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Status Updates posted by JYP_Rash19

  1. its part of our class..

    its called C.A.T. class.

    community. . i forgot the a and t..lol

    hehe.. its hard to do it cause you do

    tough things that boys do.. i mean

    like.. how to hold rifle, sword

    etc. like that

    and if u got it wrong

    or the commander didn't liked

    what u did u'll get punished

    push-ups for the boys and

    for the girls l...

  2. komawo unnie..

    thanks~ well the storyline is kinda

    usual to hear its actually the most storyline

    of a comedy-romantic thing lol.

    but its more comedy for me..

    anyway eonnie.. i think u feel bad.. i mean not-so-good.. well is it bcause of a guy?

  3. lol i just thought that my expression

    has in it..

    *hehe.. much better!

  4. lol i know.

    where is everyone??

    oppa i'm gonna ask u something.

    is it okay?

  5. lol is that really long for being cutted?

    anyway I'll continue...

    what do u think oppa??

  6. lol it got cut

    hehe its long..

    yeah for the girls i forgot what its

    called but its easy to do..

  7. lol its cutted..

    i'll cont. i need to do my HW if i have..

    if i don't well, lucky me! so thats why ican't unnie..

    thanks for signing up in that forum it was made by a member here in diadem:mytiarakpop actually.. hihi

  8. lol no way!!

    ako din kaya! hehe unnie..

    me too..

  9. lol oppa..

    your a freaking kpop machine fan..

    haha what was that? i didn't even know

    what i'm saying..

    whats the link of creative dolls? i wanna


  10. lol really?

    wow.. thank u eonnie..

    never thought i would change ur mind..

    and my english spelling we're so wrong

    i really didn't noticed it.. even though i wear my glasses weird! oh yeah

    eonnie.. maybe i'll go back to tiara diadem after 2 or 3 days cause i gotta prepare for school its getting nearer and nearer..

  11. lol sorry unnie i haven't talked to u

    for like almost a month? lets chat sometime.. Kay?^.^

  12. lol sorry unnie kala ko dec. 15 ka nag message

    pala nov. 15 haha~ sorryy

  13. lol unnie. what happened?

    how'd u get to be a moderator?

    but anyways. lets talk the latest!

  14. lol ur a filipina? ako din kasi eh~ but i'm half!

    at least i'm fluent in tagalog!:D

  15. lol.. got thing for u oppa..

    i have a twitter but couldn't use cause

    my email confirmation can't be done..

    i mean, the e-mail i sent in has one letter

    wrong sad for me!

  16. lol.. i thought u weren't

    my friend well anyway

    i added u~

    hope its okay.. =D

  17. lol.. is it all t-ara?

    or there are other forums?

  18. male or female i mean..


  19. man! this sucks unni i gtg..sorry

    i'll eat lunch now..

    bye bye~ unnie

  20. me neither unnie.. sa 15 pa kami..


    4th year kna p b?

  21. me too,

    i actually enjoy reading shinee


    but mostly what i do here is look around

    the segments.. hehe

    eonni, do u know the thai artist

    bai fern pimchanok? she's a girl.

    just asking :D

  22. me too! but yours is definitely possible!

    go go grab some tickets!

    LOL! which ones better for u?

  23. nah.. don't mind that

    its just a jk..

    so oppa i haven't talked to

    u for awhile..

    how have u been?

  24. no i mean ol as in online..

    i didn't say old please i wouldn't say that

    especially to u eonni..

  25. no its okay.. =D

    JYP is Jiyeon Park hehe..

    i'm a Jiyeonatic .. LOL nice knowing u.

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