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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. HAHA`! I Can't Swim Too T____T I Wat Jang Woo to teach me and Eunjung.. LOL`!! i hope she learns well and that Lee Dued better keep her safe or ELSE O___O'`~
  2. WOW`!!! She Answered ALL of them! WOW... Haha! ARE THESSE FROM NORMAL FANS? Or was it from Actual Like Repoters and stuff? Well anyways! Eunjung Hwaiting.. SHE IS VERY TALENTED JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER MEMBERS ^__________^~
  3. RAAAWWRRR!! She's so PRETTY!!!! HAHA!~ Loving these Cine 21 Stuff! MAKES EUNJUNG LOOK SO ATURE ANDSEXY!!! Hwaiting Eunjung ^_____^
  4. AHH!! Now I See The Photos~ THANKS ALOT ^_______^ Wahh.. They Look Very Pretty! LOVE THESE POSTERS Hwaiting T-ara!~
  5. WAH!! Hyomin With No MAKE UP on right?1 SHE'S SO PRETTY!~ Hyomin Going tO jAPAN! HAHA (: Have Fun Hyomin! Hwaiting Hyomin! ^_______^`
  6. Once Again This IS SEXYY!! Seeing eunjung likes this makes me go crazy! HAHA! Eunjung is already pretty!!~ HWAITING!! ^_________^
  7. WOAH!! Eunjung Hair is growing!! SHE'S SO PRETTY! AND SEXY!!! Wow! Lots of things she was in.. Is 'WGM' Acting? SomeHow it seems acting.. I MEAN You can't just force someone to love another -________- Hwaiting Our Beautiful Eunnjung!~<3
  8. Unnie Memae :( SomeHow YOUR FaceBook Account doens't exsist no more.. That Goes for Omma.. If You guys are purposly leaving us.. Please come back T_______T

  9. HAHA! So Excited! Muahaha! Japanese Uh?.. Can't Wait Until July 1st then!! 1 MORE MONTH BABY!!!!!! U Know this will be a great ComeBack ^__________^`
  10. Hey!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ^_______^ I Hope you have a great day! HAHA! T-ara Fighting! :D Bye Bye Unnie ^__^

  11. HAHAH!!! Jiyeon WAS SO ADROABLE IN HERE!!! But then I Found out today in Diadem a while ago that she played as a LESBIAN! She's a really great actor! Seeing T-ara Acting as Homosexuals are just so cute! LOL! It's So weird but cute! RAWR! That doesn't look lesbian BTW (: Hwaiting Jiyeon!~
  12. Hehe.. Those ANimations are just so cute! Thanks For Sharing ^__________^`
  13. Saw this yesterday and started going High..LOL! She's Just SO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! This Is The hottest picture ever i swear ^______^ Thanks For sharing again. now i show you my crazyness for Jung.. HAHA ^__^`
  14. Haha! I Was just watching this Yesterday! OMG! She's SO Good ^___^ and wow on this part "Jiyeon had also left a strong impression on the viewers with her acting as a homosexual." I Didn't know she played that O__O" But i thought it was very cute! HAHA! This Impressed me very much too! Hehe! Hwaiting Jiyeon!~
  15. OMG!! This Made My Day! T-ara Debut in Japan? Make me crazy! I Hope they get really popular over there! But they beter come back to Seoul to Sing in korean too! Plue Jiyeon and Qri are experienced with Jap (: And Johnny? WOOHOO! Hwaiting T-ara Then ^__________^`
  16. WAHHH!! YOU WENT TOOO?!?!!? I Think All These Photos Are Highly Taken! Thanks ALOT! For Sharing ^_________^
  17. Oh My Gosh ^_________^ T-ARA ARE SO PRETTY!!! So Many People IN DIADEM GOT TO SEE THEM live ^_____________^ i'm jealous now... Hwaiting Then! NICE PICTURES! Ohalala Eunjung (:
  18. Wahh.. You Went too? I Hope Itt Was fun! ANYWAYS! THANKS`! For sharing! I Think these photos are high quality Hwaiting!~
  19. WOW!!! MEGA PHOTOS!!~<3 Wow! Your So Lucky and Your Word >____< LOL! Anyways! Thanks ALOT! For Sharing! These photos made my day! I Think You Take Alot Of Good Pictures for Then Hwaiting!~
  20. WOW... You Actually Went and saw and took pictures of T-ARA?!?!?~ Wow.. Yeah I Heard about the security gaurds O____O' But Yesh! Nice Shots!~ Hwaiting Now (:
  21. O___O Hyomin So Pretty ^___^ Ahh These three dorks Eunjung and Hyomin and Jiyeon (: AND LOOK AT Soyeon!~ sO pretty ^____^ Hwaiting T-ARA!~
  22. Saw Episode 8 but Ep9? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? LOL! Yeap Eunjung Is Totally scared of drowning and WaterO__O" ME TOO I Cannot swim O__O" That'sCute! LOL Hwaiting WooJung Couples!~
  23. HAHA! Wow!Saw Eunjung tweet with the same clothings before going ^___^ The was really going!~ ^___^ They Look Bored.. Ouuu Have Fun Though! Hwaiting T-ara!~
  24. BWHAHAA!!! I Saw Everything! EveryOne was Crazy and Loud! HeheThey Look so pretty even rying to find thier car >____< Hehe! HWAITING T-ARA!~
  25. LOL! I Saw this Earlier ^___^ Well That's Cute You Better be a real love I BET It was just for those fans and camera's But if it's Real.. ^_________^ VERY CUTE! LOL And that Campus lover makes melaugh! >____< HAHAHA Hwaiting!!~ EUNJUNG-AH! I LOVE YOU TOOO!" lol (:
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