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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. Welcome to TiaraDiadem!

  2. Oh jiyeonie:[ I HOPE THAT WASNT HER!!

  3. LOL unnie you sound so halirious now..LOL .." the underages one are nasty" LOL something like that..BUT WOW! i mean..LOL i think it is her..LOL dummy jjiyeon..LOL

  4. Yeah~~ really really disgusting..she shouldnt be doing those nasty stuff..12 or13! seriously?! i dont even think of doing that when i'm young!!

  5. Welcome to TiaraDiadem!!:]

  6. Yeah>:[ LO jiyeonie..some dued saw it..LOL..OMFG! they told me what happend lols i told them i was like 13 LOL an they were like..LOL..they were like..we should put a 18+ sign..LOL was like..okay i'm outta this shoutbox for 10mins:] LOL..bad jiyeon and wow:|

  7. Welcome to TiaraDiadem! IHEART NEW MEMBERS! WELCOME! AND HWAITING!:]]

  8. W/e we live in the same house dumb face>:P

  9. Really?!! on fan cafes:]] oh i wish there was one near me..maybe there is..LOLs idk:]] hehe:]

  10. Really(?) This is damn dumb O__O Who cares that was her past..Maybe..maybe not..but i hope that person isnt her and these dam things gotta stop! I dont like rumors and stuff they been hating on our jiyeonie>:[ shame on them.I hope jiyeon stays strong and thanks you to her parents:]] eh..and Stay Strong Jiyeon:|]
  11. Welcome to Tiara Diadem!! I LOVE NEW MEMBERS:]]

  12. LOL~ yeah:]] Hehe on BEG'S fanshop and other fanstuff:]] haha..yeah! LOL..i was bored here for a while lol..today i just got reported for writing too much XD! that reminds me when i talk to much O__O It was halirious idk why i didnt felt bad..I FELT BAD (AKA I MEANT BAD GIRLZ) HA! yeah me is very hyper today:]]

  13. Lol so cute eunjeong!^_^

    ahh can't wait till thier comeback!

  14. Happy Birthday!! ah same birthday as soyeon!! hehe:] in seoul though hehe:]!

  15. Thanks for sharing the pics/gifs:]]] ahh.. they look so happy ^__^ and cute.
  16. Cool:]] isnt that that dued from god of study:] ahh..good thing they keep in touch so jiyeon can focus on study! No j/k!:]] but good:]
  17. Ahh! You're cheating on us?! lately too huh?:]] hehe same..shh!!! dont tell dongsange:]] yeah i like to create stuff w/pic(s) it's awesome:]] hehe yeah..HWAITING! i hope u get hired..LOL there's like a low chance for me now:]] BCUZ U THEE BEAST!!

  18. Eunjeong looks so tired here:]] Sleep unnie!^__^
  19. *Past out X__X * Eunjeong looks so pretty and cute! Love unnie:]]
  20. I'm gonna pass out!! Eunjeong looking ponytail hair is so adorable!! Jiyeon looks so cute and hyomin so pretty!^__^
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