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[SPAZZ] Areum now...Dani later

Rhys not Reese

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CCM...logic? LOL.

Nah I asked the same thing in a thread somewhere but I forgot where. Maybe she's in the video only and will join the music part in December...prob in time for a repackage or something [you know it's gonna happen]. All I know is the people in charge must really love Dani. We hear so much about 9th member and yet near nothing for the 8th. Areum forever alone lol.

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hahaha...that's what we called business

first of all...maybe just maybe KKS exposed Dani earlier because she's much younger, hoping that she could cope antis with rational and tolerate. Areum is much later since she already became trainee in CCM for couple of years (only Areum knows how long she been trapped inside CCM's building)...

just face the truth everyone, KKS is getting older and he's getting annoying to Queens' and maybe T-ara themselves

KKS kept on saying that Dani is talented - the question is that how talented Dani are and even she not need to go under training just like the rest of T-ara members/ CCM trainee? Areum is CCM's trainee for a long time and suddenly she were chosen to join T-ara.

if Dani and Areum are so talented as claimed by CCM, then why don't KKS form new group?? this is the biggest question in my mind and i'm so sure that this is the biggest mistake in his life - CCM will going to regret about this in the future...

first of all T-ara had to refund fanclub's paid whilst CCM is the one charge to fees to the fanclub members

now the recent news is that T-ara paid $9 to all seat for their coming concert whist KKS is the one that put the price of the ticket

I think KKS's pocket is getting lighter and lighter already and our girls, T-ara become his victim

i demand justice and respect to T-ara 7-members

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Hearing from others that Areum's parents are in the music industry as well, it's certainly possible that they managed to somehow convince, bribe or coerce KKS to prevent information about Areum coming out until a much later date while Dani takes in the flak.

If they were able to do that, then I can't begin to imagine how much further up Areum's parents are in the industry, or are at least in a position to make things possible for them whenever needed.

I suspect they don't have much influence in the Big 3 since they would dare not to make member lineup changes with their big cash-earning groups unless a big scandal occurred (JYJ) or if a member left for legit reasons (WG's Sunmi for example)

hahaha...that's what we called business

first of all...maybe just maybe KKS exposed Dani earlier because she's much younger, hoping that she could cope antis with rational and tolerate. Areum is much later since she already became trainee in CCM for couple of years (only Areum knows how long she been trapped inside CCM's building)...

just face the truth everyone, KKS is getting older and he's getting annoying to Queens' and maybe T-ara themselves

KKS kept on saying that Dani is talented - the question is that how talented Dani are and even she not need to go under training just like the rest of T-ara members/ CCM trainee? Areum is CCM's trainee for a long time and suddenly she were chosen to join T-ara.

if Dani and Areum are so talented as claimed by CCM, then why don't KKS form new group?? this is the biggest question in my mind and i'm so sure that this is the biggest mistake in his life - CCM will going to regret about this in the future...

first of all T-ara had to refund fanclub's paid whilst CCM is the one charge to fees to the fanclub members

now the recent news is that T-ara paid $9 to all seat for their coming concert whist KKS is the one that put the price of the ticket

I think KKS's pocket is getting lighter and lighter already and our girls, T-ara become his victim

i demand justice and respect to T-ara 7-members

KKS isn't stupid enough to make a new group again (possibly but this is debatable), seeing how he so fantastically screwed up with Co-Ed School and 5dolls - then shoved them down to a subsidiary company because he couldn't be bothered managing them himself while Gangkiz is overall, doing terrible.

I honestly think his claims are just for media attention (he seems to just love doing this). Dani's gone through not even a year of training - you can't expect any positive results from that little amount of time since lots of other idols have gone through years and years of it and even then, many can't hold a note very well in performances.

Given how badly overworked T-ara is even in Kpop standards, it won't be long when the members themselves decide to take action and leave CCM faster than a shark swimming crazy to the source of blood it smells.

Time is also on their side to a degree since the government these days seems to be taking a sharper eye towards the K-entertainment industry - they've already started with discussing on implementing new laws on restricting the amount of hours dramas are allowed to be filmed per day and are likely to do something about idols being severely overworked as well (of course, agencies and broadcasting companies are likely to throw a fit but as far as I see it, whatever they say shouldn't be taken into any consideration at all since they brought the mess upon themselves).

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KKS though notorious for questionable methods, is far from dumb. Just old school in a new school market. As great as it sounds for T-ara to just revolt from the management and beat the system, this isn't V for Vendetta. Their contract is no different than most other Kpop contracts [prob more binding] and they may still be with CCM when their popularity fades much down the road.

And push comes to shove, if T-ara did such a thing and managed to get away unscathed, KKS being cemented in the industry would make it a nightmare for them to restart a career. T-ara does not compose/write their own songs, nor do their own choreo, who knows how independent they can be.

Look at Kara, they got obliterated after their debacle even though they worked out their contracts. Their Mister/Lupin days was the rise and peaked IMMEDIATELY.

Maybe Qri or Boram can look into music management in their free time lol. T-ara represented by T-ara.

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