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Posts posted by AnthonyTcK

  1. aah, i hope Jiyeon will get better soon ^_^, they should let her rest abit she and whole Tiara has a too tight schedule.

    lool even when they are so busy Eunjeong still is studying for her license ;).

    wishing her good luck, i got mine when i turned 18 xp.

    hope they will have an cf for phone's, going to buy the phone they will making the cf of xp.

    thanks for sharing

  2. the first "problem" isn't T-ara fault at all <3. everyone knows what concept T-ara holds. they did others performance before even go to V-star League game so the event organizer should know that when it's a family event to invite a group that holds a more "kids image".

    beside nothing really revealing and good thing too :P (dun get me wrong ppl). the outfits were normal to me. and kids these days have seen worse things, even if they didn't came to this event.

    all they have to do is put on their tv and zap to a music show and bamn they can see all kind of girlgroups with skirts -_-.

    and the second "problem" not a big issue too, cmon ppl, everyone can make a mistake >.< and they apologized too so those ppl need to get over it. i'm even worse i've said another girl's name to a other girl and she wasn't happen with that xD

  3. actually i think Hyomin but also on the same time Eunjung.

    ok let's put it in this way, both have that look of get lost before i beat you xD, it just the aura they have around them :).

    but i do wanna say that all members except Qri has a bad girl look, Qri is just too cute :)

    but since i know that Eunjung has a black belt i'm going to Eunjung, she could beat me like i'm a fly to her xD. i hope i do run faster than her xp. but at the same time it would be happiest beating i'll ever get xD

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