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Status Updates posted by ultimateasianbomb

  1. saranghae sarang hab nee dah

    sarang sarang hae yo

  2. Sunyoung and I have been joking that if someone was being sarcastic while saying a joke one year later they just came up to you and said just kidding

    we laugh at weird things

  3. which one the we're not in love

    once in a while we get into bad arguments

  4. 친구(same thing as friend)


  5. -.- didnt feel good at all for sometime but im better now...i am not sick anymore :D

  6. -.- finnnee..but every thing in the movie happened too fast like in the beginning it just starts out as them performing and the crowd like ignoring them and stuff then they move to a different place and thats where eunjung found the white tape and this i sjust the beginning...

  7. -.- i know i am....its weird

  8. -.- wonderful....i had to do splits...AGAIN....grrrrr

  9. -.-...get some eye drops...i dont know

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