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Status Updates posted by kinoebe

  1. the APPLE HEAD CRAZY CAT.. :) sailing like MUlan, (..^ 3^)//\(* ^ *..)

  2. Visiting me. :) Missing me these days zukinie? ^_______^..)//

  3. Your welcome~~ and thanks for replying back there dear~ ^______^~..)// keep collecting all the diadems here,haha~ <3 your a pretty awesome fan/artist too!DAEBAKK jess d' greaT~

  4. thanks for the add. ^_____^:..)//

  5. *innocent face* no i didn't mean to ditch all my babies there.. >______<..) please forgive me.. fluffy -ah~

  6. far far far away land, don't worry, I'll be back.. but i dunno when, pls wait for me ay momo? ^^ how are you all there? still fine ryt? aigoo.. miss you all. --_____--..)

  7. this is no fun at all fluffy kid.. Now what's happening there?O_______O..) what's happening to my family huh? aishhh.. miss you to DEATH fluffy one.. --____--..)

  8. OFC, we can.. :) now I remember u, aigoo. babo one. haha. ur dp on twitter is a cute lady, but y its stated here tht ur a male?o_______O..) lOL,

  9. ^_______^..) glad you love them dear. :) yup, I used SAI. but not on my fanarts here. cuz it's all manual then sum edit in photoshop. I used sai if I use tablet for drawing. You draw too? :)

  10. ay bata birthday mu pla kahapon nuh? le'me greet you boss. :) though it's really REALLLY LATE. HAppy birthday diadem sweety. ^____^..) GBU~

  11. Oh BB RHAKELITY. I MISS YOU soo badly...______: take care kay?

    I'm sorry, .aigoo.so how r u? :P

  12. yahahah.. K-kun missed me. :) LOL.

  13. LET's FARTEH = let's party or FARTy. heehee~ I like ur username. :D

  14. :D hi there kid~ hello~ soondie-chan is here.. \(─‿‿─..\)
  15. omagahh.. I LOVE YOUR SIGNATURE!! SERIOUSLY!!! HAHAHA.. RINA!!! oopss.. overwhelmed. *mianhae.. HAHAH! <3

  16. sempai dear, can I get your DA? :P

  17. oh yeah, thanks u soondie yah, my baby soonie,, LOL ok call me omma then since i juz turned to adult now. LOL thank u ~ loveya kid.

  18. thank you candy!~u can eat my art works too! :,3 thanks again! heart ya!~

  19. thnk you for the greetings!! let's FARTEH! :,3

  20. thank you my oppa K-KUN! :,3

  21. yay!!~ :,3 are you shocke K-kun that I called you "OPPA" ? :,3

  22. 18 yrs. old is the adult age range here too!haha~ yeah I have a child living in the west side of the earth, How did I had you? ^ T ^..) no more teenage stuff for me cuz I just started my "ADULT LIFE". :D

  23. kinoebe?? <------ THAT??!! haha. I dunno too. just come up while making my old comics, kinoebe is the name of the main character. :P heehee~ now kinoebe is living on t-ara's world. maybe I should continue on using tht lame name 'till I'm here as a fan of them. :]

  24. haha!where the same tot, until now I still dun get waht my life is. :,3 since we both artist, *ohh, your really my child* we have this mood swing. :P and we dun like to be bothred like our parents, Now go and WATCH MBLAQ!! hoooho,my soonie baby~

  25. oh by btw, if I can meet Hwa sumday, probably she can step on me, cuz i'm only 150cm. :P HAHAHAH~

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