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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2012 in all areas

  1. [AD/PROMO] Hyomin for InStyle January 2013 For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...e-january-2013/ CREDIT: haams.tistory.com + craZy + tiaradiadem.com * I think WOW would be an understatement, no?
    5 points
  2. Sometimes it seems that the only thing that can save the girls from all the bad publicity that KKS caused them its their own sheer hard work.. KKS bungles the Hwayoung episode... other idol groups would've gotten sidelined (read:unemployed) for a year or so. And when (or even if) they comeback they won't be relevant anymore in the K-pop industry, plus members will be leaving left & right. Just looked at what happened to Jewelry. They still can't recover from their scandal, long hiatus & original member exodus. Not T-ara. They worked their butts off with Sexy Love, even while the Antis were still foaming at their mouths calling the girls to disband. Not only it was a commercial success (top 5 in both Gaon & Oricon monthly charts) it also gave some respect back and they proudly started attending events instead of hiding & crying for months... Now KKS made another needlessly stupid controversy, well once again T-ara is impressing me. They made a live Music Bank performance just a day after the articles came out and is continuing to busy themselves with work. Although netizens used the word "determination" to bash T-ara a lot in the past but to me "hard work & determination" is really what they are all about. Its good if they can get some rest once in awhile, but T-ara needs to dig deep, go into crisis mode and work their ass off again, thanks to KKS' bumbling management.
    3 points
  3. [12.12.22] Video HD - T-ara on Nihon TV Happy Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRO0FZ4nGc CR: tarajwelrybox @ yt
    2 points
  4. boram made me smile so much when she was trying to act sexy XDD
    2 points
  5. I really liked tonight's perf, as said before their live voices came out & the cheers plus fan chant wasn't bad either.. But can you imagine any other idol group performing just a day after a controversy? That's some brave & tough girls right there.. Anyway personally I think this current controversy is just a small issue compared to what they have faced before, especially since most people understand who is really to blame whenever xxxx happens to T-ara.. Btw anyone else catch the Music Bank Year End Chart? 1. Psy - Gangnam Style 2. Sistar - Loving U 3. T-ara - Lovey Dovey 4. Sistar - Alone 5. SNSD-TTS - Twinkle
    2 points
  6. [12.12.05] T-ara reveal their ideal type of mother and which member's child they'd want to be I think from amongst the questions asked from the Roly Poly Interview, one question stood out. "If you were born again, whose child would you want to be from amongst the members." Before that, lets ask if you want to become mothers and if so, what is your ideal mother type? Jiyeon: Like my mother. I want to be a wise parent. Qri: I also want to be like my mother. Doing everything, even that which is invisible. Because I don't want to spoil my kids, I dont mind being strict. Soyeon: I want to be the opposite of my mother. My mother exhausted me in work. She didn't think of me, but her "career of work". She made me do all the housework and raised me by exhausting me. I do want to be a hard working mom, but unlike my mom. Because I want to be a mom who makes her child grow strong. Boram: I speak as someone who has a sense of friendsihp to my mom. If I give birth to a child, I want to be a mother who is like a friend to it. Areum: I want to be a mother who is called upon like a friend. Hyomin: I want to go shopping together, a mom who is a friend. Like a fashionable sistar. Even friends of my child will say "Hyomin okasan [mother] is so young", "you're beautiful!" (laughs) Eunjung: Me...um, I haven't thought about it. - Never have imagined it? Eunjung: Yes. People who are loved. I think I want to give love to other people. I want to be a mother who gives a lot of love. - Now a question from the readers; if you were born again, whose baby would you want to be. Well everyone? Jiyeon: For me, Areum. Because I want her white complexion. Areum: For me, Jiyeon. I'm envious of her small face and pretty skin. Hyomin: For me Jiyeon. After all she has a cool personality and if someone bad shows up, she'll be his angry opponent. Eunjung: For me it's Soyeon. She would make me eat my breakfast properly. Since she is strong, she would properly protect her child. Boram: I also go for Soyeon. Soyeon: Really? (laughs) Boram: Because you're polite, that's why you will properly raise a child. Soyeon: For me Eunjung. She acts like a mother in the group, I think she is the ideal person, and she is very homely. Hyomin: Ah~ Skilled at cleaning? Maybe Qri is her own ideal type? (laughs) Everyone: Ah~ - Does Qri think the same as the other members? (laughs) Qri: Yep, myself. (smile) Everyone: Hahaha! Jiyeon: Qri would raise a strong child. She can do anything if she puts the effort. She would raise it to have an independant spirit. Though I wouldn't want her as a mom. (smile) Everyone: We know! - She would be strict, that's why. (smile) Soyeon: Who would be my mom? Boram would be bad. (laughs) Everyone: Hahaha! Boram: Why?! Soyeon: I'm worried about Boram changing diapers. She would feed me a lot of food, then I would become fat. Everyone: Hahaha! Soyeon: After that, because she is a bit childish, the daughter will have to look after the problems of her mother, but you can buy me a lot of goods and cosmetics. Boram: Mou~ I want to get married someday. If you say that, it's not going to happen! Everyone: Hahaha! *** Source: Web 1 Week Translated by: OmegaKrypton @ Diadem
    1 point
  7. [OFFICIAL] T-ara Official Android App Update (21/12) For the rest of the images: CREDIT: brandinator.minus.com + craZy + tiaradiadem.com
    1 point
  8. I remember Choi Jin Sil passing. Good actress, I was told. She has 2 kids, if I remember what I was told. Having a good reason to react is one thing, but having a photo-shopped, edited, fabricated bunch of evidence is certainly not cutting it, especially when it comes to assuming what is happening behind the walls of Core Contents Media, as if they witnessed the events when in fact they did not, and never is this lame excuse on the machines worth going head over heels on either. I've asked for this before, if such claiming accusations are true about the management breaking any laws and abusing their employees, get a police investigation going. No amount of torment, let alone blackmail, for that long, is going to stop a victim who finally stands up and says, "That's enough!". Since none of the members did that, how do these antis expect anyone to take their claims seriously? The judicial system is not just there to serve the public, but to be that example to uphold and teach that truth and justice is what assures peace and stability in the community. Not going around the internet like some digital lynch mob with an idiotic, misplaced, egotistical assumptions. If hatred is a door that swings both ways, and forgiveness is the means to stop it swinging, than the antis are the ones who want this hellish atmosphere to continue coming in and going out, even after the company and the girls apologized and took responsibility for their very own actions. Did the antis respond in kind? No. they dismissed it. Isn't it wise to say that things get moving in the right direction with a kind word, rather than a bad one? Being silent only lingers on as nothingness, nor accomplishing any sort of progression for their careers, and with technology currently, such recorded pains will definitely not be forgotten any time soon. T-ara and Core Contents Media are trying to give reasons to like them, but as those fabricated evidence are what makes it logical that these antis have no justification for their voice and that they truly are hating for no good reason at all. The antis have to back off, or they get rolled over by their own vindictiveness and live the rest of their lives finally realizing that they missed opportunities to make things better.
    1 point
  9. Queen's chants are daebak ^____^ So happy to hear them cheering for our girls So sad though I can't even see them on the last part, All I want for Christmas is you <//3 But still happy to see them back on stage. Haven't seen WooJung couple together again hehe
    1 point
  10. Very beautiful girls. I want to move on。THANKS
    1 point
  11. I understand. But please remember, the netizens blow every stupid thing out of proportion. The real problem is South Korea's obsession with internet culture, and the cowards in charge who drop sponsorships when bad comments start spreading. I was sad too when one of my favorite Korean actresses took her own life over netizen rumors. And I was disgusted by the lack of support the industry gave her when the rumors were spreading. I left all Kpop for over 3 years, only coming back because of T-ara and 'Roly Poly'.Just remember their success in Japan and overseas. The South Korean entertainment industry has always had these problems, and T-ara knows this. As they've said in interviews, I think most of their sadness is from disappointment in themselves with those tweets, not from netizen comments. Remember their new President is even a fan, and that is certainly a good sign that normal people don't think T-ara represents evil!
    1 point
  12. i thought they were singing all i want for Christmas :/ but i agree i did see eunjung smile when she heard the fan chants
    1 point
  13. lol I know what you mean, but who's saying they do everything right? They screw up more than any company I can think of. But then again, I can't think of any company that's been put in the position they're in now. And through hindsight, many now blame CCM for not predicting this idiotic controversy.And it's only hypocritical if they are equivalent, but to most South Koreans who know the culture differences between Japan and Korea, they are not. Isn't this all about what T-ara's homeland thinks of them? Some of the biggest stars of the Hallyu Wave (Winter Sonata, Dae Jang Geum, KARA) all had pachinko deals in Japan, and netizens said nothing. Even Goo Hara actually had a soju ad, and there was no backlash. This further proves netizens are creating an illusion of what is acceptable behavior for an idol, simply to bash T-ara. So if the statement is not hypocritical, why should CCM be blamed for it? I for one hope CCM continues to release statements which anger netizens, all while T-ara is invited to more events and gathers more public supporters (which is happening right now). More and more people will see how deranged the netizens are, and maybe it will set an example to the industry and diminish netizen influence (not likely, but I can hope).
    1 point
  14. actually i'm really nervous watched this live..scared that they got a silence treatment from other fandom..then thanks to kqueen's with the fanchant..i felt relieve when i saw eunjung smile..
    1 point
  15. Well, actually, now none of them has any TV drama, I don't think they're that busy. Most Kdrama fans know Korean drama series often fall into the live-shoot scenario, meaning if 2 episodes are aired each week then 2 new episodes will be filmed a week before the scheduled broadcast date, it goes on like that until the drama ends. To finish two 50 minute episodes in just a week means having a very tight shooting schedule. Overnight filming is no longer a surprise. Sleep deprivation and accidents are bound to happen. Before the scandal, Eunjung, Jiyeon and Hyomin had their own TV dramas to film, some of them appeared on music shows half exhausted (remember Jiyeon was rushed to hospital because of exhaustion after the Inkigayo show on the new year day because she had to practise with T-ara and had to film Dream High 2 at the same time?). But now, the bullying scandal still leaves a big question mark on the future of their acting career. I'm sure they can get back into acting but I don't think they can get a major role anytime soon. Boram and Qri don't have much time left to have a break. So I think it's good that they have concerts to be busy with. The point is to earn as much money as they can before they retired from the music industry. Well, only if CCM pay them a bonus on top of their salary based on the total amount of money they make each yea. But if they just get pay a fixed anual salary, I wish they work less.
    1 point
  16. santa. whether i've been good or bad. can you make my wish come true and send me to japan to see t-ara just once in person!! pleaseeee.....and also if its not too much to let me follow them for the end of the year music programs in korea too XD.... t-ara fighting. i hope santa will give you girls a true dream vacation without any work at all. Only fun and plenty of time to relax. eat plenty of yummy food while in japan!! merry christmas!!
    1 point
  17. I'm glad that they are still famous after the incident.. But I think they need to get a full rest or vacation first.. I'm kinda worried about them when I saw their pictures they seem very tired already especially Jiyeon... She looks exhausted ..
    1 point
  18. T-ara work to death... Though I'm really worried about your health but it's not time to rest, not at all!! When Korea and its general people have set bad image of you all in their minds, its better to establish yourself in japan... And later, they will come and claim" T-ara is our's. We love them and all" like they did to Kara!! So better to work hard for your bright future now even though it may be hard as hell... Looking forward to your fan meetings!! Love y'all
    1 point
  19. Yes, but that was back then, January of 2011, if I remember correctly, and I doubt he's in a position to hold a grudge now, nor does he have any influence over the Kamilias to forsake the girls. During that time, I was surprised to hear that from him, but I didn't believe he was being an extremist about it, and still don't, because it felt like to me that he's a die hard Kamilia himself, who just took it things differently. Yeah, I know about the whole requesting to ban the 3 members from the industry, after Hara joined Gyuri. But still yet, it was not really the 3 members' fault, it was Landmark's problem with the administration under Lee Ho Yeon's wife after he was hospitalized and had to go to surgery, if I recall. Kim Kwang Soo is on the outside of DSP Media's walls and didn't have the full info on what was going on inside of it. He's like the rest of us, therefore, I didn't take his comments seriously, and only as his feelings being expressed, that's it. If anyone believes to presume he has any say in DSP Media, is downright outlandish and easily dismissive by others. I believe he knows this already and understood what happened soon after. No doubt relieved that Nicole, Seungyeon, and Jiyoung were about to reestablish themselves with little or no backlashes about it. He's passionate about K-Pop, no different than the rest of us. He has shown that he's capable of change too and quite responsibly apologetic and forgiving. So I doubt he's holding a grudge against Kara for mentioning them on the machines. It was more or less likely to point out other artists whom participated in the same fashion to better relate with them and state they're still part of the Hallyu Wave, rather than endeavoring to be the 1st group to do something new in a venue in Japan. I would dare to even say the company, in a way, is calling for support from the Kamilias and fans of the actors through the Pachinko. Don't forget that Southeast Asia Tour offer that Core Contents Media has still yet to counter-propose on, to allow the Japanese activities to move on firstly. I believe they'll do some promotions here and there in Korea, as a reminder that they're still in the top echelon of idols, and still able to perform on stage there as well. I still hope and believe that having Hwayoung rejoin the group will improve the group's current circumstances greatly, given just how many people in Korea and the rest of the world wanted her back with them so badly back then, and even now. I sincerely hope the group will be able to venture and perform in other countries around the world as well. I found it completely idiotic to find out that some of those antis/netizens actually believed that by destroying the company will allow the girls to have more break time, without realizing that this is their "careers", their very livelihoods, not to mention their legacy, as if changing jobs is as easy as flipping a coin in the air all the time. If majority of the fandom are indeed underage workers who believe in such a thing, than they'll learn it the hard way when they do become of age to work. Hopefully they won't have to, depending on how capable they are in their respective companies and their business is able to thrive and survive the ever changing markets.
    1 point
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpuHLUXbmdU&feature=player_embedded cr @ YT jwelrybox translation ( cr @ Twitter - kclalala ) Soyeon said : - on the 1st day she and qri joined dorm life , they couldn't sleep ( ot3 already live together before as trainees ). - so they decided get ramen from the corner store , but when they go back the door was locked , so they ended up eating outside in the dark. - because they didn't really know each other well back then ,they ate silence thinking about how to get in. - they called HY , EJ and JY ...but none of then picked up because they all were sleeping - after an hour EJ finally opened the door , when SY said that EJ looked really shocked and said "me" Eunjung said : - she doesn't remember , just she remember some voice outside , and when she asked who is it , she heard " unnie ah " - but after she open the door , she doesn't remember what happened. Soyeon said : - because they were so happy the door opened , they ran in and forgot about the ramen cups , leaving them outside. - the next day when they went out , the ramen cups were still out there and sso and qri pretended loke they didn't know anything about it NEXT TOPIC ( DREAM ) Areum : - in 15 years she wants to have her own entertainmenr company where people who love music can come together and work together. - the others commenced in 15years you'll only 33years old.. Qri : - is to be wealthy and rich person. Hyomin : - she want to be free person , then someone commenced you're already quite free right now - hyomin said like if i want to go on vacation , then i can just go whatever i want - soyeon then said 'yes' that related to qri's dream , because to do that you need to first have money - no interfence with anybody said hyomin Soyeon : - she wants to grow out happily , be a beautiful mother / grandmother and smile she see her grandkids - or to walk hand in hand with her husband while she's pregnant Jiyeon : - if she didn't become part of t-ara she's probably continue with her sport. - boram laughed and said you can probably make a new record. - they said she can be pretty coach who can teach little kids , then they all said ok we'll send our kids to you Eunjung : - she likes it even if she is alone ...because she type who gets alot of satisfaction from work. - so she can just go on herself and teach next generation or appear in diferent performance etc....trying out new things everyday
    1 point
  21. craZy


    From the album: Unclassified

    1 point
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