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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2012 in all areas

  1. [12.12.21] T-ara to hold large-scale Japanese fan meetings ahead of Japanese arena tour Girl group T-ara will hold their first large-scale fan meeting in Japan! According to their agency Core Contents Media on the 21st, T-ara will meet with Japanese fans early next year in an arena tour reaching 10,000~20,000 people each show. In June, T-ara toured in Nagoya, Fukuoka, Sendai and Sapporo. They successfully sold out a 20,000 seat two-day concert on a weekday at the Japan Budokan arena. They were one of the first Korean groups to perform at the legendary Budokan arena in Tokyo. Ahead of the arena tour, T-ara will hold large-scale fan meeting from December 24th to 28th in Tokyo and Osaka. They will perform hit songs and be able to communicate with their Japanese fans in a variety of ways. T-ara have a busy end of the year because after their fan meetings in Japan, T-ara will head directly back to Korea for the end of the year music programs in Korea. *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20121221n13226 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    8 points
  2. [OFFICIAL] T-ara Official Android App Update (21/12) For the rest of the images: CREDIT: brandinator.minus.com + craZy + tiaradiadem.com
    5 points
  3. Look, stop being a KKS apologist. He obviously has a problem with the talent defying authority, which is why he acted like a gigantic douche about the Kara controversy. http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/core-contents-ceo-wants-the-kara-members-gone http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2012/08/netizens-catch-on-to-kim-kwang-soo.html The reality is, idols are treated quite poorly. They don't seem to be paid very well, they're constantly being overworked and because these ones (Kara and T-ara) happen to be female, they get further discriminated against because Korea is a conservative, patriarchal society. This latest episode just seems to me like KKS is doing all he can to take a jab at Kara because he's afraid that his talent might get upset with him one day and leave, like Kara tried to. He isn't a fan, he's a very unscrupulous businessman. He knows that dissent amongst idols spreads, hey, if a big girl group like Kara can have issues with their management and try and revoke their contracts, maybe T-ara will try that! This is a classic diversion strategy. "Oh, but Kara did it too, so why are you blaming T-ara?" Well, they didn't. And even if they did, does that absolve T-ara from blame? Not that I even think T-ara deserve "blame" for doing this. They don't, they're mostly adults, they can advertise whatever they want without netizens getting on their back. But dragging Kara's name into this was low. It definitely smells like he still has a grudge. What BUGS me is that KKS and CCM are once again both lying, AND making idiots of themselves, at the expense of T-ara. All they had to say was "it's our group, our company, we can promote however we want, shut up." Why bring up other actors? Why bring up Kara?
    4 points
  4. [sPONSORHSIP] Hyomin for Kaal E' Suktae (12/14) For more sponsorship photos: http://www.tiaradiadem.com/forums/gallery/category/7-sponsorships/ CREDIT: craZy + tiaradiadem.com
    2 points
  5. Video HD - sexy love + all i want for chirstmas is you
    2 points
  6. T-ara work to death... Though I'm really worried about your health but it's not time to rest, not at all!! When Korea and its general people have set bad image of you all in their minds, its better to establish yourself in japan... And later, they will come and claim" T-ara is our's. We love them and all" like they did to Kara!! So better to work hard for your bright future now even though it may be hard as hell... Looking forward to your fan meetings!! Love y'all
    2 points
  7. Really??? Why other idols can do it and T-ara can't? This is so iillogical and ironic....Those peple just want to bash T-ara ....
    2 points
  8. Honestly I don't think it's ccm's fault this time, they probably didn't foresee this coming...but I'm really sick and tired of netizens bashing t-ara for everything xxxxing thing, pardon my language. I hate having to see hate comments about t-ara all the time... Note: I can't stand how some fans keep on saying that they 'don't know how t-ara will recover from all this'. Honestly. As long as we support them, what's there to fear? Don't you guys have faith in our girls? Cos I definitely do.
    2 points
  9. I disagree with the opinion that this is CCM/KKS's fault. As much as I dislike T-ara's management at times, I don't place blame on them for every little thing the netizens complain about. If the netizens were silent, and T-ara made a ton of money from this, I doubt most people would be objecting to CCM choosing this endorsement. This pachinko news was actually spread on Twitter more than a month ago, and no one said anything negative. So netizens now influence our opinion of right and wrong? So CCM should plan every move around what may potentially be criticized by netizens? Sounds like that's giving them more power, not a great idea to me. I know very well the bad that can come from gambling and how it's viewed in Korea, yet I have no problem with this endorsement whatsoever. I don't think pachinko is the greatest evil on earth. I literally laughed when I saw netizens were actually trying to create an issue out of this. Who cares what the netizens say? It's a bunch of losers competing for the most 'liked' comment. A Queen's on Twitter is even reporting the majority of Korean news is siding against the netizens on this issue. T-ara is making public appearances, has a Presidential endorsement, so maybe this isn't worth getting excited about.
    2 points
  10. <facepalm> CCM.. when are you going to learn. Get proffesional help for public relations!! Pachinko is actually more like the game machines in arcades that give you tickets that you can exchange for prizes (dolls, cigarettes etc.) only in the form of silverballs.. It's legally not considered as gambling but illegally you can exchange the silverballs with tokens/coins instead of prizes and usually in the back alleys near every pachinko shop you can "secretly" (though everyone knows) exchange the tokens with hard cash... .so legally its not a gambling machine (gambling is officially illegal in Japan) but they are being used by the Japanese underground for gambling. But since it is common knowledge for Japanese (doubt the girls know this) CCM should've known better.
    2 points
  11. "Hallyu actors and KARA have also done advertisements for pachinko machines" And if they jumped off a cliff would you make T-ara do so as well? CCM really knows how to annoy people.
    2 points
  12. [AD/PROMO] Hyomin for Ceci 2013 For more magazine spreads: http://www.tiaradiad...gazine-spreads/ CREDIT: haams.tistory.com
    1 point
  13. [12.12.20] Alcohol NO! Gambling OK? T-ara embroiled in new controversy in Japan T-ara being hired as the models for the Japanese Umi Montogatari Pachinko machine has become a controversy. In Japan, T-ara has been chosen to be the models of the new model of a pachinko machine called "CRA Deluxe Umi Montogatari". On the 24th, T-ara would go abroad to Japan for the launch event of the pachinko model. On the homepage of Yahoo! Japan, T-ara's "BO PEEP BO PEEP" concept pictures and ads for the pachinko ad can be found. The ads pictures are with Hwayoung, before she left T-ara. In Japan, pachinko machines are the most popular in the leisure product industry and are recognized as a source of gambling. Korean netizens have pointed out, "T-ara doesn't do ads for alcohol, but will do them for gambling?" Just a day before, T-ara's agency Core Contents Media said, "We think it's inappropriate for T-ara to appear in ads for alcohol and to cater to the youth drinking culture. T-ara has young fans and want to keep an image of suitable for all ages and thus decided they will not appear in it." T-ara's agency responded to the comments that the comments previously made are hypocritical and said, "It's true T-ara did ads for this product, but it's not a gambling product. Hallyu actors and KARA have also done advertisements for pachinko machines." *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20121220n14521 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    1 point
  14. [12.12.18] T-ara deny exceptional offer for alcohol CF deal so they can keep image of appealing to all ages T-ara have politely denied an exceptional offer for an alcohol advertising deal. Besides their maknae Areum (19), all of T-ara are adults. According to recent news, idol groups have the second most amount of influence on today's youth and T-ara wanted to make sure they kept their image as an appropriate girl group. T-ara said, "We want youth to mimic our dances, fashion styles and enjoy us for that instead of cater to encouraging the youth drinking culture. Because of this, we thought it would be inappropriate to advertise publicly for an alcohol brand." T-ara also said, "In the future, we hope there will be less advertisement appearing to youth encouraging them to drink." *** Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20121218n14067 Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem
    1 point
  15. [PICS] Hyomin & Eunjung @ Presidential Election Vote (12/19) For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...-election-vote/ CREDIT: TV Report + News1 + Arts News + Star News + Newsen + robbe_881 + craZy + tiaradiadem.com
    1 point
  16. [EVENT] T-ara @ Premiere Of "Marrying The Mafia 5: Return of the Family" (12/17) For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...remiere-122012/ For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...remiere-122012/ Credit: newsen.com + tvdaily.co.kr + robbe_881 + Sweettreasurer + tiaradiadem.com Download this photoset: RAR. http://www.mediafire...js8xbhorwtwgjm6
    1 point
  17. [12.12.22] Video HD - T-ara on Nihon TV Happy Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRO0FZ4nGc CR: tarajwelrybox @ yt
    1 point
  18. [EVENT] T-ara @ 2012 MelOn Music Awards (12/14) For the rest of the images: http://www.tiaradiad...-awards-122012/ DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire...njsk2pbkbvpqb49 (144 photos) Download link includes both red carpet and performance photos.
    1 point
  19. [12.12.21] Video HD - T-ara @ Music Bank http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7DXP7VoIpiU Credit: krisbrows04 @ youtube
    1 point
  20. Yep, it's a double standard. I'm shocked so many people are actually convinced by the netizens that the pachinko deal in Japan is equivalent to the alcohol promotion.I keep seeing the statement meant they wanted to appeal to all ages. Since when? They said they didn't want to contribute to the youth drinking culture, since drinking is a big deal in South Korea. However, pachinko is not a big deal in South Korea, and is very mainstream in Japan, so how does the pachinko thing in Japan contradict their statement of not wanting to contribute to the South Korean youth drinking culture? Who cares about the statement? Netizens are telling us to care, and apparently some are listening to them. Even Korean news is saying it's not the same since it's a different culture. If normal Koreans are saying they're not the same thing, we are seriously going to contradict them?
    1 point
  21. yes you are right about not give too much importance to netizens, is a good way to make them less important. But i don´t like CCM, another agencies handled scandalls for their stars much better CCM was pathetic.
    1 point
  22. i like this performance. the bgm is not so loud as usual and we can hear their voices clearly ^^
    1 point
  23. santa. whether i've been good or bad. can you make my wish come true and send me to japan to see t-ara just once in person!! pleaseeee.....and also if its not too much to let me follow them for the end of the year music programs in korea too XD.... t-ara fighting. i hope santa will give you girls a true dream vacation without any work at all. Only fun and plenty of time to relax. eat plenty of yummy food while in japan!! merry christmas!!
    1 point
  24. T-ARA really needs a vacation... Not to get manicures and pedicures and not to get free time from the idol world. They need to have a vacation so they are not overworked and get really exhausted. Anyways, Japanese fans are really lucky^^ Dear Japanese fans, Take care of T-ARA =D
    1 point
  25. I'm glad that they are still famous after the incident.. But I think they need to get a full rest or vacation first.. I'm kinda worried about them when I saw their pictures they seem very tired already especially Jiyeon... She looks exhausted ..
    1 point
  26. If I am not mistaken, this pachinko and t-ara thing is not new. I have heard about it before. Yes, i agree that advertising gambling machines is not good but the fact that they rejected an alcohol cf is something good rite? Hypocrites or wad. They still did something good. I am sure other artists, actors or anyone would take up both gambling and alcohol which are bad without getting any hate from netizens. Anything T-ara do, they will bash, bash and bash. Some of the comments made by netizens are really harsh. I remember feeling very sad when i read those comments. But now, no Maybe i have had enough for the past few months to the extent that i no longer feel sad now. I will only continue to support them. T-ara fighting!
    1 point
  27. I think this controversy is going to mark a significant transition in T-ara's career...namely, spending considerably less time promoting in Korea while focusing primarily on the Japanese market for the time being. This controversy has been much less damaging abroad than it has been domestically for the girls as evidenced by sales for Sexy Love in Japan (not a runaway hit but still comparable to their other singles in terms of sales) and the less chilly reception they have received from both the press and the general public. Netizens are obviously not ready to let this issue go yet, and I doubt that KKS or CCM is willing to give the girls any sort of hiatus, so it wouldn't surprise me if instead of releasing new Korean material at the beginning of next year we get a Japanese single first. Next year I predict T-ara will spend most of the year in Japan with maybe one comeback in Korea later in the year to test the waters to see how things go, and honestly, I think that would be their best course of action...they've outgrown Korea and have pretty much peaked in terms of the success they could hope to achieve in their homeland at this point, while in Japan they have much more opportunity for growth and continued success if they are committed to making it happen. Long story short, I hope that this controversy serves as the catalyst that allows the girls to simply break away from Korea for a while to focus on truly breaking in to the Japanese market. In doing so perhaps they can find even greater success in that market while salvaging and repairing their tarnished reputation in Korea.
    1 point
  28. "Hallyu actors and KARA have also done advertisements for pachinko machines." Dunno how this is somehow related and makes everything okay. I also don't know how just because they are friends with each other this means it's impossible for KKS to hate KARA. You can be friends with people your parents hate. It's the same thing. During the controversy with KARA where they were threatening to leave their company, DSP, due to poor management there, KKS was denouncing anyone supporting them and a news site his company controls were among the first to release negative stories about the KARA members.
    1 point
  29. T-ARA needs to leacve CCM ASAP, is imposible fot T-ara to build up again their image with retarded pig KKS braging for his imaginary money endorsement CFs and taking decitions just for money without thinking about the girls. everything that has happend is CCM fault, if from the begining T-ARA had explain the situation and CCM wouldn´t kick out Hwayoung from the group(i don´t miss her, she wasn´t anything extraordinary) this wouldn´t became such a horrible scandall. And after all the hate T-ara received and continue receiving, KKS doesn´t give them a year or half year hiatus JUST BECAUSE OF MONEY, he doesn´t care if the grils are loosing their health and are depressed and strugling to smile many times, he doesn´t care if stupid netizens hurt them for nothing, HE ONLY WANTS MONEY, HE IS squeezing them like oranges, i can´t imagine how the girls are suffering i´afraid for them. And besides this stupid CCM/KKS bad management, Knetizens are retarded, don´t have a life and are pushing the girls to the limit. Stupid loosers behind their keyboards being brave because nobody knows who they are, doing this just for fun because they will never be anybody and envy T-ARA success and plus another groups fans who are afraid of T-ARA because they know very well T-ARA is the best girl group in Korea, and this scandall gave them the oportunity to stop T-ara success. PLEASE T-ARA BE STRONG, BUT BREAK FREE FROM THAT STUPID CCM The problem is that CCM/KKS were braging yesterday about not accepting that alcohol CF, because of T-ARA image toward tenagers. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM, if they weren´t braging (as always) no one would care the pachinko or they wouldn´t have a reason to criticize T-ARA , and the worst is that KKS and CCM are not the ones who are loosing here, they are earning their money anyway that is what they care in the end, but the worst is that T-ARA members image is being suffering more, and CCM don´t care as long as they can keep doing money with them.
    1 point
  30. Underage alcoholic drinking is something that is discouraged, not encouraged. SNSD has discussed alcoholic usage amongst them already on talk shows, if I am not mistaken. Recently this year, J.Y.P. informed us all that 2 of the members, Yenny and Yubin, of the Wonder Girls, are his drinking buddies. 2NE1's CL did a CF for Cass Beer with Lee Dong Wook. As long as the fandom realizes that they are of age to consume alcohol, it doesn't mean those who are underage should do the same. Best to remind them to wait until they are of age, then they can start drinking responsibly, or not drink at all. I believe by now, they have a good understanding just who are trying to end their careers, and who are supporting them back home. A great many things, if not everything that is directly tied to business as a whole, are part of public relations. It's the message they are trying to convey which should reflect in what they are doing in service to the public that makes the difference. Knowing full well that they are going to have an underage member joining them soon, it makes perfect sense that they are currently not qualified to be part of this advertisement. Correction here, we're currently living in an era when everything is getting connected to one another with people thinking more globally than before. Since K-Pop has gone "global", such news about T-ara is going to cycle through the media, whether it be on t.v., telecommunications, and/or online, which is no different when the world watches artists from the U.S. on their habits and controversies. They are still people in Korea who support them very much, as fans throughout the world. Since no bullying was found, it's pretty clear the only issue that needs addressing is what T-ara is going to do next to continue onward, like Hwayoung rejoining them. Idols are much more than manufactured products. People without humanity do not care for others at all, which is no different than a psychopath and a lunatic on a murderous rampage. Until there's proof that it is scripted, one can't simply claim that it is to begin with. Either archive what they say and do and understand what they're trying to do, or don't believe the hype and just step back away from it all and let go. There was no proof that the show was suppose to be about that incident at all, just because of the title. It won't make sense though, because they already explained it in Kim Kwang Soo's Interview, Soyeon's Interview, Hawyoung's Tweets, and the T-ara's Handwritten Letter. And as I recall, not that many hoped for it from here. We can all see for ourselves that a majority were commenting just how terrible the antis'/netiziens' reactions to this, right here. So no, that is wrong already. Scared, or trying to be mature about it? Since it was quite personal for them, naturally, they won't want to talk about it, since enough of it has been discussed, explained, and even apologized for by all of them, including Hwayoung herself, and Kim Kwang Soo. I think what some people missed in the show is the human nature to strive even harder so they won't make that mistake again. It has been already covered that every job, even a C.E.O. of a company can be fired. Again, that is completely rhetorical to go by that perspective. That show sort of reminded me how Hyomin didn't want to even talk about Jiwon and Jiae leaving the group back then. I can understand they went through a lot this year, and for those who don't believe in their explanations and their apologizes, that's too bad for them then. Still would like to see payroll documentations and copies of their paychecks to confirm that. If overseas promotions was not healthy, when actually they are healthy, even for the fans around the world, why expand globally then? Whose to say that isn't the only business perspective that Core Contents Media currently sees? Remember, they are not naive, especially when this is not the only huge money offer that they had turned down before. If they were so money tight on their finances, they would've jumped on every single huge offer they got, but no, they did not. So clearly, that perspective is not valid enough to consider. As a fan, I'll include them along with "T-ara" too, as well as other groups that show potential. And there are times when there's no plausible reason to be skeptical on, when the obvious is practically truth. Not believing in the truth being told is already delusional and anti-socialable. Considering the state they are in with certain fans, it is quite understandable why they did it in the first place, at the time. Obviously, this piece of news makes the group image much more better. I'm sure if the company were in financial troubles, the company could've allowed only certain members of T-ara in a counter-proposal, who are of drinking age, to participate and accept the revised deal. But since they did not, there's really no need to assume that the company is facing such problems at this time. It would be much more satisfactory to have proof of such allegations, rather than guessing how bad things are. God knows, we can imagine all kinds of terrible things in literally everything. If one wants to go to Hell, that person should go it alone and not drag others along who are innocent and able to redeem themselves. Since when was confessing to fans is a bad thing, whether it be in a show, on their CDs, music videos, in the media, online? I don't see a problem in being current with their fans and acknowledging all of the fans' support here. I believe the company looks down on illogical, whimsical, unproven, falsified, claiming opinions as if though that person was an employee of Core Contents Media, when in fact, he/she is not. As noted in previous reports back then, like that dancer. Criticizing hatefully is what I believe @Eunjung4eva is touching on. Pointing out the faults is one thing, but adding that emotional content does in a way invalid the very nature of being a critic. One can give a thumbs down while respecting the attempt without the hubristic need to brag about it. If per se one person did something wrong and another person understood why and says something in defense for it, can it be correctly perceived as a straight out lie, or a matter of honor and duty, or even perhaps both? Does the intrinsically value truly favor a polarized position on the matter? It will always fall upon one's own belief and actions, and truly, no one can say that the company lies all the time, nor state allegations as fact, unless there is proof that is brought into the light. Surely entire organizations fall from making so many mistakes, much like criminal organizations, but is Core Contents Media that corrupt? Where is the proof of this? So far, none have come forth, nor an investigation. Which concludes that such apparatuses to be null and voidable. And one of the key difference between a soldier and an idol, . . . an idol's primary job is not to fight in wars.
    1 point
  31. This gives me a bigger suspicion that the alcohol CF deal was likely just a lie for PR - a terrible PR tactic, to be precise now that the timing is considered. I agree with klee95 and iAmEd here. People need to goddamn see that while netizens can be a bunch of whacks, the damage they do can be ultimately recovered from through time and laying low. However, damage from the agency is just asking for trouble to brew up if it's not fixed ASAP and looking at CCM's record, fixing internal problems is next to impossible for it. These guys are burning T-ara down to the ground and it seems like their management tactics/strategies, excuses and all that are becoming far more pathetic for every dumb public announcement they make. I don't see ANY way T-ara can recover from CCM's sheer idiocy in the long run. Anyone wondered why DBSK split? Internal issues between the group and SM. Not exterior ones like antis or netizens. The way I see it, idol groups seem more frail to internal damage than external. "Hallyu actors and KARA have also done advertisements for pachinko machines." I don't know about actors but KARA is massively big in Japan. T-ara pales in comparison. CCM seriously needs to stop dragging other groups in articles such as this. It's stupid and childish. Hell, it even looks like CCM still has some sort of bitter hatred towards KARA simply over a lawsuit way back in 2010 that didn't even involve CCM itself in the first place. Again - stupid and childish. Full stop.
    1 point
  32. Comment by rarakhunnie @ allkpop " CCM responded: "It is true that T-ara shot a CF for Pachinko but Pachinko is not gambling. Song Seung Hun, Bae Yong Jun, and even KARA shot CFs for it in the past." I had no idea what Pachinko was so, "Pachinko (パチンコ?) is a mechanical game originating in Japan and is used as both a form of recreational arcade game and much more frequently as a gambling device, filling a Japanese gambling niche comparable to that of the slot machine in Western gaming." 1. [+905, -10] I feel like I'm watching a sitcom whenever I read about them... A sitcom called Kwangsoo and the 7 idiots ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2. [+700, -9] They didn't reject the alcohol CF because they didn't want to promote the wrong image to teens. They didn't do it because they knew they'd be hated on no matter what they did in Korea ㅋㅋ look at them trying to grab a piece of the pie in Japan now 3. [+595, -11] I honestly don't understand how what they're doing is logical at all. Don't they know that this is the time to quit the entertainment industry and try to find a career elsewhere for their future?" Those comments by k-netizens made me cry... This year unfortunately went downhill for T-ARA... Even though Eunjung thought this year would be T-ARAs year. I'm so sad right now... Japan, please love T-ARA right now^^
    1 point
  33. [CY] Qri's Cyworld Update (12/15) CREDIT: Qri's cyworld + craZy + tiaradiadem.com
    1 point
  34. Nice. but there should not be a number. Girls don't age, they just grow in beauty!!!
    1 point
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