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  1. Cre: loveisallthesame + loveisallthesame + tiaradiadem
    4 points
  2. Elly

    General Forum Rules

    Tiaradiadem Official General Rules Please take time to read and understand these rules as well as you can to avoid trouble with the staff. Please take heed that these are only general rules. Although some rules might not be specified here as you would expect, please take into consideration what you post and share at your discretion. Please be mature and nice to everyone and all will be good. 01. No bashing, sexist, racist, or generally hateful messages to anyone (especially to T-ara). - Be respectful to everyone. Anyone who doesn't abide to this rule will be taken care of by the admin accordingly. Do not post or send anyone rude comments and messages. - This includes inappropriate messages and remarks on signatures and avatars. - If you happen to recieve a hateful or offensive comment from someone, it is your right to report it to a staff member because that member disobeyed the rules and should be punished. - Others can have different opinions and views than yours, but don't be rude or harsh to them about it. - Bashing other groups are not allowed as well. - Do not bash T-ara, if you hate them, get out of here. 02. No pornographic or sexually profane or explicit material will be posted or discussed of in this facility. - You know what I mean. There are members in this forum who might be of minor age, please understand it. 03. No spamming. - Spamming is the act of posting a message (replies or topics) that: 1) are irrelevant to the thread or the general concept of the forum. 2) are less than 10 words. 3) are double, or more, posts (double posting will only be permitted after 48 hours or no new reply and if the post if of relevant content.) 4) are copy + pasted messages over various threads. The staff members will correct your post count and remove double posts. Staff have the right to deem what's considered spam and not spam based on their individual judgment. 04. External linking will be moderated, certain are prohibited. - Links to other sites, blogs, or pages will be moderated. Links to illegal downloads, junk sites or anything of controversial nature are extremely prohibited. - If you are unsure if a link you wish to share will be permitted, ask a Moderator first. 05. Do not quote images and flash materials. - If you are quoting a reply/post that contains embedded or image material, please remove them from the quote. There are people out here that have a difficult time using this forum because it will take forever to load. Please be considerate. 06. Double-accounts are strictly prohibited. - Do not make double-accounts. If we catch you, we will ban you immediately. 07. All topics and replies should all be in English. - Please keep all topics and replies in English, although we are fully aware that not all of us here can speak English perfectly, please do try hard. Don't worry, we won't kill you for your bad English. 08. D0 nOt TyP3 L!k3 Th!$. - Don't. It's really annoying. Use the alphabet. 09. Signature Rules: - Please keep all signature banners to a maximum width of 400px and maximum height of 150px. - There is to be a maximum of 4 lines of text in your signatures. You don't have to write a sonnet for your signature. - No more than 3 types of graphics in your signature (blinkies, icons, and banners). You are restricted to only one animated graphic in your signature. - All images collectively should not go over 400KB. 10. Avatar Rules: - Keep all avatars to a size of 100x100. 11. Please take into consideration the rules in the other forums. - All forums have separate rules and regulations. 12. Do not post photos from the following fansites. - This rule is being imposed as of January of 2013. Photos from Eunchannet, Hyomdot, Jingdot, Cheondot, Qulwang and Meldot, are not allowed in respect to their policies. Please also refrain from editing their photos and sharing them on the forums. Failure to abide in these rules will result in a warning or ban where necessary. Please follow these and we'll all be happy. If you find someone breaking the rules or are being subject to harassment, please contact a Moderator or Admin immediately. Elly Administrator/Owner Tiaradiadem Forums
    3 points
  3. [PICS] T-ara N4 @ Incheon Airport Leaving To LA For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/gallery/album/2029-incheon-airport-to-la-t-ara-n4-052013/ Click spoiler for more: ***** For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/gallery/album/2029-incheon-airport-to-la-t-ara-n4-052013/ Credit: mydaily + MBB star + Newsen.com + starN + dispatch + sstv + Robbe_881 + Dognybba + tiaradiadem.com
    2 points
  4. [13.05.22] T-ara N4 to be special guests at Wiz Khalifa's concert on the 24th Girl group T-ara's unit T-ara N4 will share the stage with American hip-hop artist Wiz Khalifa (26). According to T-ara N4's management company Core Contents Media, T-ara N4 was invited to be a guest at Wiz Khalifa's concert in Las Vegas. T-ara N4 will join Wiz Khalifa on stage for a joint performance of "Jeonwon Diary". Wiz Khalifa is an American hip-hop singer who featured in the American band Maroon 5's hit song "Payphone" and T-Pain's "5 O'Clock" as a rapper. He became known after he had a duet with Snoop Dogg called "Young, Wild & Free". Last year, he won the Best Newcomer award at the Billboard Music Awards. T-ara N4 will also make an appearance at Chris Brown's concert on the 26th. *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130522n36222 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    1 point
  5. [13.05.23] Video - T-ara N4 Departing for LA cr : Rian LeeJiHyung , SSTVnews @ youtube
    1 point
  6. [EXCLUSIVE] T-ara N4 Los Angeles Meet & Greet + BTS - 146 Pics (05/14) For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/gallery/album/2023-t-ara-n4-meet-greet-bts-at-vlado-footwear-la-052013/?st=140 (Page 5: 001 - 146) CREDIT: Aoiblue + tiaradiadem.com
    1 point
  7. Okay Emperor, to satisfy your belief upon KKS, here are videos. T-ara has already said that they had to eat inside toilet/restroom because KKS didnt let them to eat and it was confessed by them on "T-ara Mnet confession" and even other celebs/idols are saying that. Here is the video of IY and its family. Hyuna asked KKS to feed Hyomin properly. KKS made T-ara to perform under such cold climate so I dont have any respect for this guy, not even slightest. T-ara's members are basically performing with" Its really cold" expression. And this is my most heart-breaking video till date. Jungiee was thrown off the horse(Nov 14) and she was taken to Emergency care. I followed her way before being a Queen's and this video plays a big role why she is my ultimate obsession. Even with such injury, she had to perform on Cry Cry and that appearance alone bought me. Had KKS been such a caring CEO like you believe, he would have told Jungiee to rest rather than making her perform. In addition to that, we have Soyeon & Jiyeon performing will major injuries as well. On top of that, Eunjung had to perform with torn ligament. Finally, these days I am getting what the other fellow was trying to say me time and again. Health is first and KKS is the main enemy of T-ara. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y18AePc4UJg About T-ara going vacation, if you are talking about their stay in Europe, well that's not a vacation at all. They were here for photo shoot and I dont think I predicted and made assumption on my own when T-ara, themselves said they want vacation on shows like Princess T-ara( Recently Hyomin asked them to give vacation) and there are lots of those from the past. I will state them once I am more sure of the show. In addition to that, on varieties like T-ara's confession and T-ara Star life theater they had clearly stated that they had to be on diet strictly. Soyeon even said that she was only drinking water to maintain her figure. Well, if you wanna believe KKS, your call mate but I will believe T-ara and what they told. Everything I said or stated here is legit and rational as well as truth. I have even stated the name of Shows as well. If you find it lazy to go after all episodes then do let me know, I will post you the particular moment. Btw, I believe you must have came across the post of NB on [spazz] Its over where its basically tell how T-ara is treated by KKS and its not only me who thinks T-ara is over worked and they need some time to relax. Again, glad to have rational discussion with you and my apologies for throwing a wall of text to you and all members.
    1 point
  8. Sorry but I actually don't agree with this sentiment.. First of all I actually support KKS' strategy of keeping them busy with work despite the scandal. You got to understand that T-ara members actually love to perform and be active. Being a entertainers is their profession and long time dream. Keeping them in self imposed exile in their own houses doing nothing will only be harder on their mental states. Most of them are in their 20s & not having a work related thing to do everyday is hell for people in working age who have drive & ambition. Personally I think what killed them in the past is not because they had continued comebacks every several months, but because in each comebacks they had too much schedules per day (dramas, variety shows, live TV performances + rehearsals, and non-TV live events). Back then a news site compared that while even top groups like 2PM & SNSD had 2-3 or 6 at tops events per day, T-ara could have 12-13 events! That superhuman scheduling will kill you no matter how much you love your job. However, just preparing & promoting songs with Eunjeung doing the occasional MC work is actually easy-peasy compared to what they used to do. Second, the work actually shielded & sometimes energizes them after all the beating they get. When they made the Sexy Love MV, they were shielded from the impact of the height of the scandal. When Sexy Love came out, it showed them that people actually still chanted for them & bought their songs. If you followed the Mainichi T-ara, you can see that the Bunny Style promotions which should've been a grueling multi-city tour was actually enjoyed by the girls like a refreshing vacation, with just a few a couple of hours of work on the side. And the trip to LA? You can see how excited they were with it & how amazing they performed at Music Core during the same day they arrived back in Korea, jet lag and all. Third, their careers? If T-ara stopped performing for a year they will become just another group that was broken by a scandal & I bet CCM will shelved them or even break the group apart. And now look what happened to their careers after the scandal with T-ara toughing it out & facing the haters head on: Sexy Love got top 5 in both GAON & Oricon. It placed #46 of Billboard Korea's 2012 Top 100 Song of the Year despite only being released on September AFTER the scandal (just a comparison: Miss A's I don't Need a Man was #49). Bunny Style: Members were given a chance to sing solo and in groups (This is a BIG jump for their careers especially for Ahreum, Boram & Qri). It got #2 on Oricon, would've been #1 if it just didn't came out at the same time with the debut of AKB48's sister group HKT48. Eunjeung got back in TV as MC for Show Champion. From Vitamain to Dream Team to Gag Concert etc.. the girls are once again in mainstream TV outside of Mnet. N4 released a song so AWESOME it was heard round the world to the US! QBS is preparing for their debut with Boram & Qri FINALLY getting more of a push in the group. Yes 4Minute sold more songs than N4 but hey it still got into top 20 & Jeon Won Diary was more of a statement & rally call for their fans than just for "making money" (even CCM realized this & only made 40,000 copies of the physical CDs). Seriously without the scandal T-ara will always be the group that we love but they will always be considered Tier 2 after SNSD and 2NE1 for various reasons.. after the scandal for me T-ara became the group who are, borrowing from Popdust, actually "flipping the K-Pop script on its head." This is a historic milestone! In the past a group had to stop activities after a scandal no matter how much their ACTUAL fans still wanted them to continue on... Keeping busy just after a scandal, selling top 20 songs, going on with different sub-units, performing in various countries, working with another "scandalized" artist in the US may seem unnatural for the average Korean band... but this is T-ara, and that is why I respect & love them even more.. and hope for more activities this year (just don't stack it all up in a single time period like in the past, CCM)
    1 point
  9. Wiz Khalifa is indeed one of the newest additions to the game in the U.S., and he's doing his very best in what he likes to do, and I'm certain that he'll give that respect and honor to the girls when they work together, and won't offend, nor impose anything the girls won't do. I respect this man, who has a son already, and when he started hitting the charts high back in 2010, and won the BET Awards in 2011, and then the Billboard Music Awards in 2012, both for Best New Artist, I expect a good collaboration between him and T-ara N4. For more information on Wiz Khalifa, click here, and here.
    1 point
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