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Posts posted by AnthonyTcK

  1. this is great news but than again this also means they will have to be worked out for the debut in Japan >.<.

    i had thought that Mnet would make the girls settle their position more in Korea first before hitting other country's.

    maybe i'm thinking at the wrong direction?

    anyway thanks for translation and sharing this news :D

  2. some songs like good person was more but i had to replace the song cuz i deleted by accident xD

    One&One - 38

    처음처럼 Like The First Time - 56

    Bo peep Bo Peep - 113

    Tic Tic Toc - 65

    Bye Bye - 37

    Apple is A - 162

    Falling U - 5

    너너너 - 34

    거짓말(Dance ver) - 99

    T.T.L(Time to love) - 254

    거짓말(Slow ver) - 30

    TTL Listen.2 - 178

    좋은사람 19

    놀아볼래? - 58

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