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Posts posted by venessa0307

  1. At this moment, concert being postponed is not that bad. Since it gives time to both T-ara and those fans or antis to settle down everything first.

    Thats Great to hear!

    Those who are going to this showcase! Let's make it extra extra extra special for the girls.

    Let them know they still have fans who support them no matter what happen.

    Hopefully that can cheer them up.

    What do you think?

    Such a good idea. Omg, I'm so regret that I didn't purchase the showcase ticket. Hopefully there are antis who don't want their tickets and can sell to me :(

  2. After taking a rest from following T-Ara because I was fed up with the stress, the trolling, the drama, and the crazy I come back to find this.


    This is not even funny anymore.

    I am hoping this announcement is about KKS using his magical troll powers to tell them to get their act together and stop acting like a bunch of prima donnas. That little debacle was beyond acceptable.

    I am sorry to say this, and I mean no offense to you, but the theory on their maturity flew right out the window the moment they decided to take their problems to twitter.

    What I mean was the girls should be mature enough to solve their problem (over the twitter incident). The problem was created by them, they should solve it by themselves, not any third parties.

  3. In my opinion, this incident should be foreseen when CCM added new members to T-ara (either Hwayoung, Areum nor Danne)

    Idols are also human being, they have weaknesses like all of us. For us as ordinary person, we do argue with our best friend and boycott someone among the group of friend. T-ara stay together most of the time, problem and disagreement might arise from time to time. Just to say that, disagreement or argument not as bad as you think, it might be a way to speak your heart out to others.

    CCM, if you want to get the bad incident solved, you shouldn't blame anyone or the twitter account (you think account being hacked is a good reason?). Let the girls solve the problem by themselves, I think they are mature enough in solving their own problem.

  4. they will get better seat slightly front if they had connection with the organizer

    they will buy first before it release to public... that is the benfits to have one connection point

    Dont forget.. public tix is alway at the back AFTER specific tix was giving out free to sponsor / orgnizer family and friends.. hahah!

    But i nt sure if K singer work in this way a not.. but for chinese singer it works this way.. use to seat with a chinese singer dad and mom before :P

    oh..thanks for answering the question on behalf of me..yeah, i think if bulk purchase you will get better seat..but MyT-ara's bulk purchase already closed T.T

  5. Send/remit it to the bank account listed and then follow-up filling up the application for foreign member and e-mail it to them. Everything you need to do is said. ^^

    No, it's an annual payment of $10 USD (July 1st 2012 - June 30th 2013). You'll have to renew your membership every year~

    The memberships for foreign and Korean members are the same and are all listed under ♣Benefit of Membership.♣.

    Thank for your reply but the banking info stated above is for local member (Korean only)

  6. To the robber: How dare you rob a kpop artist..you must be didn't realize how popular is kpop in countries outside Korea now..what you did already spread very fast to other countries..it's a shame on you! I pray that you will be safe when using the money :angry:

    To lovely Eunjung: I know you are a strong girl, you will be (emotionally) recovering from this incident soon. Everyone of us is supporting you, don't cry anymore. This incident not your fault, don't blame yourself on not taking good care of the money.Hwaiting!

    To CCM/ other support staff: I wonder why you are hired, can't you just elect a treasurer among yourself and give all the girls a break on the Europe trip? Hyomin & Eunjung already exhausted on photo shooting, why still ask Eunjung to be the "secretary"?

    Besides that, you never learn on "don't put all your eggs into a basket"? Why can't you elect few treasurer to take care of the money?If the fund was carrying by different staffs, the losses won't be so huge.

  7. Im not sure about Vietnam or Malaysia yet, but its said that T-ara is coming back to Thailand for a solo concert on June 3

    hope its real =]

    if is it real, please inform me ;) ..I will surely fly to bkk this time..i have missed the korean music wave in bkk..heartache :(

    oh GOD!! im so jealous of Thai fans >.<.....i'm waiting for them to come to Malaysia~

    If they are not coming to M'sia but to Thailand again, we should gather all M'sian fans and go bkk together..

    Jom~Kita pergi Thailand cari T-ara :D

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