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Everything posted by dis_crazy_girl

  1. This is alot of views^^ T-ara fighting! can't wait to watch this movie:]
  2. This news makes me very happy!^Jiyeon^ T-ara fighting!
  3. Yay for hyomin! her acting is awesome:] Hyomin fighting^^
  4. dis_crazy_girl


    Haha:] i always see unnie with her ear phones on:] Eunjeong_T-ara Fighting!:]
  5. Awww;[ my unnie crys in the movie? Well i'm exicted for this movie to come out so,keep up the good work boram!:] BORAM fighting!:]
  6. Cute pictures:] Very funny how jiyeon pranked eunjung:] i wonder what was her reaction when she saw it^_^
  7. Haha:] so cute jiyeon:] aww,it's okay it happens all the time with really tight pants:] Jiyeon figting!:]
  8. dis_crazy_girl


    aww they all look so good in this picture:]
  9. Cant wait for boram's drama!:] I'm looking foward fo thismovie/drama:] Boram fighting!:]
  10. That's alot of views for the movie:] Good work Jiyeon! Jiyeon FIGHTING!
  11. Haha,i read this yesterday night and said to myself.."HAHA,funny you jiyeon":]
  12. ^^ Can't wait till this drama comes out!:] I want to see qri's acting:]
  13. AWww,T-ara supporting jiyeon is really nice:] Jiyeon Fighting:]
  14. Boram,very cute pictures:] Cant wait for the drama:]
  15. aww,hyomin looks so cute and pretty with those glasses on:]
  16. AWW...^^Soyeon's puppy is so cute:] it even looks like they have the same eyes:]
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