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Everything posted by Adiprasatya

  1. ughh ! what i thought is righ.. Waaaah finally the cute spokeperson take the leader
  2. http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19129

    tik gw jalanin Thread Queen insoo jg di idws jd skalian gw jalanin disini.

    di sticky ga kira2>

  3. tellu MF link please . the newest kbs music bank

  4. typhoon please help fix my post. the video not shown only the link.. on newest quicknews.. ~_~ thank you

  5. [11.12.02] Video - T-ARA - yayaya (Studio Live) @HIRUNANDESU ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6KDhBKKyiw *** Credit : wintermagicful @youtube
  6. i wonder about the crowd . hope as crowd as first showcase. but seems the stage is small.. like for press only .. :S
  7. amanda where did u get all photos of soyeon .. meldotcom ? i must regist first ?

  8. roly poly... mana ada id ga maen2 lah. emg ada cry2 ? sip tar di credit tenang aja

  9. so everything so flawless so beautiful so yeooon
  10. mon pinjem banner lu buat di taro page one thread t-ara idws ok ! ?

  11. this is probably for another version mv of lovey dovey.. can't wait ! they doing this with fun
  12. so they're partying at lovey dovey MV Set. which is there's lovey dovey club scene . soyeon you're know how to enjoy the club huh ?
  13. jenny idws? i'm tendouku..

  14. oh i see but its truth right ? because i already subscribe it :D thanks s-park

  15. hi s-park . i wanna ask, where's your Quick News about "T-ara's Members Thoughts about Each Other"?

  16. finally i'm watching it till the end ! hyomin did a good act on this role. i'm looking forward for her new drama or movie activity.
  17. this is unexpected... i thought they will focusing on Cry Cry first.... kinda in a rush this time well always goodluck T-ara !! go go go
  18. ane dyingatheist04 klo di kaskus.

    tp lg megang Thread t-ara di idws

    jd ga gtu tau banyak

    tp setau gw dsini anak kaskus si ryuka tuh ren26 . klo tikaluph udh pd kenal kan

  19. PJ! can i share your story of accidentaly meet soyeon in my t-ara forum in indonesia?


  20. if she's back i'm def gonna watch IY again ! or even guest gonna watch it
  21. thanks for the translated. !! kyuri go buy some car lol for your answer. but why suddenly soyeon wants driver license. she must be intend to buy own car anyway what i see is from T-ara they're not stuck with 1 concept and always want something new and different.
  22. hyomin has become a wife of gyebaek. hahaha she's really funny
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