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  1. [13.05.11] Chris Brown sends a love call to T-ara N4, T-ara N4 to travel to LA to meet with him T-ara N4 received a surprising love call from pop star Chris Brown after he watched their hip-hop title song "Rural Life". T-ara N4's agency Core Contents Media said on the 11th, "We surprisingly received a love call from Chris Brown. On the 12th, they will depart for the United States to discuss music." The meeting is happening because of T-ara's Dani. On the 9th, Dani attended Chris Brown's concert where she is acquaintances with him. She showed her T-ara N4's new music video. Along with Chris Brown, famous pop singers Ryan Lewis & Macklemore and Trey Songz also watched the video. Chris Brown is reportedly interesting in their style, music and choreography and the fresh hip-hop style. Chris Brown invited them to his video shoot, but they were unable to make it due to Dream Concert scheduling. Chris Brown has suggested that they make music together in the future and they will meet with him after his concert in San Jose. T-ara N4 make emergency schedule readjustments and will travel to LA on the 12th at 3:15 KST to meet with Brown and talk music. *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130511n04082 / http://news.nate.com/view/20130511n03887 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    5 points
  2. [13.05.11] Video HD - T-ara N4 @ Love Request http://youtu.be/XtCNNSIJtWc http://youtu.be/f5PxSJxniL4 ** credit: 뚜 껑 @ youtube
    4 points
  3. Oh goodness, someone please tell me what KKS is thinking. The girls have a horrible image in their country as it is, and Chris Brown (regardless of how well his songs may fare on the charts) has a legitimately bad reputation as well. Clearly putting the two together isn't in PR's best interests.
    4 points
  4. [13.05.11] Video HD - T-ara N4 Coutryside Diary @ Music Core http://youtu.be/LPZyVWMHUDc ***** Credit: KMusicLiveMBC @ youtube
    3 points
  5. [13.05.11] Video - Daily T-ara In Seoul - Day 2 ** originally from: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/t-ara uploaded by: chesskidgaf@youtube
    3 points
  6. This is absolutely and even appallingly ridiculous. Chris Brown's reputation for being an woman beater alone is more than enough to say that this is one of the most profoundedly stupid moves on CCM's part for T-ara's already broken image. It's like they're trying to damage the group's image even further! Come on, seriously? Do they even have any idea what Chris did to Rihanna? The man is a horrible scumbag who should have his ass hauled to jail and forbidden from the showbiz. Being a womanizer as well, if anything, T-ara should stay away from him as far as possible. With SNSD preparing for its own US debut this year, seems like CCM's gotten bloated off with its idiocy again. Why am I not surprised. Then again, CCM did try to make T-ara a group of 9 members like SNSD last year
    3 points
  7. The most hated group in South Korea collaborates with one of the most hated men in America... lol. What is KKS thinking? This is going to do nothing to help T-ara's image in Korea, besides, they should promote more in Japan, not think about a US debut right now.
    3 points
  8. Someone please teach KKS and his PR team the ways of image management!! KKS has become insane now and has lost the capability to think rational. Wait, he was never sane to being with and that's the reason, T-ara is into this mess now. What is wrong with him?? He should have learnt his ways by now and Chris Brown?? Reading comments about him at NB, he is definitely not respected and loved in Korea at all... I can see a storm coming!!
    3 points
  9. [13.05.10] Video - Daily T-ara In Seoul - Day 1 ** originally from: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/t-ara uploaded by: chesskidgaf@youtube
    2 points
  10. [13.05.10] T-ara N4 to thank their fans by giving autographed hats T-ara N4 will give a special gift to their fans. T-ara N4 will perform at the KBS 2TV "Osong Music Bank Special" on the 10th and on the 11th at "Dream Concert". At the end of their performances of "Rural Life", they will send their autographed hip-hop hats into the audience. T-ara N4 has a unique title song, "Rural Life", that follows a hip-hop style and with similar outfits. Each stage, they will give these hats away. This will be a gift for the fans who have shown interest in "Rural Life" and the crossover genre of hip-hop and traditional music. T-ara will perform at "Music Bank", "Dream Concert", and "Inkigayo" with a Samulnori quartet and a 35-member back-up dancer team, expecting to show off a powerful, exciting and unique stage. *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130510n14118 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    1 point
  11. On a side note, aside from the Rihanna case, Chris Brown is also known to have even gotten in pretty bad scraps with Frank Ocean and Drake Graham a while back too (the latter which involved a LOT of people injured). The guy spells nothing short of a troublemaker, to say the least.
    1 point
  12. i am not really sure if this was good news or bad news.. i guess it's kind of both.. good news because of course Chris Brown is a big name he could totally help T-ara be more recognize & well known worldwide but this could also be a bad news since CB has a really bad reputation because he beat Rihanna up and was proven guilty.. i am sure all the knetizens will bash T-ara more (well not that they aren't already).. this may end up by them having more bad image in Korea but this could also mean them having the opportunity to widen their fan base internationally.. so it's kind of a double edge sword.. but i wanna stay positive so maybe this will bring good.. i mean who knows after their collab w/ Chris Brown maybe some other Hollywood stars will take notice & interest in them.. that could atleast be the start.. plus even though i don't like Chris as a person (because he beat up Rihanna then cheat on her) i still like some of him music & even listens to them.. proves that international fans don't really care much about image if they like the song they buy it.. so if they like T-ara's music then they will buy it no matter what scandal they hear or no matter what knetizens bash them.. well according to allkpop article.. "According to Core Contents Media, the T-ara members were able to get in touch with Chris Brown thanks to their upcoming member Dani. Dani has apparently known Chris Brown since her elementary school days, and hearing that she is currently in the States, Chris Brown invited her to his performance in San Jose, California for a radio station concert event, ‘94.9 Wild Jam‘. After the concert, Dani met up with Brown and when she mentioned that she’s training as a member of T-ara, he showed immediate interest as he’s been taking a closer look at K-pop lately thanks to Psy." so apparently she knows him since elementary (just don't know how) and upon learning that Dani is in states, Chris invited her to 94.9 Wild Jam.. so there must be where she showed the T-ara N4 video since Ryan Lewis & Macklemore and Trey Songz also watched the MV..
    1 point
  13. I have to disagree with you today. Given that T -ara's image isnt any better in Korea but still it doesnt mean that they shouldnt bother to care about their image. Chris Brown has lots of fangirls but this guy's image is worst than Biber's. While T-ara's have bullying scandal, Chris is woman beater. God, KKS is dead in his mind. Bullying scandal and woman beater?? Man, this will be the best Combo, even say "Made in Heaven".. Fans are gonna support and haters are gonna hate but believe me, this is not DONE. There is something like common sense which our CEO, the dumbest in the history doesnt have. He is the very definition of " COMMON SENSE IS NOT COMMON AT ALL"
    1 point
  14. i wish the flight or the plane of N4 using will have some problem on the day they are suppose to take off sorry if it sounds mean BUT YEAH I REALLY DONT LIKE THAT GUY like seriously COLLAB WITH CHRIS BROWN that looks like a maniac dude our N4 is TOO GORGEOUS and INNOCENT FOR HIM TO COLLAB WITH! T___T i want to kill KKS NOW!! LIKE NOW! that decision of him is a BIG PIECE OF BULLH*T the image of CHRIS BROWN IS TOTALLY A PIECE OF SH*T.. when this news have release i immediately search his name and the freak IT IS ALL A PIECE OF xxxx i dont even see a GOOD AND RESPECTABLE ARTICLE ABOUT HIM FOR HEAVENS SAKE! does KKS KNOW HOW TO GOOGLE! gaddmit.... haisssh! N4 stands for BRAND NEW IMAGE RIGHT!? and N4 still is dealing with the so called bullying stuff and antis are really not stopping to bash them and it is really irritating like a sh*t haisssh... i wish KKS still have that so called brain .. he is TOO EAGER TO HAVE LOTS OF MONEY DUDE... I JUST WISH THE BEST FOR N4 AND TARA BUT KKS IS ALWAYS BLOCKING LIKE A xxxx AND MADE A PIECE OF DISGUSTING DECISION .... TSK... I HOPE THIS WILL BE A GOOD ONE CUZ ITS PROBABLY MAKING A 50-50 POPULARIZATION AND A DOWNHILL ONE HOPE FOR THE BEST ON MY GIRLS..! T ARA FIGHTING ! N4 FIGHTING <3
    1 point
  15. ugh... what the hell did I just wake up too. I was sleeping normally... fine... at 11 pm. And all of a sudden, I woke up fifteen minutes ago at 3 am in the morning for no reason at all. Casually checked my twitter, and WHAT!? And found this!! Omgod! It was my woman senses... telling me that something horrible was going on... smh... smh... I enjoy his music. But I don't support him as a fan. I can see this going one or two ways... Maybe netizens will turn around and be like, "oh no we have to protect our girls from his evil grasp!?" or "birds of a feather... flock together...." This is really so random. And how is dani and chris brown "acquaintances!?" Someone EXPLAIN!!!! oh gosh... this is so utterly... interesting. There is a part of me that is thinking... that nothing is going to happen from this and that ccm jumped the gun on this one... ahhh... CCM! WHY YOU NO GIVE OUR GIRLS AND THEIR FANS A REST! we're tired fighting battles... T_T let us refresh....
    1 point
  16. in the us eventhough a certain artist have encountered controversies regardless of those scandals as long as his music can still hit high on the charts those controversies would just stay on his shadow.. international speaking if t-ara n4 would be in associate with chris brown's name that would be very beneficial for them worldwide because it would help them broaden their fandom.. in korea, k-netizens/haters would just keep on bashing what t-ara will do in the future so why do we need to care for them.. the important thing is collaborating with an international star could bring t-ara's name to its greater heights internationally.. let's think positive things and dont mind k-netizens/bashers/haters will say, besides they will always talk and talk and talk bad things to t-ara.. we should just say to these insecure people "WHY YOU HATING?, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" hahaha..
    1 point
  17. Whether this is good or bad, only time will tell. Let not forget, no matter how bad CCM/KKS is in handle PR or issue, they are still the one who brought T-Ara from a rookie to where they are now, without them there may not even have this 7 girls coming together. Rather than using my brain to judge whether this is the right move from CCM/KKS, I would use all my focus to supporting T-Ara. Hope that this come out good, even if it not, I'm prepare to stand by T-Ara even if it against the world.
    1 point
  18. yeah! I'm happy for them to get the international artists attention. good job, Dani...she must be really proud & admire of her unnie so much until she not hasitate to show they video to Chris Brown... come one everyone, think positive...it's not like only Chris Brown only saw the video but the other artists also.so the possibility for them to collaborate with other artists also high.Chris Brown can be they starter to get others artists attention. maybe Rihanna also will interested in them also later even so they are break up but they still friend, right. even so I like & prefer all T-ara member not only they unit go there but I'm happy for them.maybe this can be they connection to get more overseas attention.after this, all T-ara members turn to go there... about haters, just ignore them.they will never satisfied with other people life just because they life is suck.they just jealous with T-ara & this can make them more jealous.this can make them see they bad word are not worthy in front the international artists ... but this also mean, Speed also get they attention because they have rap part in that video to...
    1 point
  19. ahhh dani looking forward to it :'D no worries guys, we got eunjung and jiyeon that 2 taekwando hotties to protect T-ara XD
    1 point
  20. [13.05.11] Video - Princess T-ara Episode 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LxnhTaSm6U&feature=youtu.be credit : tarahappyrain @ youtube
    1 point
  21. Hwayoung please come forward and defend T-ara. Don't be spiteful.
    1 point
  22. the MC shouldn't recall that hurtful memory.... the MC should understand and be more sensitive about "sensitive" things... T-Ara not need to explain anything else about that scandal... what's over is just over... whether they explain it or not, do netizen want to listen their explanation? netizen just know how to hate, so what's the point of wasting their energy and tears to explain it? T-Ara girls are getting better now... they're trying to move on and take another new step with new strength with new look... and as Queen's let's we focus to support and love our girls in a good way... Hwayoung is Hwayoung now... i support her as "Ryu Hwayoung".... and wish she will find another best way for her career and life in future...
    1 point
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