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Posts posted by Grimlock

  1. yeah i saw from somewhere that it's run by a 15 yr old.

    Never doubt a bored or dedicated teenager. They have the immaturity and free time to conquer all lol. Spoken from personal experience, I've wreaked havoc when I was that age and would find myself regularly part of internet flame wars lol.

    Now I'm too old and tired for that stuff. I'll drop a tongue in cheek comment here and there.

  2. T-Jinyo has the right idea of getting the truth about the situation out. However it's unfortunate that it's mostly composed of casual Kpop fans who only joined in for the heck of it or to stir things up. It's a mob mentality. Join a cause just because. And such mentality has very poor followup.

    At this point IDC about the truth anymore, we won't ever get the full facts. As long as KKS has a hand over T-ara, anyway. Even long after T-ara is irrelevant they'll prob still have to keep it in secrecy. What does matter is that the girls are on good terms with one another.

  3. I don't blame netizens or the media too much as they were on the receiving end of info and took it as they wanted to. I point the blame at KKS. The whole point of management is to diffuse any issue the girls could run into as quickly as possible. The dude dragged it on for what felt like forever. He concentrated more on protecting the CCM name, revealing dirt on Hwayoung AND at the same time trying to "protect" her, and keeping the members of T-ara [Hwayoung included] as quiet as possible. He didn't spend one ounce of his effort to save T-ara.

    Now T-ara has to carry this incident with them for the rest of their careers. Korea doesn't forgive and Korea doesn't forget. It's mind boggling how many bad business moves this guy makes and still can be successful. Just the power of T-ara, I guess. Every one says it's the netizens, media or even the group members that let this become what it is. However the fans know where to point their fingers to.

  4. Dude don't worry about your English. You're on Diadems where most of the members aren't native English speakers. We're a bit more forgiving here. Nice topic, regardless. There's a similar post somewhere which doesn't thoroughly explain things like you did. I know the text changes depending on what you use to post [comp vs phone, browers, etc.] but it was a bit of a WTF funny moment to see that lol.

  5. Have I dropped my paragraph+ long two-cents here yet? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hwayoung don't go back. You were just cut loose from a toxic environment to go running back and admitting fault. You're killing a chance for you to grow independently and for the other T-ara to redeem themselves. This is a win for KKS. Now he'll go on the tirade that you were always the root of the issue and that he was always right, the truth of the situation will never reach light and who knows what'll happen behind closed doors once more.

  6. Guys some of you are totally missing the point. It's not the intent from the other members but how the recipient perceives it. Don't strain your brain by thinking too hard, it's a simple equation. Don't let your dedication to certain members blind you from seeing that they aren't perfect, though we may hold them to such regard.

  7. I don't care what becomes of the relation between Hwayoung-KKS or T-ara-KKS. As long as Hwayoung and T-ara make peace. If they did indeed have their difference at this point both sides are prob ready to start rebuilding bridges.

    Not a single F is given for that CEO who let his top group fall into a hole and proceeded to bury them by silencing them, pointing fault and just overall doing a terrible job delegating.

  8. Sigh, yet he still shifts the blame toward Hwayoung, the sister and T-ara. Last time I checked it was his dodging the truth and mud-slinging that fueled the fire anyways. How about, "I should've taken better care of my employees who are still very young at heart and mind". Would've at least made him look somewhat sympathetic and grateful for his employees. After all, what is CCM without T-ara.

  9. At this point IDK what to think. KKS has let his girls burn over the past few days. Instead of letting them speak or speaking on their behalf like a real management company is supposed to do to clear the air. He sits in his office, generates dirt on Hwayoung, focuses his efforts on trivial things like finding the identity of a false poster. Even if Hwayoung came out and said that the management was the real bully and that the girls were not and she's still on good terms with them, and that the girls too express negative things about CCM and that they weren't bullys, T-ara as a whole comes out in a good light. But even in this best-case scenario, the damage these girls had to endure over the past few days will not be one they can recover from. It seems to be KKS has no intention on saving T-ara but rather do what he can to keep CCM in a good light.

  10. That's why I suggest you guys hire more mods and admins from different timezones so as to be able to supervise this forum all round the clock. Then the fansite would'nt be left hanging halfway in times of crisis such as the previous day..

    Trust me, just because you didn't see them doesn't mean they weren't there. I'm in the minority by posting feverishly in the developing topics. The others are busy receiving articles, translating them and then watching the threads, members and Shoutbox. If you're questioning our presence due to the increase in negative posts, there's not much I can do...except ask you guys to use the site tools and report them. Fans or not, their opinions and thoughts are valid if done through the proper channels. I'll draw the line at direct insults. Some members are just on a path of hating T-ara and those people I'll gladly see off.

  11. They're also taught to play to an audience. How else do you get teenagers to stand in front of a crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands and have them dance and sing when the average girl would prob have a heart attack from the stage fright. The training IMO is less singing and dancing as stuff like that you either have or you dont, but you can always build and refine social skills.

  12. I'm here raging on other non-Kpop forums and people are like "WTF is wrong with this kid" lol. My support goes unheard. I can't even concentrate at work.

    If we send something it should be like a comfort package. Though I would think the address where we sent T-ara stuff is no good with the recent change in dorms and that Hwayoung threw the deuces. Snuggie, Ben and Jerrys and a Netflix account would've took her mind off things.

  13. It's easier to egg on a timid person than someone who has more self-esteem and respect. I'm sure Boram went along just cause...didn't mean it but did so. Qri...just being Qri lol. I also have no idea with Hyomin. In IY, where I first saw her, she is super timid and surprisingly no different the second season. *insert Jackie Chan meme face* I'm just like Hyomin don't take crap from nobody you're from T-ara. But then when I see T-ara videos [Dream Girls, Hello Baby, etc.] she just becomes alive and full of energy. This day and night difference of her behavior around people made my opinion of her drop a tad bit. I still like her but the dual personality thing ain't so cool.

  14. What are all the mods or admins doing at this hour? I see no action being taken from our fandom, much less korean ones. It's just saddening, to just sit back and watch t-ara engulf into flames before us.

    To be fair you posted this at 9AM...my time. I work evenings and nights lol.

    What would you guys suggest. This isn't something that can be resolved with money. I would look rather silly doing a candlelight vigil by myself [though I will do it] as T-ara fans are scattered throughout the world.

  15. I'm not liking your post cause you agree with me [though that's just as cool], I liked it cause you're a Nana fan LOL. I'm just glad Hwayoung isn't going down without a fight. Nam Gyuri received similar treatment from KKS and she let them win. She never got the fans on her side like Hwayoung did.

  16. Here's an example of group banter where if Nana freaked out, the members would've been in equally hot water. Again, it's not the intent of the people but how the victim/recipient takes it.

    - The group as a whole single her out.

    - Uee looks at her with a shocked expression.

    - Kahi steals her mic saying "no more"

    - Jungah claps when Kahi does.

    The key thing here is Nana didn't take offense. Banter, yes. Bullying, no.

  17. I'm not entirely agree on the 'encouraging tweet' part.

    like they girls (or at least Hyomin) tweet, everything must happened for a reason. so, Hwayoung and Hyoyoung replies ALSO must happened for a reason.

    plus, Korean fans already said a lot about the tweets. in English, those tweets really seems harmless. but in Korean, and if a Korean native read it, it has a warning and sarcastic tone, especially with the "I applaud the acting genius" part.

    so, let just hope that the GIRLS, and not their representative, will come forward and clear things up. if not, then there will be a lot of things left unspoken, and that is bad.

    The author's tone is always lost in text and is inferred by the reader. Couple that with the translation barrier.

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