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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. Oh my jiyeon so pretty and cute in these pictures^o^ thanks for sharing.
  2. Ahaha..funny jiyeon ahah..sad,the dongsaeng could be very messy at times too^O^ hwaiting T-ara.
  3. Welcome new member!^o^

  4. Oh FANBOY^O^ it'd be funny if he joined The diadems ^o^ for hyomin.
  6. Gah.. i just love happy photos of T-ara^o^
  7. Ahaha,look at qri in the first picture pretending to sqeeze soyeon^o^ I love the pictures thanks for sharing.
  8. Ah..t-ara funny funny.. hehe i hope they get a dorm with lots of closets so they can put their clothes inside of it^_^
  9. Wow..That's a long time..aww T-ara shedding to tears?:[ haha i'm happy eunjung got to see her daddy again:D Yes t-ara has been busy^o^ T-ara hwaiting!
  10. Welcome to The diadems:D

  11. hello dongsaeng

    LOL i thought i was thee youngest in Diadem:] Hehe..wel wow you like jeon boram?!! she's so cute isnt she it's funny how she's the oldest and has the baby look:D

    well T-ara FIGHTING!

  12. Ahh..Hyomin looks so mature in this drama..Hyomin Hwaiting!^o^
  13. Haha thanks for sharing these photos:D I love jiyeon's cubic make up^^
  14. WHOA..so pretty unnies^o^ They must have been busy lately.
  15. Wow!!! i love all the pictures!! that was alot of pictures! thanks for sharing..I really enjoy MORE NEW PICTURES:D hehe..Thanks! T-ara hwaiting!^o^
  16. OHMO..Boram is so cute^^ Hehe.. Nice avatar of her:D

  17. dis_crazy_girl


    Oh my this is so cute^^
  18. Aww.they both look so cute togeter:D At least they get along^o^
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