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Status Updates posted by JYP_Rash19

  1. ahihi..I'm just soo happy chatting with u I don't really much know what to say. :') *gonna cry LOL XDD uhmm.. unnie what can you advice to me 'cause there are some things that I really want to achieve andd, I'm afraid that somehow many people won't be happy for me reaching to those things.. what can u say? is it confusing? sorry.

  2. aish the grammar again..

  3. ani ani,, I'm not from thailand I'm from Philppines. :/> hehe but I do hope that thailand is very much okay.

  4. Annnnyeongiie~ dongsaeng!

    1. JYP_Rash19


      lol I accidentally pressed enter hehe. Anyway.. How have u been? the others are.. They're.. where are they? hehe I'm kinda active as of now. :D Glad your BACK!! ;D

  5. annyeeongie~ kababayan! naalala mo pa ko? XDD how are 'ya?

  6. annyeong saeng~~~ hahahaha.. :))

  7. annyeong~ thanks for the view~ :D

  8. annyyyeeeoonnngggii~ from PH diba??

  9. another one *other sorry..

  10. at okay lang un~ ur a fellow eh~

  11. Aww I wanna help on spreading JiYeons Birthday trend!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iwuvt-ara


      me 2 but i have no twitter :(

    3. JYP_Rash19


      i have a twitter but my biggest problem is icouldn't confirm my password cause the one i typed there has a missing letter and i couldn't change it!! how sad for me. :(

    4. JYP_Rash19


      just trend jiyeonnies birthday on twitter to make it no.1 trend hehe..

  12. blllllaaaag. -.- Nothing to actually say.

  13. blllllaaaag. -.- Nothing to actually say.

  14. but he didn't eat it instead he put it in his head and danced 2ne1's i don't care < LOL its a bit disgusting to me>

  15. but he realized that it was actually his brother who looks like a girl then?

  16. cianfka;fjnfksfojglkslsla huhhh.. don't know what to say..

    1. kangeunri


      ghhjngdxrtyuiomnb .. dont know either :P

    2. JYP_Rash19


      dahdiuadhsaif just soo speechless of everything..

  17. don't mind the second coment hehe i thought it didn't send.. LOL

  18. eonni i deleted it.. =D

  19. eonni maybe tomorrow i'll send it to you cause i don't have any pic saved in my comp.. i deleted it all hehe

  20. err.. grammar wrong again..

  21. from PH, ur from indonesia right? pleasure to meet u.. :D

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