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Status Updates posted by kinoebe

  1. YAAAHhhhHHH!!~ HAHA! COFFIN???!! LOL! <3 im going to engrave Qri's face on ur coffin if that's happen,HAHA! ^___^ so funny!~ yeah!~ you like a kitty cat lying under my pillow,haha.. *pinching u still don't want to wake up* :P<3

    yeah! let's go on china town!! woohooo!

  2. YAY!~ who's your husband on dna??haha.. nOo.. im sure not my hubby right?? lOL! <3:)) my baby momo is a cheater!!lol, :))

  3. woot!~ *tok*tok*,:)) is my rhakel's here?? :x hihi.. take care my dongsaeng, :)) <3

  4. haha!~ all I know is when a person is younger than me, ur automatically a little to me, LOL! im just crazy,hihi. <3 i'm memae.. :)) <3 ~~hey june!! :)) *i was like singing beatles' hey jude, LOL! <3 nice meeting you kid.. :)) <3

  5. i'll add you ok?? so Im visited you whenever i want.. :)) <3

  6. Im too Hooot .. haha. wish t-ara's comeback soo badly babymomo.. hihi. :)) unnie misses you, wub u!~

  7. Its ok babysis, :)) im glad you keep going back on my pillow, never forget to visit and always have a red mark on ur cheeks 'cuz of a lot of pinching u get from me, Hihi.. :)) yeah, I know my babysis really study hard, :)) yeah, :)) and im going to wait you on the airport,*holding a board saying "WELCOME! SUZUKI'S UNNIE HERE" arrow down on me* LOL! hihi.. I MISS you and alw

  8. always love you my baby doll, :)) <3 <3 <3

  9. HAHA!~ we're so bad bunso, hihi.. but that's all true,so better to the net,than to tv, :)) <3

  10. WOahh.. :)) unnie -ah, ^__^ thanks for the many boram gifs, XD <3 u killed me, haha!~ :)) <3

  11. hi.. XD u always get my attention on your SN, 'ballpoint', so cute!~ XD <3

  12. i wish I can kidnapped your sister so u can browse the net anytime, LOL! HAHA!~ its ok babysis, as long you remmber me, its fine w/ me, And btw, my vacation is over, class opening soon, gonna be staying on my graveyard shift, AGAIN!~LOL! ^__^ haha!~

  13. weee! ~ u dream of me babysis??! GAWD,it must be something to happen SOON!~ hihi. XXD yeah,1 more yr and i can work,.. XXD <3 how's my babydoll this days?? XD <3

  14. yuP! love him too! HE"s a vAMPIRE!!~ LOL! ^___^ yeah, mika oppa Soo hoot,:D haha!~ yeah, junggie doesn't know anything,'cuz she's cheating also, HAHA!~ XD Oh can't wait on their comeback, missing my boram now~~ --sigh--

  15. :)) miss you!~

    wub u~.. :)

  16. *rolling two index fingers*.. :)) how's my dongsaeng? ,:))

  17. hello, :)) thanks for commenting on my art gallery threads there, :)) btw, i just use photoshop,.. :))

    and im not pro, just learn from youtube, I got all there, :)) <3

  18. LOL dongsaeng~ ^__^ its alright dun wurry, :)) <3~~

  19. ~woot! hihi. YAH! :))

    how are yoU?? :)) are u still under my pillow baby sis?? :)) <3~

  20. CUTE AVATAR!~ bb jiyeonie!~ :)) yeah,do i always change my siggy every time rrambo always have awesome pics?? lOL! your unnie just can't get enough of that baby, :P XXD <3~~

  21. oh u little kid.. so your 12 yrs old then??!haha.. so tiny tiny!~ :P<3 I'll do one for you! just pm me what pic to be use and what are the texts you want to put it in.. :))<3 btw, luv nicole too!~ ^__^ take care.. :))

  22. HAHA!~just what I thought, its really hard to choose on eunjunggie's pictures, :)) dun worry, I'm going to make u one as pretty as her ok?? I'll just pm u when I finish it.. ^__^ <3 kyahaha.. O__O

  23. GAWTTTtt... look at ur siggy!!haha. *DIE DIE !* U've taken away my RAMBO! XXD look at her.. *ok she didn't wanted to* XD .. sOO kute babymomo!, just give her back to me when she's hungry ok?? :P LOL! <3~

  24. suzuki.. ;))

    babsis.. :))

    my baby doll. :)) <3~

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