whenever I didnt have any idea, I passed it D;

  3. hello, lil sys, Hongie <333

    yes, you absltly rite.

    I'm soooo busy these 2 weeks.

    1st week --> with B2ST stuffs. they were holding concert, so, I have to update it. well, it's my other blog project.

    2nd week --> busy with my study. I had final exam and today is the last today. exam is always frustrating for me T^T

    I ran out all of th...

  4. candy, please dont upload pics for the next 6 hours.. from 8 AM - 2 PM. I guess we have same time, so, you dont have to convert the time.

  5. oh hey, fida!

    long time not online here :D

  6. In my world 보이지 않는 곳에 그곳에서 살고 있지.. In my world 언제나 환한 미소로 (:

  7. one of tiaradiadem's family member is gone... and I am really rly sad~ :'((

  8. r u online now? if ye,s, go to YM now. I'm waiting u..

  9. good dear! XDD

    there are some changes in gallery..

    PM me what time u usually OL. we're gonna chat on YM.

  10. kkkkk~

    dont mind it. old school joke! kkkk~




  11. aahhh~ I see.. :P

    dont have idea if you would reply it in my profile, J ^^


  12. puahahaa.. what content? :P

    eh? Dujunseob Thread? nope. I didnt open it yet T^T

  13. OMG! 0.0 BIG?! *HYPERBOLE!* kkkk~ I'm not that old, babe :P kkkk~

  14. sorry for supa dupa late reply :<

    my inet is still busted now. so I just can OL while I'm in college T^T

    puahahaa.. XDD

    I'm not gonna tired. dont worry :P

  15. sorry for supa dupa late reply :<

    my inet is still busted now. so I just can OL while I'm in college T^T

    yeah~ I'm gonna check it out there.. their photo thread is kinda dead smtms..

  16. I like both.


    btw, Kas..

    I need some fake Korean citizen number.

    I lost the number that u have given me before.

    can u give it again to me? thank you so much! <3

  17. puaahaha.. XDD

    thx for thinking that I'm a guy (:

  18. hheee.. I'm there. if you aware, I also posting there. photo section of course. but, now, I seldom post there. just keep the pics for my own :P

    I have many pics of them. even more than my T-Ara collection. I just rare see DooJoonSeob in 1 pic ^^

  19. haaahh~ the link isnt working too. but, I have google it. tried to find ur PB album first, and search the pic one by one. just 1 pic? :P OMAGAH!


  20. hoi hoi.. it's like HEY HEY~ XDD


    in our country, we like to change everything, just for fun :P

    kkkk~ ^^

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