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[SPAZZ] America? :D


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Hmm. IMO, no dont go to America. The reason why WG got into america is PARTLY because of their american fanbase and MOSTLY because of JYP's smart smart smart plans. IMO The only one who can PAR-UP with JYP's head is YG. and in-fact, sometimes YG's plans fail too(ie. Taeyang, Gummy). So.. No. xD

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You didnt tag your topic. ill tag it for you.

Hmm. IMO, no dont go to America. The reason why WG got into america is PARTLY because of their american fanbase and MOSTLY because of JYP's smart smart smart plans. IMO The only one who can PAR-UP with JYP's head is YG. and in-fact, sometimes YG's plans fail too(ie. Taeyang, Gummy). So.. No. xD

Oh, no, no, no. I didnt mean coming to America as in beginning a new career here like JYP. I mean as in a concert or something. Just so the people who live in America but love Tiara can see them perform live. It would, literally, be a dream come true :] Aside from hanging with them of course ^_^

One idea I had was the Korean Day Festival in New York. I remember Brown Eyed Girls came last year and so did others like Lee-sang and Wax.

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that would be pretty sickk if they came to america for something like that.

hmm with their populairity now adays maybe they will get a chance like that

imo they really arent ready to debut in america but attending a korean concert in america would be nice

of course id want them to come to ontario lol

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I don't think they will come in America right now. They still rookies and only gains popularity with BPBP (i don't mention TTL 'cause it's a collaboration). T-Ara just gained a solid fan base in Korea but I think their fan base in America isn't important.

Of course, it'll be nice to see them invited for HB.

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Seems like the opinions are coming up mixed up. LOL.

Hmm, I don't see how a fan base in America is really important when all they are doing is performing in a concert in America

I think the only time a fan base is needed is when someone is trying to make a career here

And even then, it isn't that hard to find fans in America

Looking at how multi-cultural America is, I'm pretty sure it's possible


But aside from that, I really wanna see a live performance "Like the First Time"

IMO, "Like the First Time" is better than "Bo Peep Bo Peep"

Maybe it's because I prefer the more mature feel to LTFT than BPBP ._.

But all to their own, right? :)

Your opinions?

OHHHH NOOOO, my favorite song now has to be Jiyeon's new song

She's amazing :]

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Guys, I just mean a concert where they can come out as guests or something

Nothing too big

Just something small for them to perform


I just thought of something that might bring up lots of ideas/perspectives

Well not really but I just got nothing to talk about


And I'm sleepy as all hell so I'd rather start with a new topic


So, whats some of your fantasies about Tara?

I have a couple but mine would be to just go on a date with Jiyeon :]

God, shes such a goddess <3

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Honestly, I really hope that the girls do NOT come to America. Many K-pop stars have tried debuting in America, yet they have not done well. I think the success rate is too low and too risky for the girls to even try coming over. The Wonder Girls are just an exception to this. I think T-ara should stay in Korea and Asia for a while. However, if they were to just come over to do some concerts or whatever, I think that would be a great idea.

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As much as I would like it, I don't think they'd have much of an audience here. Even Wondergirls who are doing well can't draw a big crowd outside of Jonas Brothers fans really. It seems like in America anything "innocent" or really pop-ish is only marketed to younger people--like 14-15 and below. And then all the 'popular' music with older teens/young adults is either rap or rock, and when there's pop it's usually just girls that can't even sing looking like hookers...

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@ Geoe- Well, it's only natural that it happens in Asia first.

That IS where they are currently famous at, right? :)

@ Advan- Definitely. The more that I think about it, the more I think T-ara is gonna be very famous. Like, honestly.

@ ichi- Once again, this has nothing to do with a fan base and what not. This isn't about debuting here. It's only about being asked to perform here one time for the fans in America.

@ Shokyori- Sorry D: Didn't mean to fool you like that? ;_;

@ ♥나현정♥- RIGHT?! I totally wish I lived in Korea too. It would be sooooo AWESOMEs. :]

@ soapysuds- Finally, someone who figured out what I was talking about before having to say something about debuting ._. Thank you :]

@ FLYINGTOHFOO♥- It's pretty easy to know that the ladies won't be able to succeed here in America yet, with the minimal exposure to America and whatnot. But soon, the day will come. VERY soon. :]

@ chungalung- Yeah, without having Asia as their basis, I don't think the ladies would able to succeed here. The fact that Asia has such a stupid and harsh netizens would probably give them strong hearts. Probably lots of confidence. Enough confidence + talent = what? Success, that's what. :]

@ stardustii- It would be so awesome. I think I would be a very happy man if I got to see them in person. But then I would be blind from all that beauty and stuffs. But that's nothing because at least the last thing I saw was something beautiful, right? :o

I just wanted to say sorry for not replying earlier to you guys and gals. My keyboard and mouse conveniently broke so I was pretty much owned for like a whole week. Also the fact that my xbox live account went silver. So I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do for like a week. BUT, I did watch videos on my tv of music programs like Inkigayo and saw T-ara :P And I got to see Jiyeon performing "Like the Beginning" and I was like "Damn, she's such a heartthrob :D"

Lol, so that was my little rant for the night.

Good night everyone~ :o

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  • 1 year later...

Ehh.... I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Wondergirls have been a muhc longer group and JYP is very smart in advertising (but SM is the best). Also, Kara and SNSD would probably come first though, looking at their fanbase and advertisment....

I kinda don't want them to come to America too, then too much mainstream and annoyance in my case (people in my school/town like to spazz and overreact)

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I think once a solid fanbase is set up in America, it would definitely be awesome!

However, I don't think T-ara are as popular in the States as the JYP or YG companies, so I'd definitely go with "give it some time" even though I'd love to watch some of their concerts!

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