I bought both the Paris and Swiss ptb and The best of the best ver C. In my opinion, + points and - points of those 2 are:
Paris and Swiss:
+ Has the remix CD that worthy of a purchase. (A small complain, the remix is not that good, I guess my DJ flatmate can do a better job, and the sound isn't very clear).
+ Lots of photos.
- Thick and heavy, will hurt you if it falls onto your face (assuming you read it on bed, face up) when you stay so long over a page to drool and forget to hold the book up.
The Best of the best:
+ Photos are more beautiful (shot in Italy)
+ Like the feel of the paper cover of BoB more than the hard cover of P&S.
+ Has the DVD
+ 2 nice postcards.
+ The pic of Jiyeon with bare shoulders lying on the couch <3 *drool* *drool*
- The CD is just another jumble of T-ara old hits.
-The book is is only 1/3 as thick as P&S and smaller than A4.
The verdict: Get both if you can . If not, I recommend the Best of the best, at least get the ptb.