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Rhys not Reese

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Posts posted by Rhys not Reese

  1. I can't be the only one wondering this, but back when T-ara dropped their drama MV for "Day by Day", the teaser at the end for part 2 had an insanely catchy electric beat. This was teased to be the beat for "Sexy Love". Now that it has been released, the beat is entirely different than the one in the teaser. I still love the song but I would have preferred the beat used in the teaser. Which one did you prefer?

    If you haven't heard the teaser beat, go to youtube and type in "Tara Mirage Teaser" and have a listen..


  2. The heat around T-ara is starting to die down. KKS is making this offer just to save face. What CEO in their right mind would openly invite to meet with antis??? The more KKS tries to make it appear as if everything in T-ara is ok, the more suspicious he is making the fans, and the more he is feeding the antis. He needs to let the heat die down, give the girls a break, and let them each make their own statements and then just concentrate on a solid comeback with "Sexy Love". The fans are STILL here, we are STILL here, and they know this. We are waiting, T-ara!

  3. Hwayoung taking the high road if this is true. The only missing key to this whole scandal is what happened between T-ara and Hwayoung that night before Music Bank. We have all the surrounding stories but CCM is beating the bush around the heart of the topic. We may never find out what really happened but there are two sides to every story. I hope QUEENS understand that too. T-ara had a reason for what they did as well as Hwayoung. They are all young girls and feelings of jealousy and cockiness are very common at their ages, especially with their status. I want T-ara back =[

  4. I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the current conflict with T-ara's ambiguous tweets. It's just come to my attention that Boram has unfollowed Hwayoung on twitter? Wow....I don't think I am going to like the upcoming announcement.

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